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Mixing Cultures?

What culture is the child of Parents with 2 different cultures submitted by /u/Due-Yam1628 [link] [comments]

(Shower Thoughts) What term would best describe M&B's third-person movement/camera style? And why don't more games use it?

So I've been thinking a lot about how much I like M&B's camera and general movement scheme and how I don't see it used in a lot of games. In the typical 3rd person game, like the Witcher, Dark Souls or Assassin's Creed, your character always turns to face the direction of movement. Press A and you turn and run to the left. Press S and you turn and run toward the camera. In M&B (plus Skyrim and Fallout) the controls are sort of like a hybrid of 1st/3rd person, where you always face forward but can strafe and backstep. You move like you do in a 1st person game, but the camera's pulled back to look over your shoulder.

Personally, I think the M&B's hybrid style is far superior for melee style games because it lets you maneuver around enemies while keeping them in front of you. I can't stand how in the Witcher or Dark Souls, if I want to back up to make a little space between me and my enemy, it makes me turn my back to him and run toward the camera, and then I need to turn back around to reorient myself. It just looks and feels stupid to me. But I also much prefer 3rd person over 1st person for melee games because I feel like it gives me a lot more situational awareness than a pure 1st person view, which feels a bit claustrophobic.

The thing is, whenever I search for 3rd-person melee games, theyre almost always in the style of Dark Souls and Witcher, with the camera pulled back to show the full body and turning in the direction of movement. There's usually also some kind of dodge-rolling involved as well.

So, for one thing, I think there should be a lot more melee games that use M&B and Skyrim's camera style because its just great. And secondly, I think there should be a term for that camera style to distinguish it from the typical 3rd person dodge-roll style game.

Submitted December 18, 2017 at 04:24PM by LordIrontoe


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