Make a elite cataphract force of 50 than charge them to their horse division. Elite cataphracts are superior in all ways. Then, charge the horses on to the pikeman and archers then charge the soldiers and arrows. Dont forget that these has to be mostly legionaries. I hope my tips help. submitted by /u/Visible_Tax7920 [link] [comments]
Im a vaasal of Battania. Its 1095 and i have about 2k influence, $5mil denars, 3 kids and my fiefs are: Revyl, Varcheg, Balgard, Varnovapool and Sibir. I purposely gave away fiefs at certain times that were on the other side of the map cause I wanted a solid location for defense. I think I did that pretty swell as I basically own all of Sturgia.
Is this a solid time to leave the Kingdom and start my own? This is only my third playthrough and i’ve never got this far/had this much success so i have no idea how big of a move it is.
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