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How do I fix these mod errors? I'm playing on the most recent STABLE branch and just DL'd these mods 5 mins ago, unsure WTF is happening here

submitted by /u/RotInPixels [link] [comments]

Tips for starting your own faction!!!!

As someone who struggled the first few times venturing out on my own and starting my own faction I thought I’d give my strategy incase anyone else was going through the same thing, I that you need atleast a mil before u try to start your own faction, at first I thought that was abit much but this is right maybe even more as you will have to pay some factions tribute straight away as the ai attacks smaller and weaker factions, which in turn means every faction is most probably going to declare war on you, imo the best way to tackle this is is pay off the bigger armies first and leave atleast 2 maybe three if they’re smaller factions at war with u as you can’t manage to fight them all at once, with this being said at the start of the game it would seem near impossible but hopefully with ur placement on the map you’ll be able to defend the waves of enemies, now with that said the best location in my opinion is the stugarians towns of revyl and varcheg, with it being in a cornered part of the map that’s only accessible through one path u can then Inturn use varcheg as your first line of defence and fall back to revyl if u are to ever lose varcheg, also useful using revyls garrison to fill varcheg as I found two factions to be manageable enough to fight from the castle of varcheg that they never breached it and made it to revyl, imo the best way to make the mil and get this position on the map is faction up with valandia first, join one of their armies patrolling and collect and sell loot until ur thumbs bleed, their armies r so big u can get away with simulating majority of the battles, remember don’t be afraid to pay off factions u can always over take smaller ones then get ur revenge, I’m currently the second biggest faction on the map on console with no cheats and I’m still paying valandia like 3.5 k a day, it still isn’t smart for me to go to war with where my fiefs r located so I’ll wait until I have enough land and lords until I feel comfortable, if anyone needs for tips on smaller details like recruiting lords and such let me know, I know those tips r probably written everywhere but sometimes they’re hard to find

submitted by /u/Top_Firefighter3987
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