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"But sire! The castle's defenses are too strong!" Hold my beer

submitted by /u/CanIGetTheCheck [link] [comments]

I just fought a 5 hour battle

I'm doing a Khuzait horse archer run because I wanted to see just how busted they are, and my god. I will admit, I /did/ use cheats to speed up getting this high tier army, but I didn't cheese any fights with the "wound all enemies" and used the "heal player hero" a handful of times. I didn't do much of the fighting myself as the last 5 hours was an INTENSE micro battle against the AI.

After a successful year of mercenary work and a strangely long period of peace, my clan initiated a war against the Aserai via raiding the small village of Hoqqa. Our clans leader, Korot, lead an army of just over 400 horse archers. Immediately after the raid, Korot leads his clan to Husn Fulq, where a garrison of 500 awaits him. Halfway through the siege camp preparations, the royal armies of the Aserai are here to respond. It appeared the other side was also preparing for war against us, as 1600 troops were ready to respond within a moments notice.

Korot was no clever man, but he was no fool either. Any head on engagement against a force that size would be straight suicide. He had taken on unfavorable odds before; the previous year was almost always at least a 2 on 1 against him. But never like this.

The battlefield outside of Husn Fulq has a shallow river running down the center, with sharp mountains on the left and dunes to the right. At the bank of the river by the dunes, there is a small cliff side. Korot's raiders fought many battles to control this cliffside, decimating calvary before they had a chance to fully cross the river. Initial skirmishes had his forces up 6:1 in men wounded. But with every retreat, the infantry line thickened, and archers can only carry so many shots.

Korot attempted many times to crack the nut of the Aserai infantry force. In a shield wall, they were unstoppable. Any attempt to surround their forces lead to unmanageable and sometimes completely unfavorable losses with few casualties inflicted. Charges were unthinkable due to the sheer density of their formations.

After nearly a dozen skirmishes, Korot's forces had managed to find a sweet spot in the dunes. Behind the cliff side that so many initial battles had been fought, a new strategy emerged. By this point, Korot had lost nearly 100 riders; but the Aserai were bleeding forces that were not sustainable. Less than half of the original attacking force remained. As the Aserai infantry trudged through the sand, their shields raised, Korot ordered a Calvary charge. Confused, the infantry attempted to regroup, just enough time for a volley of arrows to annihilate the front lines. The men behind them attempted to raise their shields to block the second volley, but they had just fallen for Korot's second trap.

Korot ordered his troops to hold arrows and don their glaives and swords. Before the Aserai could raise their spears, their lines were shattered with horses and they were quickly cut down. Dozens fell as riders pushed through. For every rider Korot lost, a dozen or more Aserai fell.

The Aserai could not recover from this crushing defeat at the small creek outside of Husn Fulq. Soon, the small skirmishes were turning into lopsided raids of an ill prepared desert army of peasants. The town of Husn Fulq would be laid siege for 3 days before the walls cracked and arrows would litter the streets. Another 50 riders would be lost or wounded in the battle.

By the end of the battle for Husn Fulq, Korot's 406 raiders had defeated a force of just over 2,000, losing approximately 150 riders in the process.

Tl;Dr Khan's Guards go brrrrrrr

submitted by /u/mattheguy123
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