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How to earn parts

What's the best way to unlock parts? I feel like I smelt everything I get but still have no 3 tier parts. Do I need to buy the weapons and smelt them all or can use get by just smelting what i find? submitted by /u/trynalearnsumthins [link] [comments]

Anyone get granted way too much land in war?

In my current game as Vlandia we went to war with the sturgians, nothing too out of the ordinary. My clan tier is 4 and I married a vlandian noble woman so I’m pretty much going all in on Vlandia. We get into the war and the first castle we take goes to me, awesome now I have an actual holding. We crush sturgia in almost every battle as I am banner knight maxing and go on to take the two western cities of sturgia. Then they both get granted to me. I’m not complaining at this point but when we take everything other than Tyal and it all gets granted to me even when I vote against myself it starts to get a bit annoying.

So now I am basically the king of sturgia and I own everything save for one city. The war ends and I return to the west to buy more gallants. Then before I get there battania attacks us, so after some recruiting I go back to war as it’s pretty close by. Vlandia takes a city and a castle before I get there and both are granted to me. At this point I’m getting really annoyed as I figure this must be a bug. I remember on the earliest builds of the game the faction leader would take every single holding in war so this is giving me similar vibes.

My influence is only at about 1000 and most of the Vlandia nobles are locked at -100 opinion. I’m wondering if this is a value error or something; as in they all hate me so much the code is telling them they must actually love me because the number shouldn’t be so low. Anyone have any idea why this is happening or know a solution?

submitted by /u/lowborn_lord
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