Make a elite cataphract force of 50 than charge them to their horse division. Elite cataphracts are superior in all ways. Then, charge the horses on to the pikeman and archers then charge the soldiers and arrows. Dont forget that these has to be mostly legionaries. I hope my tips help. submitted by /u/Visible_Tax7920 [link] [comments]
Hey Guys is it just me or does the AI seem to rebel alot in campaign but basically never in sandbox,
I am clan tier 4 (Arena Champion for the reknown) And I can field 164 men which is made up of 58 Fian Champions 20 Praetorians 20 Crusaders 25 Valkyries 25 Mounted Higlanders The rest are companions, do you guys have any advice or tips on getting a Fief because I usually wait for someone to rebel then I take them out but with no one rebeling I'm having trouble
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