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How to earn parts

What's the best way to unlock parts? I feel like I smelt everything I get but still have no 3 tier parts. Do I need to buy the weapons and smelt them all or can use get by just smelting what i find? submitted by /u/trynalearnsumthins [link] [comments]

Navigating Bannerlord MP: A Newbie's Plea for Guidance

Though I'm a relatively new entrant to the Bannerlord multiplayer scene, I'm certainly not a novice regarding the game's combat system. In fact, I can handle the single-player combat experience with ease, effortlessly taking on 2-4 enemies at a time. However, the game's multiplayer aspect poses an entirely different level of challenge, akin to crashing an F1 into a brick wall—it feels almost impossible to surmount. This isn't without reason, as the multiplayer community appears to comprise a relatively small collection of dedicated players. This scarcity likely contributes to the game's steep learning curve. If new players could join effortlessly and have a smooth gaming experience, the community would probably be a lot more crowded.

A few aspects I've assessed:

  • Defence: This includes blocking both with and without a shield.
  • Deception: Making use of feinting to mislead opponents.
  • Countering: Mastering chambering, a skill that requires precise timing and technique.
  • Maneuvering: Or, as I refer to it, "sliding" (though I'm uncertain if this is the official term. This involves shifting your body to land quicker, albeit less powerful, hits.)

A short queue of startling challenges:

  • Uncertainty in Offense: The combat doesn't seem to operate in a logical give-and-take manner. While it may be a common notion that after a successful block, it's your turn to strike, the reality appears quite different. I've found myself in numerous situations where, right after blocking and initiating my counter-swing, my enemy manages to ready their next swing and hit me before my attack lands. It feels as though I'm stuck in a never-ending cycle of defensive play.
  • Delayed Swing Speed: Embedded within the above issue lies the core problem — my character's swing speed feels painfully slow. This limitation tends to push me towards a more defensive, reactive approach in battles. Particularly, when my opponents are able to execute and connect their swings faster than I can initiate mine, the concept of feinting loses its value. There seems to be no logical incentive to feint when I'm constantly outpaced by my enemy's swing speed.

I recognise these frustrations are my relative inexperience. I'm fully aware that continued practice is the key to improving, and I'm committed to doing so. However, the magnitude of these challenges is quite intimidating on its own, let alone when you're faced with an onslaught of armour-clad warriors fervently declaring it's 'Harvesting Season'. It's important to mention that I exclusively play on cRPG servers, simply because there aren't any available '1v1' or 'training' servers in Australia (at least, none that I've come across.)

The point of all this:
I'm more than open to exploring online resources or watching tutorial videos that might assist me during this crucial learning phase. It's important to me that I avoid picking up habits that could be detrimental to my training and overall gameplay in the long term. Therefore, I would be highly grateful if you have any suggestions or valuable resources.

Submitted July 31, 2023 at 12:19AM by WeAreAllSoto


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