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Bug report in need of FIx

My game keeps crashing occasionally when I enter towns. I have GTX 4060 with Updated drivers, 200 GB of free space lef ton my 1TB hard drive, 16 Gb ram, and the setting on game are on freaking medium only, why does this keep happening? I know how to mess around with files and appdata if required, I just want a working solution. Not this is vanilla too, no mods, though some mods are downloaded for multiplayer, none are active submitted by /u/jim20130 [link] [comments]

[AWoIaF] Is there a list of what Valyrian weapons are in game and can be obtained?

Anything like this? I know you can kill lords permanently in this mod and get their unique equipment. Here's the list of Valyrian weapons in the canon lore and who's supposed to have it. If you can confirm the presence of any of these weapons or people in the mod please let me know. I've seen this asked several times with inconclusive answers so lets work together and form a comprehensive list :)

-Heartsbane: A Greatsword. Owned by Randyll Tarly in lore and in game.

-Lady Forlorn: A Longsword. Owned by Lyn Corbray in the lore. He doesn't appear in the list of lords so I'm not sure if he's in game. His older brother Lord Lyonel Corbray is in game and may have it instead. Or maybe Lyn is a companion for Lyonel?

-Longclaw: A Bastard sword. Jon Snow has it in lore and in game.

-Nightfall: A Longsword. Owned by Harras Harlaw in the lore. He doesn't appear in the list of lords so I'm not sure if he's in game. The current head of House Harlaw, Rodrick Harlaw, is in game and may have it instead. Or maybe Harras is a companion for Rodrick?

-Oathkeeper: A Longsword. Formerly owned by Jaime Lannister and then Brienne of Tarth in lore. It's not on Brienne and Jaime doesn't appear in the list of lords so I'm not sure if he's in game. If he is in game he's likely a companion to a Lannister lord.

-Red Rain: A Longsword. Owned by House Drumm in lore. Dunstan Drumm is in game and likely has the blade if it exists.

-Widow's Wail: A Longsword. Owned by Joffrey Baratheon and then Tommen Baratheon in lore. Joffrey doesn't have it so it's likely not in game.

-An unnamed Valyrian Arakh: Owned by Caggo in lore. It's in the game files. Formerly you could recruit The Tattered Prince and Caggo was one of his two companions. The Tattered Prince is no longer recruitable according to the wiki so I don't know if the Arakh or Caggo are still in game.

-An unnamed Valyrian Axe: Owned by House Celtigar in lore. Ardrian Celtigar is the lord of the house and likely has it in lore. Their island Claw Isle is in game but it's owned by Stannis Baratheon instead. Ardrian Celtigar isn't in the list of lords and House Celtigar doesn't seem to exist in the mod.

-Blackfyre: A longsword. Location unknown in lore. Owned by Aegon Targaryen in the mod.

-Brightroar: A longsword. Location unknown in lore. Likely not in the mod.

-Dark Sister: A longsword. Location unknown in lore. In the game files but location unknown. Possibly not implemented?

-Lamentation: A longsword. Location unknown in lore. Likely not in the mod.

-Orphan-Maker: A longsword. Location unknown in lore. Likely not in the mod.

-Truth: A longsword. Location unknown in lore. Likely not in the mod.

-Vigilance: A longsword. Location unknown in lore. Likely not in the mod.

-An unnamed suit of Valyrian Armor: Owned by Euron Greyjoy in lore. I'm not sure if Euron is in game. Likely not in the mod.

Submitted November 17, 2017 at 07:04PM by Churchboy666


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