Some of my custom hired troops from the Mercenary Guild un-equip certain weapons I give them. Anything below Hired Knight on the cavalry tree refuses to hold throwing or ranged weapons, and the Hired Knight refuses to equip a lance. I double-checked to make sure they had the necessary skill requirements, and they do. Is there a minimum proficiency level the custom troops have to have to use weapons?
I captured a 'Young Witch' from a tavern bounty quest, and I have no idea what to do with her. No one seems to want to ransom her, I can't recruit her from the camp menu, and the top option in the dialogue screen with her does nothing. (I'm assuming that's due to my low persuasion skill, because I've never had success with that option, on her or any prisoner. Is it a way to recruit prisoners directly rather than using the camp menu?) Should I have just let her escape after defeating her?
I noticed that you can recruit parties of Perisno Pilgrims directly from the dialogue screen. Is this something you can do with other parties and troop types (Wolf Knights, Old Gods followers, etc.) if you have positive relations with them?
Unless I'm going crazy, my character keeps getting random boosts to attributes. I've gained at least three points in each charisma and agility without spending the point from a level up. My companions and I will also gain an occasional skill point without leveling up, which seems to coincide with doing things like winning tournaments or rescuing lords. Are these actually the result of something I'm doing or would they be happening no matter what?
Submitted September 26, 2017 at 12:56PM by heartlessjerk http://ift.tt/2hvdZ3j
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