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Showing posts from December, 2022

Looking for advice on troops for a infantry only army (

Like the title said I’m looking at building a foot soldier only army and don’t know what are the best troops for what roles……….but those Fian Champions go hard af but lack the vibe I want and that is a solid melee unit(s) and some archers to rain hell down submitted by /u/Short_Shoe_122 [link] [comments]

New Year's resolution: be personally responsible for most enemy seige casualties

submitted by /u/igotthestupidapp [link] [comments]

It is gonna be a good tournament

submitted by /u/tripplewhooper [link] [comments]

Anywhere I can find a sortable table of all the *current* horse stats?

Title says it pretty much. Bought the game a couple months ago after playing warband extensively a couple years ago. Realized there's been several horses added and changed, and googling "horse stats bannerlord" gives me hundreds of different results from several different updates, and none of them seem to be recent. A helping hand to find a sortable table/spreadsheet of the most current horse stats would be awesome! submitted by /u/trueAnnoi [link] [comments]

How do you even begin to build momentum and not just flip settlements back and forth?

Hi everyone, not really a new M&B player but an inconsistent one. This may seem like a bit of a silly question, but how do you even begin to take over a chain of settlements? In my experience it's just flip flopping the outer edges back and forth because no one can maintain a decent army after a couple of battles. On top of that, this game really feels like a massive slog with troop management. I don't understand why some sort of buffer couldn't be put in place for a garrison when you take over a settlement. It feels like you just have to troop dump over and over and then run around to recruit and retrain. Does anyone have any tips on troop/settlement management? Another big issue is the settlements all rebel when starting to take new territories. I'm playing Battania and trying to get the Vlandians, but after a few lengthy wars there's been zero progress on either side besides a castle or two. If I get the settlement I always set it to the festivals and game...

Have cavalry been nerfed?

I’ve been playing the game periodically since release, I’ve noticed some changes with cav: They’re much more common. Every enemy army I fight seems to throw atleast 100 cav at me, and I have to actively try to avoid having an exorbant amount of cavalry myself because- Cavalry seem REALLY weak. Infantry in standard line formation frequently decimate both mine and the enemies cavalry, which is compounded by the fact that the cavalry AI seems to suicide charge straight into enemy lines, get stuck, then carved into pieces. Cavalry is almost a liability now, I find myself dismounting my cav frequently. In my memory, cavalry used to be a little more rare but also more powerful, I remember having armies of nothing but cavalry and feeling like the riders of Rohan. Now I cringe if my battle spawns and I have a higher proportion of cavalry than other troops. Is this a recent update? Even my elite tier cav get decimated, it doesn’t even seem worth it to recruit them anymore. Edit- add...

Thank you all bros, for sure, long live to battania!

submitted by /u/KenobiGrey [link] [comments]

Relatively new to the game, can someone tell me which one is better and why?

I apologize if this breaks rule 9, I currently don’t have wifi on the computer. submitted by /u/DrSkullKid [link] [comments]

In your opinion, is it worth repurchasing the game on steam to get access to steam workshop ?

I have the game on Epic, so the only place that i know to get mods is Nexus. No access to steam workshop so i'm missing on alot of mods (i guess). Money is an issue. Buying it again will grind into my gaming budget, obviously. So, knowing that, would you say that it's worth buying the game again, on steam this time, for the only sake of having access to steam workshop ? submitted by /u/salawow [link] [comments]

Can you somehow get your mod pull down menu to display all your installed mods?

I have over 50 Warband mods but the pulldown menu only displays the first 32 in alphabetical order. When I want to play one of the hidden mods I have to go into the mod folder and rename the file to something like AAAAAAAmodname. Is there a tweak so I can display all of my installed mods? submitted by /u/PacoElFlaco [link] [comments]

Mod issue?

Does anyone know of a Mod connect t or issue when attempting to make a companion a clan leader? As soon as I name the new clan it crashes. My mods are: (in order) More arenas Distinguished Service Improved Garrisons Enable Achievements Troop Sorting Diplomacy Tutelage Governor's handle issues Custom Spawns API Useful Companions Body guards Party screen enhancements With stamina Regen anywhere Arrange marriage for family Unlimited CAP Train troops w/leadership and level Agriculture estates Aggregated income submitted by /u/That-Cup5573 [link] [comments]

What are these ghost things on my campaign map?

submitted by /u/whiskeypatt [link] [comments]

My Brother Married empress Rhagea two days after I started the game, can I capitalize off of this in any way?

Title is self explanatory. My in-game brother used his ‘maximum rizz’ to score Empress Rhagea pretty early on into the game. I was dumbfounded, and managed to score a marriage with one of her vassals as well. Can I use my in game brothers marriage to better my situation in any way? Also, on a side note. Is there any way to get my family into my war-party? submitted by /u/Q_dawgg [link] [comments]

What mechanic is going on here and how do I fix it?

Hi Bannerlords, I'm in late game with 300+ leadership, tactics, charm etc. and I am running into an issue that I find to be very annoying. I go into a battle with say 350 troops but I when I'm placing them down pre-battle, I only get to arrange a small fraction of that force, maybe 100ish total? They will spawn in during the battle as needed, but it's such a let down to recruit hundreds of elite troops only the throw them at the enemy in teams of 20-30. If the game just wants to minimize GPU usage, then why does the enemy get to spawn so many more than me at the start of the battle? I don't get it. What mechanic is this, and is this something I can fix? Thanks! submitted by /u/But_is_it_actually [link] [comments]

What happened to Danustica?

So, back when the version 1.8.1 was release, I saw that they remade Danustica. As the picture show, I found it to be one of the best looking city of the game. It was amazing to see, really. Key word there, was. I don’t know what happened but now she looks like a city who hasn’t been remade, like the kinda default one we all know per heart at this point. Does anyone know what happened and if so, why did they turned back to those, at this point (415h of seeing them), uninteresting cities? Ain’t complaining, just want to know why, cuz I find it weird to go back to those type of towns after this. Also I was looking for having such a city and walking in it, enjoying the town. submitted by /u/Entire-Trifle-3562 [link] [comments]

Shitty way to lose a castle siege

submitted by /u/Big-Seaworthiness-19 [link] [comments]

Is this normal for y’all?😂

submitted by /u/Trick-Reflection5679 [link] [comments]

I dont get it anymore.

12 years of development and it barely if at all improves on warband. And theres people still defending this game first you said its all gna be fixed whit full release now you say future updates. i honestly dont get it i see people defending the dumbest stuff here wheter its making all the lord bland shallow nothings and making everything menu based bevause it was "annoying" to actualy have to find a guy to tell him something. This game is as big as an ocean but as shallow as a puddle so much potential wasted. I think everyone before release expected it to have atleast diplomacy like in the warband mod but nope diplomacy is not even existant anymore. Marshalls removed now its every dumb and dumber lord can create an army every 20 seconds and do nothing whit it except lose every battle because you cant order them to do anyhting. Also defatinga n army in warband actualy meant something since you knock out the enemy kingdom for atleast a week esspecialy if you capture the marsh...

Ok, you were right, this game is WAY easier if you execute everyone

I’ve conquered the map twice being the nice guy, not executing anyone and now I’ve taken the advice that someone on here gave me of executing every single lord I capture and I’ve got to say it makes things WAY easier. I let my vassals do the castle and city conquering and I just go around “hunting” for lords to capture and execute them. I try to target all the adults in a clan until they’re all dead and the clan gets eliminated. Once it’s down to just a couple of people from the ruling clan your armies are free to conquer everything with no need to defend towns or worry about armies sneaking up on you. I’ve executed every single lord I’ve battled since joining my kingdom (up to 250 heads chopped off now) and it has been working really well. Sure everyone hates me, including everyone in my faction but with the right policies the cost of calling and maintaining an army isn’t so bad and once Garios died they still somehow made me Empress. Comparing this playthrough to my last one I have...

Looking for a good character editor

I want to dress up my heroes in armour from the Elden Ring mod, and I'm looking for a mod that lets me edit the equipment they wear as well as allows sorting of listed items. I tried using the Character Reload mod but it doesn't have that kind of sorting feature and sorting by name, type and value isn't too helpful. Is there a better character editor mod that allows either sorting or searching of items? Submitted December 26, 2022 at 11:35PM by idogadol

Is everyones brother the same?

i am confused on if the brother you start with, the one you start with in the campaign is always the same for any future playthroughs or to anyone else, because mine looks nothing like my character. His name is Nejun and hes white and Blonde while im tanned and have black hair. submitted by /u/Sirbenji_ [link] [comments]

Anybody playing on PS4?

If so, how's the performance? Does it lag and such. I don't care about the troop limits I used to play Warband on a very very potato pc so its not a problem. I have the Fat version. submitted by /u/Own_Marionberry8700 [link] [comments]

Low troops in formation

Hey, so I have a lot of high level troops but it seems I always end up with low levels mixed in. Is it the same as warband? Do I just need to organize the higher levels to be higher in my party? submitted by /u/Girlzdontlikeme [link] [comments]

King VS. Nobody

submitted by /u/Seipher187 [link] [comments]

stop with the 2h slander

Axe and mace slander at least. Cleave and cleave AND knock back on the mace? Plus ignoring pretty much all Armor? Insane submitted by /u/Ok_Sir_136 [link] [comments]

Needing some advice

I’m in my first play through and still learning the ropes to the game. I became a vassal for vlandia and have been trying to expand out but every time I capture a castle or town, either sturgia or battania declare war and take it back. I can never get a big enough army long enough to wipe out either faction due the ai accepting any peace deal it gets. Should I leave and try to capture a revolted city to start my own kingdom or is there a way to become the leader of a faction you’re currently the vassal of? submitted by /u/ibew369 [link] [comments]

A Life of A Soldier [Story]

Our fathers tended to these lands for generations, never gazing or caring for beyond. A simple, cold, rushed life to prepare for Sturgia's bitter winters. Our mothers raised us, loved us, they were gentle to ensure the cold does not take us when not due. As kids we played with each other, lost in the imagination, longing to be great heroes for Sturgia. Much of life was spent within confines of our cities, a happy life early on, but much has changed since the Empire brought the full weight of her armies to our homes. ​ It began with incursions, distant battles that our folk retold but which had no meaning or sway in our lives. This soon changed by the call to arms of our people by our Lord and Masters. Came the men in heavy steel and hulking horses to take us under their banner. All able males, young and older were conscripted, knowing little of the horrors to yet endure. We made our good-byes with our fathers, our mothers, our friends and our memories of past. Some of us hoped t...


Used to play Warband and the original MnB back in 2014 - 2016, saw Bannerlord being announced a couple years back and wishlisted it. Completely forgot about it until yesterday, and got it during a period where I think I just got tired of games and could barely play one for over an hour. I played Bannerlord for over 12 hours in a day and I’m looking forward to tomorrow. See you ✌️ submitted by /u/rundown777 [link] [comments]

Nexus or steam workshop?

Hi. New to the title. Wanted to start my first playtrhough with mods, but it seems like some mods are on nexus and some are only on steam. was thinking of doing the nexus collection "Bannerlord - Best Mods" collection: which seems the easiest way to go. should i add anything else? any recommendations? can i add workshop mods on top of this? submitted by /u/Skomakeren [link] [comments]

[Warband] How to use your equipment to fight soldiers when you get caught sneaking into a town/castle

Hey everyone, I know that some of you, like me, are tired of having to fight several armored soldiers using only a staff or a knife whenever you get caught sneaking into town. Here's a way you can fight them using your equipment on warband Open up your preferred module. I'm going to use native as an example. Go to Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\Native. Open up the file "mission_templates" Search for "mst_sneak_caught_fight" Under "mst_sneak_caught_fight" look for "65 0 4100 447 16 1 4 159 25 551" And "1 4100 447 16 1 4 159 25 541 In both lines, change "447" to "256" Save the file. The next time you get caught sneaking into a town/castle, you should be able to use your own equipment. Hope this helps!!! Submitted December 23, 2022 at 01:56AM by Humans_will_be_gone

Eminent Defeat?! Need help.

Hello all, I’m currently in my first ever M&B2: Bannerlord play through. I am doin decently well personally (200k gold basically max armor 3 cities) I’m currently pledged to the Khuziats. I didn’t really understand the main quest and kinda just went through it openly. I chose the dude that was trying to take the empire down cause I like a good underdog story. However when the empire lady was building her army I had a few other things going on where I couldn’t really focus on weakening the empire. I didn’t really think it was a big deal because I thought I was pretty well off (rip). Next thing I know the empire unites and I have half the world attacking me. The north and southern empire kinda suck and only have 2000 strength, but the western empire literally has 12000…. We have 5500… I feel like I’m constantly getting destroyed in battles by 1000+ armies and idk what to do. Is it too far gone? Am I better off just restarting or can I save it somehow? Let me know guys and gals!...

Why is Rhagaea still ruling after she died?

Didn’t even realize but she’s been dead for awhile. Did something glitch or have we just quietly decided to revert back to a republic lol? submitted by /u/KingSmokey21g [link] [comments]

Eminent Defeat? Need help.

Hello all, I’m in my first banner lord play through and absolutely need help. I didn’t know what I was doing and chose against helping the empire. I’m pledged as a vassal to the khuzaits and am absolutely getting railed by the empire. I’m currently at 5000 power while the empire is at 14000 combined (10000 from west alone) I gave 200k gold and 3 cities to my name. Should I start a new game because it’s too far gone? Do you guys know how and if I can overcome this obstacle? Let me know!!! Thanks guys (I’m on ps5 btw) Submitted December 23, 2022 at 12:47AM by Jalek04

Meet Lucius of the Junia.

submitted by /u/BronanTheBrobarian7 [link] [comments]

See, this is what I’m talking about. What should I do?

One of my lords made an army and took over there castle. Not even a day later they’re back for revenge… should I just call for peace and pay tribute or lose what I just claimed? submitted by /u/ThatManGlenn [link] [comments]

Bannerlords Wont Launch Tried Everything

I have over 400 hours on this game. I have modded it in the pasts and the last time about 6 months ago that I played I installed Vortex and everything went to crap shortly after that. I have uninstalled Vortex and everything related to it and the mods on my PC. ​ Since then I have tried EVERYTHING on threads to try and fix it to no avail. My last one was deleting everything with Bannerlords in it, reinstalling everything required to play, and a new, clean install from steam. And still, I am stuck. Are there anymore idea out there? I have just wanted to play since the full release and I'm stumped. Even multiplayer will go to load but "fails to connect to server" Submitted December 22, 2022 at 02:06AM by Scuba...

Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth for Bannerlord?

Absolutely love this mod for Warband, and was wondering if the mods ever getting recreated for bannerlord, or if there's anyone working on something similar. Somebody posted a few years ago and somebody said they were gonna, but there's been nothing since, please don't tell me its dead :( Link for anyone interested Submitted December 22, 2022 at 12:49AM by Cyrup__

Does baby need a mother to grow up?

I married my brother Nogand without checking the woman's stats, and her stats are really low so I'm regretting it. I'm thinking about accidentally throw a javelin at her during battle, and then find Nogand a new wife that he deserves. The problem is the current on just had baby. Im worried if the woman die, the baby will somehow not be part of my faction anymore. Do i have to wait for the baby to grow up to 18 or something? submitted by /u/snkhuong [link] [comments]

Bannerlord RBM Tier List (Realistic Battle Mod)

Bannerlord 1.0.2 - RBM 3.5.0 I did not find ANY tier list for the Realistic Battle Mod (instead vanilla game has so many - most are rubbish anyways) I made some rough tests in the custom player battle mode with RBM (no matter if it's pikeman or swordsman - just same main class etc) Infantry: 1. Vlandian Pikeman is now OP and wins at same amount against any last tier infantry Score: 12/10 2. Imperial Menavliaton is strong and looks decent Score: 10/10 3. Sturgian Shock Troop takes the third place and could perform well if you micromanage Score: 8/10 4. Battanian Veteran Falxmen No comments on this one Score 6/10 Cavalry: 1. Vlandian Banner Knight - not OP, but very solid and smashes every other cavalry Score:10/10 2. Difficult situation: A. If you do not micromanage Imperial Elite Cataphract - decent armor, heavy horse Score 9/10 B: IF YOU MICROMANAGE Sturgian Druzhinnik Champion - surprisingly nice, got buffed to OP (if you can hadle) and now could be yo...

Sieges… I need help!

Hello everyone! Recently I have played as the Khuzaits and it’s been going well, we have taken over some of Most of the Northern and some of the Southern empire lands as well as a couple Aserai lands. The only 3 factions comparable are the Khuzaits (us) the Western Empire, and the Vlandians…. The vlandians counter my horses because they have a lot of 1 spears, 2 Lances 3 Crossbows. Their spears stop the charge the lances decimate any I can try and their crossbows finish and kill any Light armored troop. They also are taking my lands but recently I had this 4000 man army come down, I disbanded everyone’s army’s Ms made a army from the whole faction and it was only 2,300 at the time of the battle. The vlandians took myzea back and killed my whole army. Currently we declared peace but we need our 4 towns they conquered back. I need tips! submitted by /u/Late-Carpet-3408 [link] [comments]

Sarranid Mamluke

​ Submitted December 21, 2022 at 12:45AM by Shamal_AK

What should I put my remaining attribute points in, and how many more level ups/focus points can I realistically expect to gain before levelling becomes practically impossbile?

submitted by /u/Kestrel1207 [link] [comments]

We absolutely need this dripppp😩

submitted by /u/Virtual-Fish-7817 [link] [comments]

Launched multiplayer on accident and my game has some issues now

So yesterday when I went to play the launcher started on multiplayer which it never did before and me being used to just hitting the play button on the launcher pressed it without paying much attention. It wasn't until I loaded in when I saw I was on multiplayer and when I left and restarted the game the launcher opened on the multiplayer section and it still does this, I can launch singleplayer just fine but that's a little annoying. What's more annoying however is how the game behaves now. It launches in windowed mode now and I have to wait until I get to the main menu to fix it. I can switch back to fullscreen just fine but now whenever I go back to the options for whatever reason the "Cancel" and "Done" buttons sometimes do not do anything. They literally do not work and I have to hit ESC and try again, this happens more often on the main menu than in game. Also the game's performance has slowed down as on the world map and in battle the blur ...

Now I'm not even sure I want the achievement...

submitted by /u/GameDesignerMan [link] [comments]

radial menus will not display

For some reason my radial menus won't show on screen anymore. I know they are still active since the commands will show up in the bottom left corner and I hear my character say orders, but for some reason my game stopped showing me the menus on screen. I installed some mods for the first time and when I booted it up and went into a battle this was occuring. I have uninstalled all the mods I put on and reinstalled the game. No luck. I'm not sure if the mods did it or maybe I somehow hit something in a menu, I'm on a steam deck by the way. No problems for over two months of playing the game using this control layout. Any help is highly appreciated :) submitted by /u/Fiddler33 [link] [comments]

Is Tribute Broken?

Every time I defeat an enemy in battle or take a town/castle they demand more money for tribute for peace. There’s no way in hell that’s how this should work. I shouldn’t owe them a single penny if I’ve ravaged their entire countryside and taken half their kingdom. Also, if I’m defending a town and I make peace with another faction why the fuck does it kick me out of the city? Then I have to lose more men to break back in and defend. submitted by /u/JesusSuckedOffSatan [link] [comments]

Started off in the Empire as Nal but decided to change her name to Hypatia. She originally had left the empire, tired of the poor decisions and was happy as an independent for a while. However, slowly her people were being thrown away and beaten and she couldn’t sit there and let it happen.

submitted by /u/Taim3344 [link] [comments]

How to interpret the crash report

Ive been having an issue that shows up after playing a loaded game that some times willcrash within 10 mins while moving in the campaing map but i dont really wanna go mod for mod cause that would take me a hella lot time im just loking for a guide on how to read the crash report and know whats generating the issue (i can play on a sandbox for hours but if i close the game and turnoff the computer when i pick it back up the game will crash after less than a ingame day) submitted by /u/YakovPavlov1943 [link] [comments]

Game crash before battle, not sure what error is

The game crash before going into battle for some armies, not sure which mod is causing it. exception error as follow: Please help, thanks!! Exception information Type: System.ArgumentNullException Message: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source Source: System.Core CallStack: at System.Linq.Enumerable.Any[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at TaleWorlds.Core.Extensions.IsEmpty[T](IEnumerable`1 source) at SandBox.SandboxBattleBannerBearersModel.GetBannerBearerReplacementWeapon(BasicCharacterObject agentCharacter) at TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Mission.SpawnTroop_Patch1(Mission this, IAgentOriginBase troopOrigin, Boolean isPlayerSide, Boolean hasFormation, Boolean spawnWithHorse, Boolean isReinforcement, Int32 formationTroopCount, Int32 formationTroopIndex, Boolean isAlarmed, Boolean wieldInitialWeapons, Boolean forceDismounted, Nullable`1 initialPosition, Nullable`1 initialDirection, String specialActionSetSuffix, ItemObject bannerItem, FormationClass formationIndex) at TaleW...

Land in home country

Why is it so difficult to get land in your home country like I formed a massive army and recapture half our country while we were fighting a war on two fronts and every time the castles and towns were awarded to someone who wasn’t even in my army nor the country they were trying to take other land vs reclaiming but it I take a castle or town in enemy territory I’m almost unanimously chosen to receive it and tips submitted by /u/Taterchip6869 [link] [comments]

so I've been executing every male prisoner and then releasing all the female ones.....

What are the consequences/outcomes of this? I know other NPCs will hate but like if I slowly kill the male population will NPCs in other clans have kids regardless? Do widows remarry? Does the game just spawn new clans with preset NPCs if the number or NPCs get low? I just wanna kill all the men and steal their wives and then live out my final years in peace. Thanks. Submitted December 17, 2022 at 07:54PM by DesiredEyes

Vlandia is the best kingdom.

Vlandian clans carry a great composition. I refuse to join them. I really want to fight them. On their terms. Not so racist. Lol. I am a free clan, after all. No desire to be a king. My bad company is resisting the bullshit. I don't even need a castle, you greedy bastards. The youth of this nation are my elite. You will see. submitted by /u/Seipher187 [link] [comments]

Xbox Mods

Considering the game hasn't been on xbox for that long I don't really expect this anytime soon but will we ever get mods for console? submitted by /u/Infernalwarfare [link] [comments]

Gaming controller for PC version stops working at random times during play

During play on my new PC while using the Xbox (x-series / x-box one) wireless gaming controller which is windows 11/bluetooth compatible and paired nicely via bluetooth with my PC (have never paired this controller with an xbox or anything else), every 5 to 10 minutes the controller will stop working for three to 25 seconds, I'll get a little steam popup/notification thing in the bottom right corner that says "Xbox one controller using configs from [my steam name]" and the Xbox button will flash on and off on the controller during this time. When the button stops flashing 3-25 seconds later and remains continuously on, the controller functions return. There are new batteries in the controller. I can use mouse and keyboard during this time. Really frustrating, I'm new and only on the training camp portion of the game, but I don't want this to happen in the thick of battle lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated guys! Computer Specs : OS: Windows 11 GPU: Nvid...

Endgame bug need help

Hi I’ve destroyed 2/3 of the empires for the dragon banner quest line. The last one is stuck on -100, never changing even after capturing cities, castles, and beating armies. I tried to Google it but every post is from ~2 years ago and on pc so mods could help. I’m on console and wanted to see if anyone here could have any insight on the issue. Thanks in advance to anyone who helps submitted by /u/Shoddy-Regret745 [link] [comments]

I think i might have my vacation in Vlandia. If you never see me again; know that i prob died with a smile on my face.

submitted by /u/StopHidingUnderMyBed [link] [comments]

My best multiplayer match

submitted by /u/thedragonlord128 [link] [comments]

Disbanding parties

I’m wondering how you disband a party with companions or family members, without sending them to a nearby garrison. I’m on console (xbox 1), and I can’t find an option to disband them without them going to a nearby castle or town as garrison Any help would be great submitted by /u/Ok_Professional_2807 [link] [comments]

This is all I live for in Bannerlord. Nothing else.

submitted by /u/KiliaNinja34 [link] [comments]

Which is better? Becoming King or Creating own Kingdom?

I’m asking this as I disagree with some policies but the AI keeps wanting them, is it better if I leave and create my own kingdom or become king? How much influence to policies do I get from being the ruler of Vlandia? Or am I better off taking my fiefs with me and starting my own? Submitted December 15, 2022 at 01:07AM by Affectionate_Ad_9144

[Mod Request] Looking for any means of eliminating the "Disorganized" debuff

Tl;dr version is I don't like this mechanic and want it to go away, and not just slightly reduce it later on via a perk. I understand the concept, but don't like the execution and its impact on early game balance, cause it seems way too disproportionate at times, and it severely hampers a small early game party's ability to use mobility to its advantage. So I'm searching for some way to remove the mechanic from the game, preferably entirely, but from the player is acceptable too. The only relevant mod I could find is outdated. If anyone knows of another, or something I can just edit in the files, I'd appreciate it greatly. submitted by /u/ZidoPendragon [link] [comments]

Why can I get no headway as my own kingdom?

So I've played through the game a couple times picking different factions to join, this time I wanted to lead. I've been able to recruit other clan leaders to our side before by just having decent relations with that clan and not having their fiefs all gone or anything. I've amassed 500 man armies and beaten 1000+ armies on the battlefield with them. I'm no slouch when it comes to beating "unbeatable" odds and understand the game mechanics well enough to be able to have a 10-20 fief claim in my other games. With that being said... Why is it so hard to hold my own kingdom without losing all my money???? I made my own kingdom holding 3 settlements that are right next to each other. All have 500-600 defenders with 300+ man garrisons and militias. All stable with no governors and plenty of food and prosperity. Yet when I use my clan members to build a no influence cost army of 600 I just can't keep up with the amount of people declaring war on my and taking t...

Hands down the least amount of deaths ive had in a normal castle siege

submitted by /u/Happyassassin13 [link] [comments]

May I present the glitch, The Super Javelin, thrown to you by my battanian wilding lol

submitted by /u/thatmetaldude91 [link] [comments]

Mod selection with Calradia Expanded

I have dedicated more than 500h so far in bannerlord and I really like it. Despite that I really like my games modded now since I need that change. For example I have already tried The Old Realms and it is fantastic. My latest used mod is Calradia Expanded + Kingdoms and all the new factions and troop lines add some much needed spice. However can I mod it further? What mods are compatible at this point? I am looking got QOL mods or mods that change gameplay. submitted by /u/Xamorc [link] [comments]

how the hell am i supposed to deal with wrong culture ?

the insane -3 loyalty penalty is insurmountable. i can not build anything because if i dont have the +3 loyalty thingy the settlement will instantly fucking rebel. and even if they dont the low loyalty construction penalty means nothing is ever built. but without building settlement always has low security and loyalty. how the fuck do i get out of this stupid catch 22. i try doing quests to improve security. and i throw money at construction yet it doesnt work. and stupid derthert wont allow for the policy that gives +2 loyalty so wtf do i do ? Submitted December 13, 2022 at 10:44PM by nohorse3131

Best current mods

Basically what the title says. I’m wondering what the best mods are available currently, and which are recommended. I’ve had this game since the beginning and have racked up about 700 hours in the vanilla game, just feel like spicing it up a bit now. submitted by /u/MrKrem [link] [comments]

English XV century village for mod Dell'arte della guerra

submitted by /u/bertolt1898 [link] [comments]

Last seen at…

Every time I try following a lord/lady, I get to the place where it says last seen at and every time I visit the tavern, they aren’t there. Is this a glitch or the game doesn’t update it on time? submitted by /u/Curry7171 [link] [comments]

Recruits and companions with loyalties to their culture.

Thus if they have predispositions to the Aserai for example and you except a contract for them… then you kill one too many of these people countrymen and they desert… then form a party somewhere and attack you witb an ARMY OR they lay low and you get treated to random assassination attempt for walking around a city I don’t have mod capabilities but that would be dope… submitted by /u/RedRapture781 [link] [comments]

How does the new deserter recruitment work in Perisno?

I just got back to perisno after years of not playing it. Back then, you can offer deserters money to have them join your party. Now, when I attempt the same thing, they’d just say im weak and fight me instead. The option to hire them still exists tho so im confused how it works. Do I need a certain amount of party strength to hire deserters? Submitted December 11, 2022 at 10:14PM by Personal-Track7740

What an unfortunate situation.

submitted by /u/thesmoothest18 [link] [comments]

Anyone know how to get rid of my brothers wife?

Title aside, my in-game brothers wife has joined my party and I can’t seem to get her to leave. Talking to her has no option to get her to leave nor is there an option anywhere to dump her at my castle which my brother is currently governing. I tried to put them in same place only to have her permanently attached to me. submitted by /u/catman11234 [link] [comments]

What is your favorite looking armor combination?

I’m playing on Xbox right now and just started my own Kingdom after acquiring two towns that were in rebellion. Money is no issue at the moment and I’ve been all over the map trying different armor on but I can’t manage to find a combination that I truly like. I’m open to all cultures and armor types. Really want to see everyone’s armor combos and get the community’s thoughts so that I may hopefully land on a armor set that I find aesthetically pleasing for this chapter of my play through. submitted by /u/BuddyBoy589 [link] [comments]

After defeating the Western Empire in my campaign to take down the Empire, Garios joined me to help destroy the rest of his people

submitted by /u/HelpJackOff [link] [comments]

4/8 Brigand gangs hunted, I hope I can find 4 more before the quest fails

submitted by /u/MissAugustMoon [link] [comments]

New Player.

I just started the game yesterday. I wanted to know, what are some of the most fun and effective ways to make money, without cheating/exploiting the game? submitted by /u/Retr0119 [link] [comments]

Question about loyalty drift

So I own 3 towns and 2 castles, just decided to declare independence from the kingdom I was serving. Anyways I want to remain independent to have a baby factory and upgrade like trading and smithing. But I’ve run into a problem… Husn Fulq is having a pretty insane loyalty drift. My culture is Battanian so I got the -3 loyalty but I also have a governer with Aserai culture so I got the +1 there. Then I have it set on festival or whatever that gives me +3. Also got a fairground at lvl 2 so that’s +1… but now with loyalty drift I’m at -2.88 a day (after the -4.6 loyalty drift) Anyway I can change this or improve this so the settlement doesn’t rebel? submitted by /u/Ok_Professional_2807 [link] [comments]

Bug everytime I barter with a person and try to enter a specific amount I press "A" for the input then it automatically pulls up the menu. Xbox One X

submitted by /u/icecore36 [link] [comments]

Can anyone give me advice about this glitch whenever I go into this specific village

submitted by /u/VariationNew1313 [link] [comments]