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How to earn parts

What's the best way to unlock parts? I feel like I smelt everything I get but still have no 3 tier parts. Do I need to buy the weapons and smelt them all or can use get by just smelting what i find? submitted by /u/trynalearnsumthins [link] [comments]

Viking Conquest: What's the point of infantry when we have spearmen?

My second post on this subreddit, lets see if we can get a discussion going!

So i've been playing Viking Conquest for well over 500 hours and I've really immersed myself into the play style and reliance on tactics in this game compared to native and other mods. However, my issue is that of the usefulness of infantry in this game as opposed to their competitor, the spear-men.

I found it initial an easy choice by looking at their stats first. For this example we will look at the Norse troop tree, to emphasize how strong spear-men can be. Norse Huscarls, by far, are the strongest unit in the game with 385 One-handed swing speed, amazing armor, power-strike, and Ulfberht swords. While the Norse Hersis are easily some of the worst high-tier spear-men with only 280 in pole-arms, good armor, at long spears. Despite these stats, in a shield wall it seems the Huscarls lose alot of their magic, in my personal experience.

An amazing part of the shield wall is the ability for the other soldiers to help each other despite the distance between them being far or too close. With spears, this is covered well. Men up to two lines back from the front have still be able to help the front line when advancing, and this is just with the Hersis. Meanwhile with Huscarls, due to their use of Ulfberths, Rich Swords and Langsaxs, the second line can barely help the front line. I've noticed their power when it comes to taking the beaches in a port siege, but other than this event they seem only good on paper and one-on-one scenarios.

If anyone has noticed this as well please don't hesitate to discuss the matter with me as it troubles me quite a bit that the best infantry in the game can't really compete in a shield wall. I suppose that it's realistic for them not to be as useful in a shield-wall using swords and such, but given that point I don't understand the purpose of them. Thank you for your time?

Submitted September 26, 2017 at 10:02AM by Joaquin823


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