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Showing posts from August, 2018

Those don't look like "Plains" to me.

So, I end up loading into a fight after reading the Auto Resolve where it says that the battle location takes place in the "Plains" as well as looking visually at where im located on the map with not a single tree in sight around me, and then i get a marsh surrounded by trees. Begs another question, if I would have auto resolved, would it have auto'd on that map I loaded into or would it have auto'd with a Plains modifier to cavalry/horse archer troops? submitted by /u/tjburke93123 [link] [comments]

When you only see one person (NW)

We were running in the normal line formation. And then we see a random guy and the officer tells us to ignore him. Keep in mind he was running behind us to a hill. Where his entire regiment was waiting for us and was lined up. So we realised it and turned around, but it was too late and we all died as a regiment of cavalry apeared out of no where and killed us all. Submitted August 31, 2018 at 06:45PM by 65thHammy

Switched my favourite equipment - again

So, I picked up Warband again and used to go the slaver route, but this time with a bow instead of a crossbow. Oh, the joy of having 68 Khergit arrows and a warbow! Melee weapon of choice was the iron mace, in order to get more captives. Being mounted, I had a good time... But I did not get rich. I also suffered at the hands of many a lord, despite having power strike/draw at 7 and 200+ weapon skill archery/two-handed. So, being the clever chap I am, I figured that my equipment is wrong/does not suit the playstyle I am doing. Since equipment is the single most determining factor in WB for battle effectiveness in my opinion (Interesting Idea: Doing a run with no personal battle skills raised, only relying on party skills) - something had to give way. So, I thought to myself: Maybe the iron mace is not so good, I should use a onehanded/shield combo. Enter the Elite Scimitar and the knightly heater shield (I had one on hande). Big improvement. Somehow it almost felt like the mouse ...

Wake me up when the waiting ends

Harlaus has come and passed The Khergits can never last Wake me up when the waiting ends Like my patience come to pass Six fucking years has gone so fast Wake me up when the waiting ends Here comes the devblog again Falling like my darts Lured me to my pain again Becoming who we are As my big party rests But never forgets about that vow Wake me up when the waiting ends Adulthood has come and passed The patient can never last Wake me up when the waiting ends Ring out the horns again Like we did when the hype began Wake me up when there's a release dateee (8) Submitted August 30, 2018 at 03:21PM by bLancoCamaLeon

Why the memes?

Hi, ​ I'm new to the MB meme world even though I have 600+ hours on it. ​ I know the Harlaus butter meme is because his fiefs only have butter,but, why the rest? I'm talking about making fun of Rhodoks, Swadians, companions etc. Submitted August 30, 2018 at 03:33AM by BobblyPop

Stupid little feature Iwish Banerlord has

This may seem like a minor thing but one of my biggest pet peeves with warband is when your king offers you a fief and can't check where it is on the map before either accepting it refusing it. I hate accepting a village and have it be on the opposite corner of the kingdom. Submitted August 29, 2018 at 04:36PM by Dieselratrod

150 hours in and I just found out, on accident, that I can hold f1 and point where I want my troops to hold position.

All this time, I've been running around double tapping f1 trying to get my troops in position before the enemy gets to me. That is, if I don't just charge outnof the gate. This completely changed the game for me and I feel like an idiot. Now, I just need to figure out how to set archers on top of walls without them just grouping up in a ball and running circles instead of lining up at the ledge and shooting invaders. Submitted August 29, 2018 at 03:31PM by RockLobsterInSpace

M&B Warband, quick question

Just got it, my first mount and blade experience, enjoying it so far, but I kinda have no idea what to do, after freeing the merchant's brother, I'm just wondering from city to city, buying and selling stuff, fighting occasional forest bandits. I don't want to watch YouTube videos, because as I seen so far, they just take your hand, and lead you, I want to experience the game. So if you could just tell me roughly what to do, what to focus on early, what does the game offer, etc I just found out you can marry into power while scrolling this sub, so yeah, only two mechanics of the game I am aware of are fighting and marrige. Any help is much appreciated, thank you all in advance. EDIT: about mods, I'm definetly looking twoards trying some, but I want to experience the vanilla game first Submitted August 29, 2018 at 06:48AM by IIIArtukaIII

Just a small feature Gamescom made me realize I wanted

Instead of just getting flavor text in the town menu to describe whether the town is rich or poor, actually being able to see signs of poverty/prosperity like stray dogs, people wearing rags/ clean streets, well-dressed populace, etc. would make the towns feel a lot more alive. Submitted August 29, 2018 at 01:53AM by TurdOnYourDoorstep

Gamescon: Post you fave gameplay

Its been hard to find decent gameplay from gamescon alot of it is first time players. If you have good/interesting gameplay showing off the new features or a entertaining battle sequence you have found please post link below. Also, If anyone has any footage showing the new enterprise system that would be cool Submitted August 28, 2018 at 03:00AM by IMSOMANIAC

Some shower thoughts

Would u be mad if you are the investor of the Taleworld? You were expecting profits around 2014, and it dragged on to probably 2019, u probably lose a huge amount of money because you miss other investment opportunities. And one of my friend suggested that it can be Taleworld doing this intentionally so they can receive more funding from the governments. This thoughts came to us because we came from China and these kind of practice are very common. Companies fake projects and work in low efficiency so they actually earn millions from government. And Turkey is also not known for their open government and market, also M&B is like a national IP for them, I wonder whether Taleworld are receiving fundings from Turkish government. And coincidentally, the only investor doesn't care much about the return rate and efficiency, is the government. This is just totally out of curiosity. I have no malicious intent and wish Bannerlord would be a great game. I probably miss some important ...

A theory on Calradian linguistic history

Linguistics and history are two of my strongest interests. I thought it'd be fun to puzzle out the language families of Calradia. I can't make images on my phone so I wrote it all out. I'm sure at least part of it is wrong. The Mountain languages are inspired by Slavic and consist of Sturgian and Vaegir. The Northern languages are pseudo-Germanic and come from Nordland. Vlandian is the tongue spoken by the adventures who first conquered western Calradia. It eventually evolved into Swadian, which over the centuries fractured into a Swadian proper and Rhodok dialect/descendant. Old Nord was the language of those who were left behind by the ancestral Vlandians and evolved into modern Nord. Old Nord greatly influenced Sturgian and formed the basis of the Skolderbroda dialect. The Calradic family consists of the Latin-like Calradic and Celtic-based Battanian languages, which are loosely related. The Forest family is the smallest and oldest. It's inspired by Finno-Uralic...

Looking for a player named Lenny

You were on Kaiser’s RP and I was going to friend you but forgot about steam not being the multiplayer conduit, I’m just holding out hope you might be here, you glorious lancer. It’s me, Coolbeans. Submitted August 27, 2018 at 12:22AM by MilkMilkerton

Horse killing...

When a battle is ending i find myself target practicing with my bow on poor helpless horseys running free on the other side of the battlefield. It's helped my aim tremendously but i always feel bad when they oh so dramatically pitch back and then fall dead. I'm a bad person. Submitted August 26, 2018 at 06:22PM by WesVin25

First Character in Bannerlord?

I’m curious where everyone is gonna start off in their first bannerlord campaign. I myself will probably go battanian and either two handed axe or sword and shield. Faction- Equipment- Troop composition- Submitted August 26, 2018 at 02:39PM by stoney58

I hope factions have good weapon diversity (at least beyond the empire)

In the first game, if you were Swadian, it was swords and shields, maybe some horsemen with morning stars, and lances. I hope we get axemen, polearms, swords and shields, Spears etc. with all of the factions. Style should of course be regionally and culturally distinct. But everyone was using a big stick with an axe head on the end back then. Everyone had swords and spears. Submitted August 26, 2018 at 10:08AM by J11Wars

A suggestion for the conversation interface

Here's what it looks like: The problem is, the information is all over the place. You're eyes are constantly darting across the screen. You need to look at the name in the top right corner, read the text, receive information about money in the bottom left, then move your eyes to the bottom middle to continue. In warband everything was condensed into one area so you didn't need to constantly dart your eyes around the screen. It would be much more efficient if all the information was at the bottom instead. Submitted August 25, 2018 at 09:15PM by FlazzleDazzle

Hidden stuff like CTRL+J while on horseback?

I know this may be known to some of you but I've never really seen this mentioned in-game or on subreddit. You can make some really good screenshots with it! Or stop from full speed instantly. Also CTRL+SPACE while on map for super fast forward. If you have any "hidden" key combos, tricks or tips please share them! Submitted August 25, 2018 at 08:14PM by dejwbyte

I got to play and capture 25 minutes of Bannerlord

Last year I posted gameplay I captured at Gamescom and it seemed to be of interest here. This year there seems to be more video out there, so the sequence I have might not be of use to anyone. I hope someone will be interested in watching it. Submitted August 24, 2018 at 05:52PM by grailly

Is anyone else excited about creating maps for Bannerlord multiplayer?

One of the best things in Warband for me was to see people smash each others skulls in a castle or battlefield of my own design, and then trying to balance the scene so no team has too great advantage. Also, even if they won't fully implement that feature, it literally can't be worse than Warbands Edit Mode, so that's great too. Not to mention potential for singleplayer building features, but I'm not counting on any at this point. Submitted August 23, 2018 at 08:38AM by H__D

Screenshot/info dump of Bannerlord's encyclopedia and other details

Clans: Concepts: Other info: All of the above screenshots have been taken from this video at 3:00. Info on where to buy or sell trade goods for profit can now be seen in the trade screen when hovering over items as seen in this screenshot taken from this video at around 7:10. Mules are now present on the battlefield and can be seen carrying baggag on their backs as seen in this screenshot taken from this video. From this screenshot in particular, we can see that the player will have access to multiple parties depending on their renown tier, that there will be a companion limit of 6, and that we will be able to appoint a designated engineer, surgeon, quartermaster, sergeant and scout. From this screenshot in particular, we can see that different factions will have different sets of laws and rules which might indicate a deep political system unlike Warband's. Submitted August 22, 20...

I think they're seriously close to finishing Bannerlord

TaleWorlds have been telling us since 2016 that they think they're almost done with the game, yet it never seems to arrive. This time around though, we've got way more knowledge of what parts are and aren't done in the game. Previously, we had a limited list of features we knew were implemented because we'd seen them presented, but had no idea about everything else. Now however, with plenty of people getting to play a hands-on singleplayer demo, we have the inverse. We know that everything is pretty much done (subject to further polish) except for the set list of features that were excluded from the demo . When you look through that list, it's nothing too major, especially when you account for how we've already seen much of it. Stepping through each feature on the list: Character Creation This one we know is done. They explained that they excluded it for time reasons as the demo only goes for 30 mins per person and we saw it demonstrated in 2016. I'm sure...

Any Turks here able to verify this? Release date interview in Turkish, by end of 2019.

LINK to article with video. Google translation of article: We've got special details about the date of the exit for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, which has been unanswered for years to come. The craving is over, the game is coming in 2019. We did a very special interview with Ali Erkin, the general manager of TaleWorlds, the local gaming company that made us proud of what we did. Both highly anticipated new games in Mount & Blade II: We learned about the history Bannerlord details pleasing both the output of the hidden heroes in the sense of Turkey's exports have received information about game developers and industry. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord can be with us without the end of 2019 if there is no setback. Would love a translation from one of our Turkish friends. Edit, there is some additional footage starting at 3:40 in the video. Submitted August 21, 2018 at 03:49PM by CharlieIndiaShitlord

Do the devs of major mods like Ice and Fire, Pendor, Last Days, etc have any plans to remake their mods in Bannerlord after it comes out?

From what I've heard, Taleworlds is striving to make their game flexible to encourage mods. I know it would be hard work, but it would be nice to see the mods we all know and love that improved Warband, take full advantage of Bannerlord's features. Have any of the mod devs mentioned migrating their mods to Bannerlord? Submitted August 20, 2018 at 10:37PM by Deathcon1337

List of all the different AI in the new video

List of all the different AI in the new video -Townsman -Empire Townswoman -Game Host -Khuzait Veteran Spearman -Aserai Master Archer -Seasoned Wolf -Vlandian Pikeman -Sturgian Horseman -Hired Crossbow -Dranga Longknife -Aldric the Shark -Mercenary Crossbowman -Sturgian Footman -Sturgian Bowman -Hired Blade -Caravan Guard -Sturgian Veteran Footman -Caravan Rider -Sturgian Horse Raider -Viking -Sea Raider -Looter -Thug -Mercenary Horseman -Mercenary Swordsman -Watchmen -Sturgian Spearman -Sturgian Bowman -Varag of the Forest People Not really sure if this list is useful at all, just made it based what I saw off the campaign teaser. Submitted August 20, 2018 at 07:21PM by taketheb8m8

Gamescom 2018 - Megathread

It's that time of the year again! Taleworlds is heading to Gamescom to show off more of Bannerlord, and this is the central hub for discussion of it. Gamescom runs from August 21st - 25th, and it is unsure which day Taleworlds will post official footage. The focus of this year seems to be the campaign. A 30 minute playable demo will be available to Gamescom attendants, alongside whatever Taleworlds chooses to present to the public themselves. Players are allowed to record their own footage, so expect plenty of gameplay to be seen. It has been stated a release date will not be present. If you are someone attending and recording your gameplay, feel free to post it on the sub. The let's play rule will be much more flexible in regards to this content. For the rest of us, Keep your discussion about the event in here. Some other threads will be allowed if they warrant their own topic, but for the most part talking should be kept to here. Bannerlord Gamescom Teaser Submitted ...

Bandit Factions are too fair for my Liking.

When they catch you, they meet you face to face and make threatening messages along the lines of "I wonna break yer legs, noice and slough", or "I vil drink from you skahl!" Yet, the battle starts with two parties far apart, as if the bandits take several steps backward to give the enemy a chance to develop his/her formation. This is what I still don't understand. It would be intuitive if such battles started with the enemies close to the player character - especially if their campaign personality is set to 'sadistic'. Submitted August 19, 2018 at 02:25AM by StubbornWaffle

i'm making mod .. how can i add bots

I'm making a mod for mount and blade . How can i add bots inside towns and castles , which will attack me on sight ? for attention i don't know how add bots at all And how can i add traps , that cause damage when stepped on ? Submitted August 18, 2018 at 05:51AM by ahmad199617

Anglo-Saxon/Viking Challenge M&B: Warband Mods

I've been watching and really enjoying "The Last Kingdom" on Netflix, and I got to thinking that this period in history would make a pretty good M&B mod. I loved studying this time period in both history and English classes so I'm hoping that there's a mod available that recreates this period in history. If anyone has any suggestions for mods that match this time period or feel that'd be awesome, thanks. Submitted August 17, 2018 at 11:16PM by NauticalLegacy

An interesting role reversal.

A long time ago, I was doing a Nord playthrough. We were at war with both Swadia and Vaegir. I took over the Vaegir city of Curaw. Unfortunately, the fighting was rather bloody. By the end I only had about forty men left, half of which were unconscious. Still, the city was mine, and I figured it would not take long to regrow my army. Then suddenly the Butter King himself rolls up with an army of over 1000 Swadians (no exaggeration - I counted.) He immediately besieges the city. I'm thinking: "Curaw isn't so far from Sargoth. Ragnar will surely come to my aid." And guess what the next message I received was? "King Ragnar is holding a feast in Sargoth. He invites you to attend." The message I received after that? "King Ragnar has decided to give you Curaw." Mere seconds later, the Swadians attacked, and I had to hold them off with only 30-40 men. Needless to say, my reign as Jarl of Curaw was short-lived. When I finally got out of prison, I ...

With all the creative feel to BANNERLORD. I hope they implement it where you can modify/create a faction of troops.

Just like how Prophecy of Pendor allowed you to make your own faction of units,you along with buy equipment for them to take into battle. Maybe you can balance it to be really good expensive, only a set number allowed at all times. Have them only recruitable in towns, fortresses. Just thought that would really be fun and unique to each play through. Also I'm just a guy that wants to have a trusty group of Butter Knights. Submitted August 16, 2018 at 10:31AM by BattleOfHouseSmith

Dickplomacy Reloaded 1.10, now with Gambling!

I will explain why an update is coming out so soon:I originally forked this mod, not as the base Dickplomacy, but as a version of Dickplomacy with the polygamy bug fix. The bug fix module contained three other things, Custom Troop Threes, HD textures, and a mod called "Amazon Orda", Amazon Orda, at the time, was added via compiled txts. So when I compiled from source, as far as I know, the items went away. Here is the problem: Amazon Orda, contains textures from PoP. I didn't know that at the time. I tried adding it into the game again, to see what the mod looked like when actually working (it took me several hours to add it in through source btw.) But when I got it working, I noticed that the textures looked literally the exact same as the ones found in PoP, so I contacted one of the people at the PoP team, and explained the situation, and he said he wanted to keep PoP closed source, and didn't want other mods to use them. So I am releasing this update that comple...

New player here! Just conquered Calradia for the first time

New player here (I picked up Warband about a month ago, on a whim) and all I can say is, WOW! What an experience! This game had me obsessed for the past few weeks... I couldn’t play other games, and I found myself babbling about fiefs and right to rule to anyone unfortunate enough to be within earshot. I’d love to go on and on about the specifics, so... I will! Enjoy. First off: the combat is incredibly addictive. It is shocking how so many AAA games have mounted combat, and how that mounted combat is always horrendous. Somehow the devs here struck a perfect balance. The jumping physics of the horse is kinda crazy, but it sure makes things a lot easier and faster (I don’t mind sacrifices in realism to make gameplay flow more smoothly). It took me a while to figure out, but I love how your melee weapon swings in such controlled, specific directions. There is nothing more satisfying than swinging a two handed axe over and over again on a sea of Rhodok backs (turn around, ya dum dums!)....

My Most Painful Day Of Warband

After messing around for many hours and playing this game for a long time I finally decided to try setting up a kingdom for the first time. Cue the massive invasions (which I managed to somehow defeat) leading to a final epic siege of an enemy town 80 vs 300+. Somehow I managed to win and walked away to smoke in celebration. During that 5 minute span my computer crashed and I lost everything. Submitted August 15, 2018 at 09:52AM by VermillionSoul


I hope we see a raid or siege on a village since you can upgrade villages to towns Submitted August 15, 2018 at 02:35AM by spicyboijohnny

Anyone else find peasants more annoying to kill than most units in VC?

I’ve been playing a lot of VC lately, and there’s been one thing I noticed— peasants— specifically peasant women— are fucking annoying to kill, way more so than really any unit other than Berserkrs, some Vikingrs, and Huskarls. Unless you have a bunch of ranged units, they’ll just sit there and fucking block every other attack with that little fucking stick of theirs. 😤 TL;DR: Big shield? No problem, I’ll just smash right through it with Nad or wait until right before you attack me, and gut you like a fish. Heavy armor? Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy, I’ll just cut your head off or hit you from behind. A dress and a fucking twig? Nope, time to block every other attack and not be affected by the axe-shield bonus. Good thing they die in one hit. 😄 Submitted August 14, 2018 at 04:48AM by ReapEmAll

Viking Conquest Face Modding

Has anyone found a way to get a decent face mod into viking conquest ive been trying to get this one: to work but i cant seem to do it. Submitted August 13, 2018 at 10:49PM by CavemanJared


I’m planning to start my Kingdom soon as I am almost friends with several vassals in the Sarranid Sultanate. However I noticed that the Kingdom of Swadia are in a disarray, as a lot of lords are disgruntled and restless should I begin my kingdom there? If you are going to suggest to attack the Khans, then I’m afraid they got wiped out almost. Now the Sarannid are probably the biggest faction. I really don’t know what to do... plus when I start my own Kingdom wtf do I do??? I know I should conquer stuff but I tried this in my last play through but things were tough... Submitted August 13, 2018 at 07:03PM by Shakesthespeare

On Damage, Proficiency, and Armor

Hello Butterlords, In one of my recent posts, I tried to calculate the potential damage dealt by units, but it seems that a lot of the information has either not been made public or is unknown. I don't know the exact formulas for stats such as horse speed, bow damage, proficiency speed boosts, and the like. I was wondering if anyone could dive into the code and give me some concrete answers on how the engine derives the numbers that make up Warband's gameplay. Thanks in advance to all! Submitted August 13, 2018 at 07:01PM by Oysterpuff

Consequences of attacking caravans?

I've never attacked a caravan before, I just assumed it wouldn't work out well. How much money can you get from hitting caravans? Does it hurt your honor or other stats? Damage faction/lord relations? Worth it overall? Submitted August 13, 2018 at 04:22PM by YuzuFan

Is anyone else a filthy cheater like me?

Pretty much 20 hours into Warband I enabled cheats and I haven't looked back. When I start a new file I import a fully maxed out character and tear into looters like a red hot cleaver through softened butter. Max lvl my companions too. I don't cheat with money, granted, but that's so minor when I've basically eliminated character progression. I know I have taken a huge part out of the game, and I do feel bad about it, but I can't muster the willpower to go through the grind. And I enjoy running around swinging massive weaponry too much xD Submitted August 13, 2018 at 10:51AM by YuzuFan

Age of Arthur

Hi folks, Just started this mod and to be honest i'm clueless. Religion, ships? any hints, tips or info on play AoA would be great. I went a Scot 'cause i'm a Scot. Submitted August 13, 2018 at 09:40AM by MoralityBypass

Anyone remember the first time you ever played Mount&Blade? If so, care to describe what happened/how it felt?

I don't remember much, but I do recall finding Firentis at a tavern and being so glad he could be my companion. I was subsequently hugely disappointed when we were ambushed by bandits in the night, and he just charged the enemy and got knocked out right away. I remember being so nervous to get into a battle, and when I did I'd just frantically ride away from the enemy after every single swing of my weapon. And I never thought I'd wrap my head around the combat system. But overall I remember being entirely encapsulated by the game. I read every word of every dialogue and just couldn't get enough. Damn I love this game. Submitted August 13, 2018 at 01:28AM by bringyourownbananas

How can I undermine my faction?

Vassal of the Nords 250~ days in Swadia down to 4 castles Vaegirs down to 2 cities and 5 castles Other than taking Curaw I had nothing to do with this expansion. King Ragnar has 15 vassals, including myself. My ultimate goal is to have my own kingdom but that’ll be harder with such a big Nord Kingdom, how do I undermine my faction? Submitted August 12, 2018 at 08:35PM by TheGinofGan

Oh my God this game is hard

I've played M&B for years, always with quitting without saving enabled. Today I tried no quitting without saving. OH MY GOD. I'm getting wrecked by bandits 24/7. It's so frustrating. No more speeding around the map and reloading if things go wrong. It's added a whole new element to the game - and I like it. Submitted August 12, 2018 at 05:19PM by Irish_Potatoes_

Dev Blog 17/08/25 - 381st Q&A session

I managed to get this leaked future Q&A. Still no release date. Greetings Warriors of Calradia! Toilet specialists are like sculptors who create the world that you see and interact with in a restroom. As we’ve seen before, it is not a trivial task, especially in an open, interactive sandbox world such as our studio. From small individual shits to huge mountain shits, going through stalls and private bathrooms, everything is cleaned by an artist and has to find a delicate balance between cleaness, historical references, and shitabillity. Today we talk with Ömer Mustafa, one of our 3D toilet specialists, who will take the opportunity to show us some pictures of some of the toilets he’s working on right now! NAME Ömer Mustafa FROM Diyarbakir, Turkey JOINED TALEWORLDS 2010 EDUCATION Bogaziçi Üniversitesi, Master's degree in speed toilet cleaning OFFICIAL JOB DESCRIPTION Head toilet cleaner WHAT DO YOU NORMALLY DO DURING YOUR DAY? “ I am usually assigned to various t...

PoP how to shorten CKO traning time?

The stats for CKO are abysmal considering what they upgrade from and the training takes WAY too long. I have already conquered almost the entirety of pendor with sarleon and CKO aren't even at decent stats yet, which is stupid because they upgrade from a units that have two to three times better stats than them. Is there a way to raise their basic stats to their previous upgrade standard and shorten their training time? Submitted August 12, 2018 at 05:34AM by Nightmare797

Mod Night - Red and Blue

The Republican Government has collapsed. Following years of a weak leftist coalition in control of Spain, military officers have gone from a limping conspiracy to full out revolt against the government following the assasination of Calvo Sotelo by police forces. Infamous general Francisco Franco, now the self proclaimed Caudillo of Spain, has landed on the mainland with battle hardened troops from pacifying insurgencies in Morocco and leftist revolts in Northern Spain. In response radical anarchists, communists, and defenders of the republic have arisen from the masses to defend the crumbling republic. Infighting has proven to be a problem, but one thing is certain among them all: They will rid Spain of tyrants, or die trying. While the western democracies of Europe remain paralyzed in fear, Germany, Italy, and the USSR have all sent aid to their respective factions in the war torn country, to ensure an ally for the gathering storm of the second World War. Thousands of men and wo...

Can't get new fiefs.

I am a vassal of the kingdom of swadia and they're always at war. Even though they are constantly at war they rarely siege things. So I can't really join any to increase my chances of getting a castle. I cannot siege anything by myself since I only have 50 troops with me. Am I doing something wrong? How do I know if they siege anything. Also I tried asking my king do siege a fort. He went up to it, then put it under siege but I couldn't really join. Then he just left. Submitted August 11, 2018 at 08:10PM by bobthe360noscowper

Dickplomacy Reloaded!

Hello everyone! :D I just made a mod, it's called Dickplomacy Reloaded. Basically it adds the functionality that you would find in normal mods, such as Dynamic Troop Trees, Custom Troop Trees, Freelancer, Tournament Play Enhancements, Single Screen Character Creation, and Rubiks World Map into Dickplomacy. ^-^ It also doesn't require WSE, but you still need the older (exe) version of Warband that comes with Dickplomacy. (Though I haven't tested it with the newest version of Warband so it might work.) Also, if you do decide to download it, please ignore (DO NOT USE) the "content options" folder, it is legacy, and the mod is compiled from source with all features. (This mod includes source btw) Also, I am hoping to support it in the future, i.e through content updates and bug fixes. I hope everyone likes it!! :D Submitted August 11, 2018 at 09:48PM by amazing_lily

Should I become a King?

I’ve been deciding whether I should become king. However I’m not sure if it is worth the risk! My right to rule is like 10-ish and I have ditched the Swadians for the Rhoduks and I have several Enterprises in both kingdoms! I have around 90 men 7 of them being companions and 16 of them being Men at Arms and a bunch of Medium tier infantry, Should I ditch the rhoduks?. Btw what’s the best way to siege a castle and not take huge losses... Submitted August 11, 2018 at 09:09AM by Shakesthespeare

PoP, ai honor penalties?

Does the AI get any sort of penalties on their knight orders at all for being dishonorable? I'm kind of getting pissed off having my villages constantly raided and at the same time facing AI spamming order troops... Submitted August 11, 2018 at 07:24AM by Nightmare797


What is the best way to make money in Mount and blade? I need 20,000 denars in less than 30 days. Any suggestions? I’m doing tournaments and I’m getting 500 from my enterprises EDIT: Just got the money from tournaments and selling prisoners thanks for the feedback! Submitted August 11, 2018 at 12:04AM by Shakesthespeare

Worst part of PoP

Don’t know why this is still a thing as of 3.9.2, but the fact that the ai gets to magically spawn in 200 - 400 troops every time they take a castle/city is not fun and is pretty much artificial difficulty Submitted August 11, 2018 at 12:26AM by Peppiping

[PoP] Totally upgraded village sacked

I come back after a heavy war and see multiple villages that were fully upgraded completely sacked. I go in and the option to rebuild everything is there. Will the craftsmen fix it all eventually if I just let it sit? Submitted August 10, 2018 at 11:58PM by DickButtlip

Early game lose

So when I lose a fight early game I feel utterly defeated and luke I've lost all hope to play the game. Like when the nation's start to war between each other hardcore but you only have an army of 40. So when you lose those people you can't get new people because everyrhin is raided and there are deserters and looters every where with parties of 20+ that one person can't deal with. What do you all do when this happened to you Submitted August 10, 2018 at 08:33PM by Doctor_Lovely

Holy hell, the Harlaus memes are actually real

Swadia was at war with literally all other nations. All of them. And decided that now was the time to feast. Over the course of several weeks now, after peace was finally declared with the Vaegirs and Nords, our favorite Butterlord has basically feasted the entire time. I am one of the few actually active lords, and I feel like I'm pretty much the only thing keeping Swadia together by constantly patrolling our borders, fighting lords and defending/capturing castles. I even got an enemy lord to defect to Swadia. Also, I am never chosen as Marshall when the time is right. Only when we're either at war with everyone or with noone. If I actually got to be marshall when I was needed the Vaegirs would have been gone since long. But nooo, Count Grainwad really needs that marshalship every time we're actually doing well. :( Submitted August 10, 2018 at 03:55PM by Zuazzer

Figured why MB heavy cavalry is op.

Mount e Blade is famous for heavy cavalry being OP, with many mods "fixing" it by limiting the amount of heavy cavalry (for example many mods use "realistic" recruiting where only nobility is cavalry), or by enhancing other troops. Vanilla MB has Swadia often dominating the entire map too for example. I was reading about roman heavy cavalry, that were basically tanks, the rider had literally zero exposed areas except eyes, and horse was armoured too, sometimes even the eyes of the horse were mostly armoured. And found out that one fundamental game mechanic missing from MB that creates the imbalance: fatigue. The reason romans put heavy cavalry in their auxiliary army (instead of joining the "legions"), and the reason although it was clearly overpowered in many senses, many countries didn't relied on it, wasn't the cost or rarity, it was that the heavily armoured horses would overheat, the heavy cavalry was useful for charging and causing massi...

What question about Bannwrlord would you like answered if you had the chance?

Other than the super obvious 99% top answer that I wont say, which other questions do you all have about Bannerlord that you would ask the devs if you had the chance? I would like to know more about late game Kingdom ruling, as that is by far my favourite section of the game. Submitted August 10, 2018 at 08:26AM by Societyinflames

Many people here play ArmA 3?

I think it might be amusing to get a little group started with butter-lovers who also like to slit throats for trinkets shoot stuff. Thoughts? Edit/ nothing super serious, just like for shits and giggles lol Submitted August 10, 2018 at 12:47PM by FishFella

Is there a cap to how long the AI will siege a town/castle for?

Vaegirs declared war on Swadia. Captured Dramug early on. I was riding between it and another Castle basically keeping them both under my control. While resting my forces in Dramug, a large war party came by and is currently sieging me. They attacked twice but failed utterly both times. Now they're just sitting on me, not doing anything. Every time I try to leave, they converge on me. I'm not confident enough to make a breakout attempt with my 84 so starving and battered guys vs. their 150+ (originally 300+), and I will not accept surrender as an option. My forces are starving and that asshole Harlaus had the stones to send 900 denars via carrier pigeon rather than a relief force. What do? Submitted August 10, 2018 at 05:19AM by Z0mb13S0ldier

Nords in Bannerlord

According to Warband lore (what we can learn from companions to be exact), Nords invaded Calradia a couple decades before the start of Warband (1257 if someone don't know). And I have an interesting theory. As Bannerlord probably starts in 1060 (if I'm not mistaken. according to some early screenshot from campaign map where you can see a date in the bottom), later in devblog about town menus on screenshot the date was 1084. It's not a new info that time goes faster in Bannerlord and years change also a lot faster but the theory is: what if in Bannerlord you (or your heir) will last so long for so called late game, that you will last near age Warband begins. So for 200 years in game you had enough time to conquer calradia, but to make game more interesting, Taleworlds added that late game crisis - invasion of Nords. It would be really cool and interesting, just I'm not sure if it's real to last for so long in game. And some little proof for this theory. In last De...

I truly believe Bannerlord is coming out soon

Judging by the latest dev blog, where they showed off the in-game info menu. Everything from troop trees to characters, traits, action/subfaction affiliations and everything else seems to be completed. They actually revealed several new features without even referencing them, just by showing the screens ("nord" and other new cultures, lords leading bandit armies) and also revealed a troop tree for one of the factions. Given that we've already seen the combat system in action, and even a bit of the campaign, and now we see the the data that ties the whole world together, it makes me feel like the game is close (max 1y) to release. Submitted August 09, 2018 at 03:14PM by DoodieDialogueDeputy

So, how the hell do bastard swords work?

It says in their description that they are one/two handers, but I have no idea how to make it a two hander as when I put my shield away it stays in the one hander style. Am playing on PS4, any help appreciated Submitted August 08, 2018 at 08:54AM by jihadi-alfie

Best mod for being a bastard?

I've been out of the game for ages, but I'm feeling the pull to come back. Only issue is that as far as I can recall, my existing characters aren't in a very interesting place; a king in Floris slowly expanding the borders and a post-story character in VC just casually dicking about fighting Sea Raiders. I've always wanted to play a bad guy in the game, caring not a whit for honour or reputation, attacking caravans and villages with a horde of scruffy unwashed malcontents, but it seemed that doing so would just fuck the game up for me as I made many enemies with little return. Is there a mod that, if not rewards, then at least does not heavy-handedly punish my desire to be a cock to everyone? Where I can essentially RP as a bandit warlord without having to worry that it cripples future progression? Submitted August 08, 2018 at 05:16AM by MrTomDawson

Will Bannerlord have other "players" that do the same things as you?

I don't mean simple NPCs, I mean a few other characters in the game that are controlled by the AI, yet function the same as the player, such as starting from nothing, being able to recruit any soldier, taking their own quests, swearing fealty to a faction, etc. They wouldn't follow the rules of NPC Lords, the would follow the rules of the player. Submitted August 07, 2018 at 09:33PM by Deathcon1337

New Mod Fallout: Ashes of Despair

Check out the new mod I'm working on! If it interests you and you want to volunteer and help out, please do! The mod dev page has a discord you can join and we can talk further there. Submitted August 07, 2018 at 12:44PM by Seagull1914