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Showing posts from January, 2019

Those don't look like "Plains" to me.

So, I end up loading into a fight after reading the Auto Resolve where it says that the battle location takes place in the "Plains" as well as looking visually at where im located on the map with not a single tree in sight around me, and then i get a marsh surrounded by trees. Begs another question, if I would have auto resolved, would it have auto'd on that map I loaded into or would it have auto'd with a Plains modifier to cavalry/horse archer troops? submitted by /u/tjburke93123 [link] [comments]

Can factions end other factions?

I was wondering around in the desert trying to find a bandit camp when I get a message saying “The Kingdom of Swadia is no more!” Or something like that, I’m not even a lord yet so idk what happened but this has never happened before. Submitted January 31, 2019 at 06:53AM by LackFundsPleaseHelp

Veteran Player Out of the Loop. Can You Please Update Me?

I started to play M&B several years ago, before V1.0 was released. I remember there was a team of just a couple of guys from Turkey and only they were behind the game. Since then I played M&B many, many times, tried all its versions, many MODs etc. However I didn't had a chance to play any games in the last 2 years and more. I have no idea what's the latest version, what's going on with the development, what are plans for the future, what are popular MODs and such things... So what did I missed in the last few years? Submitted January 31, 2019 at 11:29AM by cryptomir

M&B nearly caused me to flunk college, but now I'm as aspiring solo-dev and I made a game for fans of the genre

Like many of you guys, I probably played way too much of M&B when I was younger, instead of focusing on my study. Somehow I managed graduate , but years later I wasn't happy with my career as a scientist. A voice kept on nagging away, telling me to chase my dreams of being a gamedev before I become a miserable middle-aged old man. I didn't know how to code, but I did it anyway, I quit my research career and embark on a new learning journey. A few games to learn later, today I am about to release my huge project on Steam, Nomads of the Fallen Star . It's a sci-fi post-apoc dynamic open-world, focused on intelligent emergent gameplay and turn-based squad-RPG. The core is a deep economic simulation that responds to player actions or inaction to affect the gameworld. Factions will wage war, territory will be conquered. Militia warbands will roam, fueled by supplies of food, water and munitions. All the while, resources flow from outposts to production centers in town th...

Sure the people who died waiting for bannerlord is sad, but what about the people who got disabled?

The people who died sure are sad. But they're leaving everything else behind. What about the people who went blind? Or who lost their arms? Or went deaf? They're still alive but they have to live with the knowledge that they don't ever have the full experience of bannerlord Submitted January 30, 2019 at 08:31PM by phoenixmusicman

(PoP) Just finished an almost hour long siege defense in Ravenstern and wrote a heartfelt letter to my Liege.

Fuck you Gregory and your useless -2 relation incompetent ass. I'm taking my wife and my 3 friends and defecting to Ursula, you shit. ​ I've captured 5 castles and 2 Towns, defeated countless enemies and bandits, defended countless towns and castles in your name, ALL BY MYSELF, from the Nord and Swadia wannabes legions to the endless hordes of Mystmountain and Jatu, and all you gave me after 150 days of serving you was a village and a castle, and despite my effort we are STILL losing territory. No, fuck you. ​ You can keep Ravenstern for now, I'm coming back for it and for your head. ​ ​ ​ Love, ​ A Pissed off and Emotionally Drained Ex-Vassal. Submitted January 30, 2019 at 08:31PM by Frangitus

Mercenaries need to rise up.

Where's our say in anything? All we do is accept 300 gold, follow our commander for five weeks with food for only two of them, just to be slaughtered when he thinks he can take on King Ragnar or Graveth with 20 units. Where's our say? What about our faction in the Calradic Campaign? Is twenty gold pieces enough to die for an already dying empire? Do you really want to work for a captain who doesn't feed you, and runs away screaming in the fights he initiates? I rest my case, rise up. Submitted January 30, 2019 at 05:55PM by Danted8d

Who does Brienne actually like/hate in AWOIAF

I've threatened to hang her half a dozen times during the last week and while it's a handy feature it gets annoying quickly. According to the wiki, she likes Anguy which should cancel out her dislike for Bronn. I clicked through her dialogue too quickly relying too much on the information given on the wiki but it's nowhere near complete. I've found two other sources for companion relations but those were not entirely correct either. Submitted January 30, 2019 at 06:55AM by Durant_on_a_Plane


My game suddenly froze and I had to restart my computer. The game still boots up just fine but I've been experiencing some weird issues now. Village Elder's are shirtless and every marketplace only sells a single pair of leather boots. Any idea what's going on? Submitted January 30, 2019 at 02:08AM by Dodgersapronman

Had a dream last night

In my dream, my brother told me he was getting bullied in lab, group of kids would tease him by saying he's the: butter lord, in the dream I then confronted them and they told me they would drink from my skull, and that I should join the nords I wish I was joking, going to take few weeks off this subreddit now /game Submitted January 29, 2019 at 06:49PM by Slumbering-start


Why is it that the vegirs always seem to get rofl stomped by the nords? It seems as though every time I play on a native map the nords just destroy the vegirs. On my current character I am a nord vassal playing on Dickplomacy and even the khergits managed to take some vegir land. This isnt bashing the vegirs, I am just genuinely curious as to why they seem to get destroyed every time I play. Submitted January 29, 2019 at 11:11AM by ShinyRx

How to go to war with claimants you helped put in power?

Not mechanically. Just, like... ethically!? I'm helping Ursula take back the north in PoP and I realize that if Pendor is to rise again, I'm... I'm gonna have to go to war with her. HOW? How do I assuage my conscience over this? I dunno if I can bring myself to eventually wardec Falcon Mom. Submitted January 29, 2019 at 08:17AM by TenthSpeedWriter

Slaughtering people from horseback is just so cathartic

I started playing this game a couple of weeks ago and boy, do I just enjoy riding around on my horse and chopping down everyone in my path. I don't remember feeling so genuinely excited about combat in any other game. Whenever I have an exhausting day at work and stuff, this game is perfect for unwinding. Galloping at 3 bandits or Ragnar's 300 men feels equally satisfying. Strategy? Never heard of that one. It's all complete chaos when my gang swoops in like the wild horde that we are (I'm with the Khergits, but got all other factions' cavalry units). I particularly enjoy running over archers and Nord troops of any sort. Hehe, poor horseless losers. If only I had a longer sword... I use a Balanced Long Arming Sword, and heads do roll... but is there another one-handed weapon with an even longer reach? Submitted January 28, 2019 at 05:25PM by Beep-Beeps

Some features I would like to see in Bannerlord vanilla.

1) Troop parameters. Its annoying that if a Horseman gets his horse killed but still makes it back to a position cavalry are holding, he has to charge if the cavalry charge. It would be nice to see something like programming them so that if they're horse dies, they become infantry, and if horse archer dies they become a part of the archer group. 2) Better sieges. Fix the gorefest that is 300 men trying to climb up a 2ft ladder all at once, and proper siege equipment like trebuchets or catapults would be really cool. 3) A bigger map. The map is already big, but wouldn't it be nice if the map was really big; if some is good, more must be better! 4) Battle planning. The ability to be able to plan where your troops would immediately march to would be cool, as well as directions for people to charge so they can avoid rivers and hills. 5) Better maps. The really hilly ones just don't play well and look ugly and unreallistic. I will make edits if people want comment th...

What are some mods to enhance my vanilla experience?

I've got 130 hours on Steam but most of it is in Napoleanic Wars, because that is just the shit. I've tried to get a campaign going in Single Player a few times, but had a hard time getting in to it. I've recently started a decent run as a Nord, and through the rise and fall of my party's numbers. getting kidnapped, raiding villages and completing many quests I've finally found myself Vassal for King Ragnar(I think?) and am enjoying my experience. However I'm a big fan of mods, but really only look for mods that improve the vanilla experience of the game, quality of life and immersion-type stuff. I'm a pretty casual player in that I play with easy settings and enjoy the base difficulty that is set for me. I am not looking for anything that really adds difficulty or a "hardcore" experience. ​ ​ ​ Submitted January 28, 2019 at 11:46AM by RediscoveringReddit

Is my economy broken?

Playing native and usually in towns there is options that don’t require me to buy a dyeworks every time as I heard you can break the economy that way. Why is everything else in the majority of towns (pretty much all) I’m going to barely breaking 200 even for weaveries? Submitted January 28, 2019 at 07:16AM by Michael740123

[Perisno] Rebellion in Vinica

Recently I encountered a bug regarding the adventure guilds quest which is "Rebellion in Vinica" I already found the guy you need to escort and defeated nibor hood (Dunno if that's required) I'm at the stage of besieging Vinica cuz it's filled with rebels. The problem is there is no option on besieging it or does it have another way of getting rid of the soldiers there to complete the quest. Thanks! Submitted January 28, 2019 at 11:23AM by jericho1221

Campaign map Timelapse

Has anyone just spawned in and sat and let the game run on fast forward to see if any one faction would conquer calradia? If not is there a way for me to disable notifications and do it myself? Submitted January 27, 2019 at 09:44PM by TheKnightIsForPlebs

I just defended my castle with 89 troops versus 500.

I have recently gotten this game and this was the most wild thing I have ever experienced. The battle was on going and then finally they took a break. I had 8 troops including myself ready to fight their remaining 70 troops. My other guys were too wounded and so were theirs. I have 4 Swadian knights, 2 archers and a Huscarl. Towards the end, it’s only me versus probably 15 men and I’m having to backpedal killing them. I’m almost dead and just somehow manage to get the final blow, picking up fallen soldiers shields as mine break. And now my castle is strong with 250 soldiers. Seriously this game is so amazing. I have the video saved. I’m contemplating posting it. I just can’t believed I survived. Submitted January 27, 2019 at 08:22PM by ifoundyourtoad

Medieval Conquests vs. 257 AD - Enhanced Edition

Of course, I messed up the title :( Mods in question: Medieval Conquests 1257 AD - Enhanced Edition Both of these mods are based around 1257 Anno Domini. I was just curious what people considered pros and cons to both, or which you guys prefer and why. Submitted January 27, 2019 at 05:40PM by Hikurac

Destroying a faction

MY problem is that there is only one other faction beside me that exist. In that faction is only king and one lord. After over 3 months, he still doesn't want to change sides so i can't conquer entire Calradia. I control everything. I'm also at war with them and can't peace out to maybe spam the guy with request to change factions. The option doesn't appear. What to do? Any console commands could help? Submitted January 27, 2019 at 12:09PM by iroks

Why does the game make you sacrifice fun for success?

At minimum difficulty, you can actually get yourself into the battle and make a difference. Combat makes up a huge part of the game. And then, once you've made a difference, once your health is low, you can pull back and direct your troops more tactically. I then tried bumping up the difficulty, got into my first big fight, took a crossbow bolt to the head, was instantly incapacitated, and my huge army promptly lost all cohesion and was routed. This happens on a statistical level, too. Why are we forced to give up personal power to put points in leadership or prisoner management? I know I would be more successful if I didn't put very many - or any - points into combat skills, and instead maximized my party skills and leadership, and just rode around with a massive and cheap army. But at that point, why am I playing Warband and not Age of Empires? Why do I even have a player character, when its only purpose is to serve as a critical unit in a massive game of Regicide that ...

Need help planning next campaign. I always have problems

I may just play viking conquest (since i never have) but im thinking of trying to beat floris again (or nova aetas since i like pike/shot but its such a slow fucking mod). I always fail. Basically from my understanding the gameflow is like this. 1. Keep a small company and just kill/ recruit companions do guild quests to open properties in every town. I do not know how long to do this. Also sucker up to some lords and a king until you have a bunch that love you. Never succeeded in that part. Go to tourneys. Become minor noble with big army. Have a shitty village. Hopefully the king actually likes you enough to give you some sort of fucking town or castle you take instead of another lord. Get knocked out in siege and have t wait 20 minutes usually Declare yourself king, now your friends want to kill you I have never succeeded at any of this. Either I become a noble WAY too early and just fail, or I become one a little too early and nobody wants to give me any land. My last g...

Fortifying the Border - Calradic Campaign #37

Two nations struggle to maintain their very foundations. To the north, the Kingdom of Swadia is weighed down by paralyzed leadership and wavering morale. /u/KingHarlausOfficial truly wants the best for his country, but a string of poor decisions alongside isolation from the public has led to a nation robbed of it's homelands. As the Dukes bicker amongst themselves and the king directly, discontent spreads among the people as the heroes of their nation seemingly sit on their hands. The Rhodokian Republic does not fare much better, however. Harlot has chosen the wants of his people over the advice of his counts, severing all remaining ties with the Vaegir Empire. Isolating the strongest potential ally left on the continent, many in the Rhodok leadership are left scratching their heads under this populism-infused decision. As both leaders attempt to maintain their grasp on their nations, the two have looked outwards to rally their kingdoms. Frequent skirmishes on the Swazi-Rhodok...

What is the deal with Rolf?

Is he just a bullshitter, or is there more to what he says? I made him a lord and nobody cared, so he's a noble, right? Why talk himself up about his lineage then? Submitted January 26, 2019 at 03:53PM by Thesecondcomingof

Theory about bannerlord

Taleworlds is state funded, because they're in TOGED ( Game developers association of turkey ) they don't have to release the game, they just have to put up the pretense of making a game with no intention of releasing it; this is so that they still get funding! And no I am not becoming one of those insane theorists. Submitted January 26, 2019 at 12:23AM by LazyDiscipline

[Opinion] Bannerlord WILL be a good game, but we have overhyped it to the point where it may be a disappointment regardless.

Delay after year-long delay has been waved off with the reasoning that the studio is trying to make the best game possible. While I don't doubt that the game is indeed an immense labor of love and will likely be a big step up from the previous titles, 'trying to make the best game possible' is a vague explanation that more likely is meant to make time for a slow development process. ​ The devs made a big mistake in announcing the game as early as they did, as the playerbase quickly divided into two main groups: those who became disillusioned after the first few delays in release and abandoned their interest altogether, and those of us who are hanging onto hope and are probably at least slightly overestimating the scope of the game's improvements. This overestimation, I believe, is due to the fact that there is a huge amount of fan-led analysis and speculation as opposed to the steady but small stream of official information being released to keep our interest. ​ Th...

Looking for Tips on Bannerlord

Hey guys, I played Mount and Blade back in the day. It was one of my favorite games. Got a little busy with real life the last few years, but I have some free time and I'm about to go pick up Bannerlord. It's good that I missed the release, though, because I like to let the bugs get identified and a couple patches come out--maybe the price get reduced a bit--before I buy. ​ Do you have any tips for Bannerlord before I start? What's different from Mount and Blade? Is intelligence still the way to go? Submitted January 25, 2019 at 10:37AM by vurbil

I have started the rebellion against Swadia with Lady Isolla and met Count Klargus.

I have a +20 relationship with him and he asked to persuade him to join Lady Isolla, out of these option, which will grt him to join me? -Because Lady Isolla of Suno is the rightful queen of the Kingdom of Swadia. -If she were queen, she would deal with all men fairly and uphold the rights of the commons. -If she were queen, she woukd uphold your ancient rights as a noble of this land. -Because she can unify Calradia and end this discord. -Because she will reward you with lands. Submitted January 24, 2019 at 03:13PM by Synyzy

Pop- Knighthood order

Silvermist Rangers didnt get a chapter at the start. I am wondering is there a chance AI founds their chapter somehow? If yes, is there a way for me to make sure it happens? I dont want to be the one founding them. Submitted January 24, 2019 at 03:34PM by daki555555

As a faithful Swadian, I am tired of starting a new game and getting fucked in to the ground by Rhodoks and Nords

Swadian life is hard. Every time I start a new game the whole map teams up on us and just fucks us in to the dirt. I am single handedly defending Praven, our very last city, from attack after attack after attack with like 120 men. Submitted January 24, 2019 at 01:48PM by Zacori

Steam Workshop

What is the best mod for the game in the steam workshop ? Just curious cause I haven't found anything really interesting to be honest... Submitted January 24, 2019 at 10:53AM by matomaty

help a noob out with mods floris evolved/modding. if you can answer any of my question i would appreciate it.

so i have a couple of question if you can answer any of them i would really appreciate it. i am very new to manually modding. I have wse working and installed and floris extended from moddb (intaller) and i'm still getting error msgs on the bottom left of screen. do i just turn them off? when i run off Floris evolved EXE. it says i have a trail version of the game and wants me to type in my code which doesn't work so i have to play from mount and blade WSE and then run floris evolved. vortex from nexus doesn't seem to work with war band at all? i just download mod and enable It and nothing happens? mod doesn't work even if it says it is enabled. are there instruction on how to upgrade graphics with the reshade 1.3? cant seem to find specific instructions? where exactly do I paste the patch hotfix 1.11? Do i replace the forlers or di i add the contents of the partch to the existion folders? if so location please? than you for reading ​ Submitted January 24...


The only creator I know right now who makes regular content on warband is TRMplays, he's a brain and a half and has genuinely interesting videos, I'm thinking of doing my own series as I play so much, i still need to write the next part of my story but I've been that busy playing I forget to write lol. By creators I mean people who actually play the game not talk about it Submitted January 24, 2019 at 03:40AM by downeey

1257 AD battle AI really bad?

Or am I doing something wrong? I play a lot of Viking conquest and the AI is really good, the enemy armies go into formation and push, retreat accordingly but every time I get into a battle in 1257 AD the soldiers just rush without any care or tactics even when they are outnumbered. It’s a pretty game breaking issue to me. Submitted January 23, 2019 at 09:22PM by Malaca83

Companions suddenly leaving

Sorry for the second post today. I have a pretty big problem all of a sudden. Some of my companions, many of whom have been with me for like 300 days, are trying to leave. They say they are unhappy with my style of leadership. What do I need to do different? I dont really do much besides fight. But I dont have much choice as I dont even have a garrison of my own, just a few fiefs. I have been trying to get one but its near day 400 and I feel Im running out of time. I have pillaged some villages but not many recently. And I have had to abandon some troops and run once or twice in the last month. What actions can I take to make my companions more happy? This is in ACOK though im not sure if it matters. I dont have much experience outside the mod though. Edit: sorry if this double posted. It wasnt showing up for me on the thread list even after an hour so I deleted and reposted Submitted January 23, 2019 at 09:02PM by WhyYouMuteMe

The one thing I want from Bannerlord that I know we won't get.

More adventurers like the player. It's always bugged me that you're the only one who can go from commoner to lord, you're the only one who can serve as a mercenary, you're the only one than can deliver this letter, etc. Outside of bandits, we never see anyone else that's even slightly comparable to the what the player is doing. And even then, the bandits are only comparable to very early-game players. But alas, I know this most likely won't happen. Submitted January 23, 2019 at 10:00AM by DylanTheVillian1

Does anyone still play 1866 American Mod?

I have been playing a lot of 1866 American mod lately, and enjoying my time with it. I love travelling around, shooting down Bandits, Deserters and raiding their camps. I love that I can use revolvers, muskets, rifles and shotguns, and the combat of the mod. But I was wondering... Does anyone else play this mod to this day? And is it still being worked on? Because stuff like "Dual Revolvers" and other issues that the game has makes feel like the game needs so much more polish. Submitted January 23, 2019 at 02:14AM by Kristexs7

Is it possible to reconcile with church bois in Viking Conquest

So I may or may not have toured around the British Isles visiting my favorite places of worship to enrich myself spiritually. Now I feel its time to give back and I've already repaid my debts by converting to Christianity but the damage those cunts did to my rep is a separate issue. I've already bought off some kingdoms while others like Wessex keep telling me to trip on my sword which is not very nice. Is there any hope of making peace without waiting for bandits to ambush their parties? Submitted January 23, 2019 at 02:09AM by Durant_on_a_Plane

Just beat Prophesy of Pendor yesterday. Few things and tips I learned during the gameplay.

Note that it's based on 3.9.3 so it may be different experience from previous versions. Rune weapons are generally not worth it now, especially with the 2 qualis gem upgrade cost. There are matching or better regular/unique weapons. Spend that on potions or establish knighthood order chapters. Farm honor by releasing Noldor nobles/knight/maiden. Let NPCs do the capture work with marshall army. Then hold feast or ask them to go to your fief so they will all dump the prisoners in your hands. Make money the same way as above. Hold a feast and then you will gain hundreds of prisoners from the lords(mid to late game only though). Spend first 3 qualis on Elixir of Arkon. You get most worth that way. If not completionist or look for specific CKO equipment unlocks, the 2 Noldor Lords and Maltise unlocks are the only ones you need since they are the strongest. Ask for qualis gem from the others. Train and equip CKO the moment you get a walled fief. It takes forever. Yo...

Is there a way to take a castle without exploiting the game?

Hi all, so I am playing this game on the hardest difficulty possible (so yes the AI can take me out like its nothing just by a stroke of bad luck). I have an army 110 men (I am focusing on charisma and leadership, I have no idea how you guys farm renown in any meaningful quantities), most of these (80%) are max upgraded units (we are talking mameluks, swadian knights...). Now I wanted to try taking on a castle of the Veigrs. I attack a castle with a garrison of "only" 120 (Its strange in the real world the besieging army would normally outnumber the besiegers and the point of fortifications was to serve as a force multiplier so you would have to have a small number of men there, but I digress...). I test this a few times and my men get fully slaughtered each time. Ok so now I look at how people do it on the internet. These are the strategies I discovered, all very exploity or at-least implicative of games limitations: set the battle size to 30 (mine is at 1000) and attac...

Nord Archers & Veteran Archers - they are not as bad you as you expect them to be

When you think about using archers in your party you probably think about Vaegir Marksmen or Sarranid Master Archers. Maybe you even consider leading a horde of Khergit Veteran Horse Archers. But, do you ever consider using Nord Archers? No, of course you don't. You take one look at them and think "These guys are just inferior to everyone else" which is completely wrong and I'm going to explain why. Note: This information is completely worthless to players who just use cavalry armies to defeat all their enemies since a full cavalry army is always superior to everything else. Fast progression: Nord Veteran Archers are tier 4 units, unlike every other faction archers which progress to tier 5. Most people seem to think that this is a bad thing while it's actually a good thing. You get quality units sooner than other factions. Tier 3 & Tier 4 archers are both useful: Nord Archers and Nord Veteran Archers use different bows which gives them different purpo...

Anyone gonna continue playing Warband even after Bannerlord releases?

I know, I know: why would you? I’m hyped for Bannerlord but because I’m off at college now with a shitty MacBook Pro, I prob won’t have a device capable of handling Bannerlord - thus, Ill prob just stay with Warband for the time being given that it’s runnable on basically anything. Anyone plan to do the same? Just curious Submitted January 21, 2019 at 11:13PM by roouel

I am getting a little short fuse with the game.

I was playing prophesy of pendor, and after few catastrophic events later... I retire the character, and delete the save file. I beat the game once with a male character, and have to do the same with a female one... and all my attempts have crushed and failed. Not sure why I am writing this, but needed to get this off my chest. Maybe I am wondering if other have done the same... Submitted January 21, 2019 at 10:41PM by Lostman138

Those damn Sea Raiders

They talk shit like «Oh... I'm gonna drink from your skull!» but then I get defeated and they take me for a walk. I am yet to see drinking beverages from the craniums of the deceased. What gives? Submitted January 21, 2019 at 12:37PM by The_Savage_Chevalier

A short "guide" for Prophesy of Pendor.

PoP is no doubt one of the hardcore mods if not the the most difficult mods for M&B Warband, but that doesn't mean you can make it the game a "little" bit easier for a not so hardcore m&b warband gamer. Import and export player (and companion) character. There's a way for you to edit your character characteristic by clicking the import button on the your Character window, go to document m&b warband character, and you see a document with a title of your character name. You can edit the document to make your character from lvl 1 with lower stats, to lvl 1 with maximum stats, 63 Strength, Agility, Charisma and Intelligent, 10 to all skills, 699 proficiency, (maximum proficiency is interesting enough kinda almost useless but why not), making yourself a 1 Man Army but still not OP enough to singlehandlely unite Pendor, this of course includes your companion, I haven't try with Vassal character tho. Edit Kingdom of Pendor troops characteristic and eq...

It took me over 180 hours, but it was worth it. Ok, so that 1 game where I captured all of Calradia didn't take me 180 hours, but that's how many total hours I have between Mount & Blade and Warband. GOG gave away Mount & Blade sometime last year. Played that for a little over 5 hours, and could tell it was an awesome game, but everybody was saying Warband was the better version. So as soon as Warband went on sale again, I picked it up, and now I'm waiting on Bannerlord like the rest of you (see free game giveaways work). I must have started a new game a half dozen times or so, never getting more than a couple hours in. Not that the game wasn't fun, but I was constantly picking up on the new tactics, strategies, and game features I didn't even realize were there and wanted to start over to implement these into my character. Finally started to get the hang of things, was 50 hours into the game now, had a town, a castle, a village, and a wife, really ...

Why does capturing and then releasing lords give way more benefits than not capturing?

This is Floris Evolved if anyone is wondering. When I don’t capture lords I get 5 relationship ship with them and some honour. If I capture them (lose 4 relationship) and then speak to them and release I get 10 relations with them, gain honour AND rtr. iirc you also get relation boost with their family Submitted January 20, 2019 at 07:08PM by Galbotrix

What mod(s) have this mechanic?

I was recentally playing Crusade Against Jihad and saw that you could kill and eliminate any NPC you wanted, within taverns or cities, however; once you do this the populace would attack you and try and arrest you. I thought this was a really interactive and realistic mechanic and was wondering if any other base mods implicate this mechanic? Does diplomacy do this? Thanks Submitted January 20, 2019 at 07:22PM by Garry_Hippo

What's your current armour in Native?

I've been challenging myself recently by using pretty much basic farmer gear: ​ tite af threads Difficulty is on max so any hit = death. I really appreciate how much more tactical I have to be as a commander now and how few skirmishes I actually get involved in (fighting is exhilarating though). What do you guys use in battles? If you're wearing a winged great helm, go sit in the corner Submitted January 20, 2019 at 04:07PM by Footbeard

Which Game of Thrones mod is better?

After watching the GOT series I felt the urge to conquer the seven kingdoms myself or along side one of the various houses. Which mod, "A Clash of Kings" or "A World of Ice and Fire", is best to do this? Or what are the pros and cons of the two? Submitted January 20, 2019 at 01:00PM by politemetalhead

1H/2H weapons on horseback?

From what I've gathered, there's a 15% speed/damage penalty for using bastard swords with a shield. There's a 23.5% penalty for using two-handed weapons on a horse (e.g. a bastard sword without a shield). Does this mean that bastard swords are made worse if you unequip your shield (or it gets broken) when on a horse (since the 2H horseback penalty is bigger than the general 1H penalty)? Submitted January 20, 2019 at 06:14AM by DankWong

What do I do when my archers run out of arrows?

I'm playing PoP, but I think that the question generalizes well. I have a medium sized (~200) army, about half of which are Empire crossbows. When I can pull enemies into mountainous terrain, I need only position my crossbowmen on the high ground, plug up any position which the enemy will funnel into with my infantry and provoke the enemy cavalry into a charge with my harassing horse archers and then hit the charging cavalry's flank with my own cavalry. After breaking the momentum of the first cavalry charge, I retreat behind my infantry and the crossbows kill everything. This strategy allows me to take on armies that are 300-strong with only a handful of casualties. When I fight armies that are larger than 300, my crossbows start to run dry and then I'm forced to retreat and repeat even when I have my crossbows hold fire until the enemy troops are closer. This allows me to take on almost arbitrarily large forces, but feels cheesy and a bit unfair. Is there a more "...

What's your favorite weapon in Warband?

Yea, what is your favorite weapon to use, or even just look at? you can also do some modded weapons as well. My personal favorite is the war cleaver. Just look at the thing doesn't it just demand respect? so bad-ass. It has a pretty nice swing attack, but no thrust attack unfortunately. It slices through enemy infantry like butter(butter which we stole from the swadians, GO RHODOKS) just imagine you are in medieval europe, and your opponent pulls out one of these, you'ed shit your hose. I also quite like lances or light-lances. do lots of damage and are pretty easy to use, good for horseback(obviously) And finally, what are your least favorite weapons? Submitted January 19, 2019 at 10:49PM by forcallaghan

Strange Ruins

In wandering around exploring VC, I found some strange ruins. I can easily deal with what's inside, but I've found some messages that don't make sense. Namely, something about some prisoners and some items. However, neither of these exist that I've been able to find. Is this location related to a quest of some sort? Will I break that quest by doing things early? Questions, questions... Submitted January 19, 2019 at 01:24PM by Mavrimorn

LOTR mod for Warband

Hi. I am planning to start playing Warband, first the original and then with LOTR mod. I noticed that there are multiple LOTR mods for it at the moment. Which is the best and do they include Middle Earth map?? Thanks in advance. Submitted January 19, 2019 at 10:59AM by stepanmatek

Can I get multiple small mods? Or, pick and choose?

You know how you can pick and choose small mods in games like Fallout 4 and Skyrim? Like if you want to put an M16 family of guns into FO4 or coldness into Skyrim? Can you do that with Warband? like, can you say, add Freelancer, a better overworld map, ships, a troop tree viewing thing, Diplomacy, different music and... I dunno, other things, one at a time piece by piece? Submitted January 19, 2019 at 11:04AM by Saucy_Bagel

Need help in trying to find a mod i once had.

So i think it was last year i downloaded a mod that looked really interesting but i had to wuit because of exams and now i cant find it at all. I dont remember much about it, the only thing i remember is that if you start your character of as a slave the beggining of the mod is a kind of tutorial where your slave convoi gets attacked and your masters killed. Any help will be appreciated. Submitted January 19, 2019 at 11:12AM by Zyalb

Starting the series from the first game. I know little to nothing about the game and its main elements. Can you guys help me?

I have all three of the games. Downloading them right now. I wanna start from mount and blade and make my way to With Fire And Sword. What should I do to have the most fun out of these games? Do they have a certain story and end? Thanks in advance. Submitted January 19, 2019 at 04:24AM by SirOrange01

Game won't allow me to break my contract as Mercenary.

In my previous character, the game always ask me if I want to break my contract as Mercenary 9nce a month, but now in my current character, the game havent ask me for 200 days, not that I remember, but several month has already pass and it had yet to ask me if I wish to stop being a mercenary to this specific faction. I can't join the faction as a vassal because my right to rule is too damn high. If I were to take castle, can I not give it to the faction I'm following and become a self ruler? I can't try cause I'm playing releastic. Submitted January 18, 2019 at 11:07PM by apache4life

Calradian Peasant DESTROYS the Kingdoms with FACTS and LOGIC

IMAGES FROM OUR NEW CALRADIAN OVERLORD Nords HATE him because he uses this one SIMPLE TRICK !!! "He had to do it to 'em" Said King Harlus. "Once he said the n word we were powerless." ​ I am happy to announce that I have conquered Calradia with butter and blood to establish for my Ben Shapiro Epictime Empire. No need to thank me. ​ Submitted January 18, 2019 at 05:35PM by Ct_DRCarpenter

New to the game, very frustrated with the quest system, what am I missing?

Report to Count Klargus the Marshall Given on___ The last time count klargus was spotted was close to Reveran You have 3 days to complete. Head to Reveran, no Klargan to be found you have 2 days to finish this quest Count Klargus :We believe the time is now to attack Chalbek Castle Chalbek castle is waaaaay the hell in the Nord territory- not even sure I can make it there in 2 days, and once I do, no guarantee I'll find this dude to randevu. I thirst for battle!!! What am I missing here, since there are no quest markers, its like searching for needle in a haystack. Or at least a count klargus in a haystack. Submitted January 18, 2019 at 12:06PM by overzealoushobo

Taleworlds prayer

Taleworlds Oh Taleworlds Save us from the endless toil Share your labour Our hearts' spoil You shall be among the titans Prometheus of our time Your names gilded in the sky But until then Bannerlord when Submitted January 18, 2019 at 07:06AM by BFyre

Longest time you had a small unit surviving?

Just last night a thought like this occured to me, after I noticed I had 3 Swadian sergeants still in my group, for about 80 days straight. Pleasantly surprised, I was proud on my swadian butterbois, especially given the fact I am currently doing a "no horse units" playthrough. So every fight was pure foot soldier brawl, yet they persisted. Needless to say, they died a couple of a days later (player's curse) when I got outnumbered by sheep-loving Rhodoks. ​ So, how long did you have same units surviving? Submitted January 18, 2019 at 07:10AM by megadjed

Question about a certain...addition Floris has made to my game.

I'll just cut straight to the point: all the claimaint women (Lady Isolla and Arwa) have ridiculously massive, anime-level boobs. Seriously. AFAIK no other women in the game have these "features". Does anyone know why this is a thing/what mod is doing this, and how I can remove it? For context I'm running Floris Expanded with a few addons (English troop names, butter fix, etc.) and that's it. Submitted January 18, 2019 at 02:14AM by christhemushroom


Anyone know how to make these motherfuckers go straight to the town not all over the fucking map Submitted January 17, 2019 at 06:47PM by Judoknome

PoP questions

I can't seem to ever find a castle that doesn't have 400+ troops while i have like 140 troops max, then usually they are all murder pits with one entrance is this normal? Also by joining a knighthood order does that mean i can't create my own without leaving it? Also what are some good knighthood orders/ faction troops to get for my army? sorry for asking mutliple questions. Submitted January 17, 2019 at 12:55PM by flocker64

Conqueror's blade?

Only just stumbled across it recently. Bit of Dynasty warriors meets M&B, but on seeing the overworld yeah it's practically a straight rip on the idea. And maybe some elements of total war. Might be a way to tide over until the release of butterlord. Combat is mashy and CD based though. Submitted January 17, 2019 at 11:57AM by kriegson

An amusing anecdote

So I just joined in a nice, textbook really, raid on an enemy city. Comfortable climb up the wall, chill street brawl, etc. Then, we get into the keep. Soon as we spawn in this rando defender hits us with a top notch, A-grade, pitch perfect, battle roar. While I'm enjoying this epic treat the stone cold mother f@#$er beside me just plants an arrow square in his face. We all turned to stare at the shooter like "s@#$ dude" Fantastic. Y'all gitta have some good stories, hit me. Submitted January 17, 2019 at 11:52AM by Pagru

Love at first sight. (VC)

While i was in the middle of a siege, i found a "siege rock" on the top of the gates which dealt around "50" damage when thrown. After that i went around the map looking to buy some, but to no avail. I searched for it during other sieges too but i still couldn't find it. Now i am starting to doubt myself i don't know if what i saw was my imagination or i misread it. Please help me find my beloved. Submitted January 17, 2019 at 08:04AM by Whrnthe

I want a super realistic m&b mod, any suggestions?

I want a mod where your character can die (you’ll have to start over) and your companions can too. I don’t care what genre of mod it is. The only mod that I really want to play now a days is explorer because the concept is so cool but it’s just too early in development and I played as much as the demo can offer. What’s the most realistic m&b mod out there? Thanks! Submitted January 17, 2019 at 01:42AM by ThatsTuff6969

I'm in dire need of troop trees

Currently I am playing the Medieval Conquests mod and I cannot find any troop trees anywhere. For days I scoured the internet for what I need... nothing. Please, there has to be something out there. The lack of this information is seriously hindering my style of play, therefore my enjoyment is diminished. I know this is an old mod, so someone, somewhere must have created something... even if it's not official. edit: I play either Poland or Lithuania. Submitted January 16, 2019 at 02:53PM by meltedplasticarmyguy

Looking for advice against the Rhodoks.

Playing on PS4 so no mods or fancy key controlls. I was helping the Rhodoks conquer Caldaria up until I decided to rebel. I have now gotten to the point of having wiped out all the other kingdoms and taken the half of the map that is not green. My main force for conquest has been the swadin knights but now that I am fighting the Rhodoks they will not be nearly as effective. Can anyone give me advice on how to proceed in the war against them? I have about 10 lords helping me and my army size is about 160 with mostly maxed out party and leader skills, if that helps. (Hopefully) thanks in advances Submitted January 16, 2019 at 12:35PM by A_T_W

Hey guys

We any closer to a release? Haven’t checked the sub in about 6 months since they started doing dev blogs about cornfields. Submitted January 16, 2019 at 09:14AM by a_popz

Is Count Tredian a jerk?

tldr; I gave Count Tredian a ton of fiefs, did I mess up? So to cut a long story short, some shit led me to declaring a Russian Revolution about 60 days in, and for a while found myself bouncing between the two defending them after the war with the Nords turned out to be a lot shorter than I had banked on. After a while I went back to my court in Nelag to try and beg the Sultan for peace again, and Count Tredian was there, he offered to join me since Harlaus was being a wanker or something. Since he was my first vassal I showered him in gifts. But today I read here that the lords have personalities and some are just assholes. But I can't seem to find out what type of Lord Tredian is. I'm worried he's an asshat since he was so willing to dip from Swadia. So did I fuck up? Submitted January 16, 2019 at 01:29AM by The_Empire_Of_Kilos

Pretenders for their thrones

Does anyone else really want the option to instead of swearing fealty and helping pretenders you can just do it as a mercenary for gold? That way you can put all pretenders on their thrones while building your wealth to take all the lands yourself. Obviously this would be balanced by never giving you land. I just want to help all the pretenders without having to defect, also correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure you can only help one pretender per save in warband regardless of if you defect or not Submitted January 15, 2019 at 02:44PM by AnotherGuy18

Conspiracy (Bannerlord 2019)

After all those years that wfas and viking conquest came out people start to talk about them again? I think these first talks started by taleworlds in order to make more sales before bannerlord starts selling and subreddit just kinda followed along, it is just my little conspiracy theory. We will see in a few months I guess. Submitted January 15, 2019 at 04:34PM by nskral


i cant wait anymore FUCK, where is the game armagan, WHERE IS THE GAME. I'M SICK AND TIRED OF BEING BUTTERED UP, JUST LET ME PLAY THE GAME. But deep inside me i know, i know that its never coming out, for the feast is eternal and butter infinite. Submitted January 15, 2019 at 04:17PM by coopdoe