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Tactics to win any battle with aserai as southern empire

Make a elite cataphract force of 50 than charge them to their horse division. Elite cataphracts are superior in all ways. Then, charge the horses on to the pikeman and archers then charge the soldiers and arrows. Dont forget that these has to be mostly legionaries. I hope my tips help. submitted by /u/Visible_Tax7920 [link] [comments]

Sieges are borderline gamebreaking and urgently needs fixing (1.5.9)

Okay, so i started a new game maybe a week or two ago. I love bannerlord, one of my favourite games. Yes, it's lacking in many aspects, but it is early access, so I let it slide. Sieges, however, aren't only lacluster in some elements, but some are straight up broken. Here's a little list of problems i have:

  • AI still doesn't use ladders correctly. I have several times seen them not use the ladders AT ALL. That is gamebreaking when you play them. And when they use them (and in them, i mean one of them), it's only around 5 dudes who climb up, before there's a minute cap between ''the next wave''
  • The enemy AI (when defending) can be seen climbing on the attackers ladders. Not often, but it happens.
  • If you want to battle out the siege, you have to do one of two things:
  1. Rush the ladders early on and climb up yourself. MIND YOU I PLAY ON EASY, so this might not work at higher difficulties. When you're on the wall, you cause some damage and potentially outflank numbers on occupied enemy soldiers
  2. You break through the walls and swarm in.

I have personally found it borderline impossible to win without doing one of these. Ofcourse, if there's only under 100 defenders, you might be able to do it any way you like. But when attacking towns with 500 soldiers, no other solution is viable (at least for me)

  • The defending AI loves to rush out the gate when broken down, or through the broken walls when attackers approach. This is a huge pain in the ass. Yes, they're easier to kill, but 40 defenders easily kills my congaline of soldiers. It also frustrating, because why would they leave the more secure position behind the walls? I do appreciate that the defending is a bit more ''active'', and not just standing in a square behind the gates, ignoring all and everything that isn't the gate, but i honestly prefare that over the current situation.
  • Sometimes my infantry stands in spawn and does NOTHING. Now this is a very, very minor issue, as i can give commands and make them charge or whatever, but I'm used to the AI being allocated groups and objectives when i press Auto-Place (or whatever the pre-battle button is named). I meet this problem most often when i break down the defenders walls, so it might be that they don't have any siege equipment attachet, which makes them just.... stand behind and chill

Auto resolving is always an option, but i find it har to pull off. The defenders have a huge advantage, which is fair, but i think you must double their number of troops AT LEAST. Now that definitively possible in some cases, but if the defenders have 400-500 soldiers, YOU need 800-1000. I don't know about you guys, but that is not easy if you're not in a strong faction.

This is just my opinion on the current state of vanilla Bannerlord as of 1.5.9. There might be mods, but I'm waiting til full release before playing with mods. If there is a mod that fixes these issues, that's great, but it shouldnt be necessary for mods to fix core mechanics of the base game.

Do indeed comment solutions or feedback, as this is just my opinion, and might not match the experience some of you other players have had.

Cheers, and than you for the read! (and sorry for poor english)

TL;DR: AI attackers doesn't use ladders, Defending AI is too aggressive, Sieging is frustrating

submitted by /u/PaganCocks
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