The world is mine. I'm waiting for my grandchildren to be born for the achievement but what do I do now? No mods available as I'm an Xbox player, tempted to abdicate my emperorship and then declare war but then I'd be against 70k+ enemies and I'd be destroyed 😅 submitted by /u/iProctee [link] [comments]
So I'm a new player to POP, loving the mod, b I had a few questions about the troops.
If I join a KHO, rank up to Grandmaster, and then leave to join another, can I still get the first order's troops, or am I locked out of them? I assume that I can only have the troops from my current KHO, but obviously I'm not certain.
Tying into the first question's assumption, the Custom Knighthood Order is different though? You can get the troops from the custom one whether you've joined or not?
I know you can spend money and qualis gems to open new chapters of KHOs, but since gems are in high demand to beef yourself, your companions, and your CKO up, what benefits does having more chapters of a KHO carry?
Thanks in advance for any answers!
Submitted November 26, 2017 at 12:24PM by Ennara
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