In Warband you would allocate troops to formations on your party screen. You could put individual troops in formation 1,2, 3 etc. In bannerlord it feels cumbersome having to do it in the battle deployment screen using the sliders. Is there a way to change this? submitted by /u/FingersToKeyboard [link] [comments]
Playing the Viking DLC sandbox I got the quest that says you need to grab jewelry for a lady. I was asked to bring 3 fucking pieces of it to Turid. Obviously I'm already having doubts about it since she seems like high maintenance, but I might still go through with it. But where do I find jewelry? I've heard Friesland but that's a long fucking way when you don't have a ship. Any other suggestions where there's a high spawn rate of it?
Submitted December 30, 2017 at 08:46PM by storgodt
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