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Mixing Cultures?

What culture is the child of Parents with 2 different cultures submitted by /u/Due-Yam1628 [link] [comments]

How do you deal with enemy kingdom after taking all their fiefs?

So I started a war with Vlandians and took their stuff one by one. That costed me 15 clan deaths including 3 family members btw (death rates are somehow messed up in my game).

Now they just rape villages here and there, and my vassals are dumb enough to be absolutely ineffective in defending the territory. King DeepRects' clan itself has like 15 active parties (which is not fair, as my t6 clan can field only 4 parties). They recruited absolutely all minor factions despite being broke and homeless. When I win a battle vs minor faction squad they just spawn in again decked out with high-end troops. If a MF member dies, their clan instantly gets a brand new dude with good skill level. If I recruit a minor faction, it works for a month or so, then they leave (sometimes right during the fight set up and suddenly I have 50% less troops). And running around to make a deal with MF takes too much time and just not fun.

Having won several hundreds battles without losing a single one, took all their land, threw every their lord into dungeon 20 times, and yet they are sure that I have to pay 2000K/day to those hobos.

I don't want to pay because that would fuel their guerilla warfare even more. And I don't want to persuade their clans to join because they became trash after such a long campaign, with half of their members dead.

I don't want to chop off their stupid pots in this playthrough because it leads the game to dark temptation of repeated mass war crime (and it's ineffective vs minor factions because of their insta-respawn - the only time I got a MF wiped out when I destroyed a kingdom and said minor faction was the member at the moment).

What's the best strategy at this point? Pay them and secure the land, wait before their clans run away and restart the war to get better terms?

submitted by /u/cheerkin
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