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Showing posts from May, 2018

Those don't look like "Plains" to me.

So, I end up loading into a fight after reading the Auto Resolve where it says that the battle location takes place in the "Plains" as well as looking visually at where im located on the map with not a single tree in sight around me, and then i get a marsh surrounded by trees. Begs another question, if I would have auto resolved, would it have auto'd on that map I loaded into or would it have auto'd with a Plains modifier to cavalry/horse archer troops? submitted by /u/tjburke93123 [link] [comments]

Am I the Only One that Hates Being King?

I basically never create my own kingdom. I just find the way it works in this game to be tedious and not fun. It's weird because I love managing a country in games like CK2 and EU4, but in this game I just pretty much want to build up myself and my companions and beat the crap out of people. All this stupid stuff with this guy being mad because I gave this fief to this other guy just isn't fun for me. My goal is to conquer Calradia for the faction I pick, not for my own faction. Am I the only one that feels this way? Submitted May 31, 2018 at 10:50AM by vurbil

Games that have released/will release soon since Bannerlord's announcement

5 Assassin's Creeds 4 Battlefields 2 Battlefronts 7 Call of Duties Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Crusader Kings 2 Imperator: Rome (probably) Cities Skylines 5 Total Wars Cities Skylines Arma 3 Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Fallouts 1 Mount and Blade expansion Overwatch Witcher 3 Rainbow Six: Siege 3 Tomb Raiders Bioshock: Infinite 2 God of Wars GTA V 3 Far Crys 3 Video Game Consoles 2 Dishonoreds 2 Borderlands 2 Hitmans 2 XCOMs 2 Metal Gears 2 LOTR games Rocket League Bloodborne Dying Light 1 Uncharted 2 Dark Souls 2 Titanfalls 1 Civilization 1 DOOM 1 Legend of Zelda 2 Resident Evils 2 Wolfensteins 2 Divinity: Original Sins 2 Pillars of Eternitys 1 Kingdoms Hearts Submitted May 30, 2018 at 11:51AM by WritingWithSpears

Just Venting About Spear and Shield Again

There have been arguments lasting 10+ pages on whether the spear or the sword was in fact the superior infantry weapon in real life. I'm not going there with this rant. I don't care if the spear was better than the sword or not. I just care that it was not completely useless as depicted in this game. Call me obsessive, mildly autistic, whatever it is, but I would just really like to have a spear/shield companion. Hoplites were cool, okay? And it pisses me off that it is literally impossible to achieve a successful companion with spear and shield. Got Klethi to level 20, 24 agility, 8 weapon master, 8 shield, and still with the best infantry spear in the game (balanced, shortened spear.... which sucks by the way because it doesn't stop horses... so to have any chance at all against other infantry, you have to give up the only benefit to spears), I STILL just witnessed her get soloed by a steppe bandit in the bandit lair. For the love of God, you have 24 agility and light...

How to survive an all out war?

I'm playing Native at all Normal and currently my faction the Sand people is in war with 4 factions while on truces with the Rhodok. We are losing almost all the new castle or town we just capture and now I'm about to lose the 2 castle that I owned. The Sultan took lessons form King Harlaus is now holding feast after feast when the main army is destroy. The situation is very bad for me. Any advice form the vet? Submitted May 30, 2018 at 04:35AM by randomperson_xxx

Any suggestions on mount and blade-like games?

I’m gonna take a break from mount and blade warband and was wondering if you guys have any suggestions. I like the concept of mount and blade. The RPG, combat, sandbox, lead people, aspects of the game and am looking for something similar. Thanks Submitted May 30, 2018 at 12:13AM by JosephStall

A little piece I wrote this morning. Feedback is welcome

I've been stuck with a severe case of writers block for almost a year now. Today I finally decided to force myself to write something, even if its just a tiny thing that isn't of the greatest quality. This is a project I've wanted to work on in the past, based on the character from one of my favourite playthroughs of Warband. I wanted to share it with you guys, both to see what you think and for any feedback you may have. Hope you enjoy (and if you don't, I'm sorry). Submitted May 29, 2018 at 10:10AM by Howler452

A historian plays Mount & Blade: Warband - best "real history" mods?

Hey everyone, yesterday I played MB: Warband for the first time. First: Holy, how refreshing to all these polished games these days! Many people told me I should play his game, especially because of Kingdome Come: Deliverance. I'm just 3 hours in, but it really makes a lot of fun already. As the title of this thread says, I'm a historian in real life. So I'm also interested in "realistic" mods for this game. I found out that there are a couple of well made mods for this game, but are there particular mods you would recommend to someone like me? Thanks in advance! Loren Submitted May 29, 2018 at 06:36AM by Lorenlyr

Suggestions to improve a very rocky new Kingdom beginning?

Hello all, Skip ahead to the TLDR if you dont want to read my rambling :p So I may have jumped the gun a little on branching off on my own. I spent about the first 125 days of my game slowly building up my army by killing raiders and collecting noble companions. Then moved onto Swadia to work as a mercenary. Once I got to around 60 troops, a fair mix of Swadian Knights and Sharpshooters, I went and attacked a Vaegir castle (I think it is called Hanun?). It is on a mountain between the Khergit and Vaegir boarder at the bottom of the map. Once i took the castle, it took me a looooong time and a lot of fighting and begging to finally get peace with the Vaegirs. It was a lot of patrolling my small area, killing off the groups of 20-100 Vaegir lords that came too close, looting the 2 nearest villages to get some monies, then transferring most of my army to the garrison so i could book it to the nearest Khergit city to sell stuff then high tale it back. Just before I finally made peace w...

[PoP] Qualis Gems

Hello Dukes, Sorry for another post regarding PoP, but I need to know... I had 2 Qualis gems and invested one in the potion that gives str, agi and cha. Is it worth it to spend them on this potion until I max out my attributes and keep leveling int from now on, or should I spend them any other way? Another one for the crowd: at what point, regarding troops and party size, do you recommend going for Quigfen's quest and taking on the jatu army? Thank you in advance and go raid now. Submitted May 28, 2018 at 02:43AM by Mekktron

Stuck with 75 unit cap in native

I've been playing native and I've gotten to a point where I feel stuck. At my current level I can have 75 soldiers. I can find some NPCs I can fight and beat and slowly raise my renown, but I feel like progress is happening very slowly. I worked as a vassal for the Nords for a while, but got tired and released myself from it. I also pissed off the Vaegirs a lot; I've been terrorizing them and ransoming their leaders. Recently I met with the Sarranid rebel and now the Sultan hates me too. Rhodoks and Khergits are pretty neutral towards me. Swadia has been eliminated, may Harlus rest in butter. What do I do to progress? I want to take over a castle and help the Sarranid rebel, but there's no way I can do that with 75 troops. I heard Swadian knights are broken, but I don't particularly want to cheese my way. What do? Submitted May 28, 2018 at 02:22AM by EwokSithLord

What I hate about loot early on in the game

I win a hard fought battle against a group of knights, using my puny sword and flimsy shield, clad in a padded shirt. I win the fight, and instead of any of the knights' awesome gear, I get bent javelins. Why?! Submitted May 27, 2018 at 08:58PM by BreachWarden


Are rhodoks actually good? This subreddit is always making jokes about how they’re the best faction and I don’t know why. I took 0 injuries 0 casualties outnumbered 98:58 Submitted May 27, 2018 at 12:57PM by PatheticMango

Looting & Trading - here's why I think these skills are a failure in Warband

Most skills in this game become more useful as the game progresses, especially the skills that are governed by Intelligence attribute. Being able to see further, move faster, heal faster, even the odds against larger armies, lose fewer men. All of those things become more effective as time passes. However, the skills I mentioned in the title don't become more effective. Well, technically they do, but their actual usefulness becomes completely irrelevant. As you advance in the world and start more and more enterprises and get awarded with new fiefs, you'll start to generate a very large weekly income - one that will be more than enough to finance your weekly wages and even generate extra denars to spend on luxuries, like butter. The only part in the game where you would actually want to have a high Looting & Trade is in the beginning, when you're collecting all the junk you can. The problem is, it's impossible to actually have enough points in Looting and Trade ...

I made a list of everything you've done/could have done since bannerlords release

Since bannerlord's release, your body has: -Almost completely regenerated itself, replacing almost every single cell inside it -Approximately 204,400 billion blood cells have died,and have been replaced -Your heart has pumped 22,192,000 litres (5,840,000 gallons) of blood, enough to fill around 9 olympic-sized swimming pools -Your skin has completely renewed itself 104 times -You've lost approximately 219,000 hairs -5,840 litres of urine have been produced and removed by your bladder -Your nails have grown 11,800 centimetres, or 118 metres -Your stomach has regenerated itself approximately 416 times Now, the things you could have done with that valuable time: -You could have started and finished/continued watching gravity falls, game of thrones, arrow, house, rick and morty, steins;gate, among many others. -You could have graduated from medical school (without a specialization) -Started your very own business (not necessarily successful) -Tied the knot, and raised...

Question about sarranid troops

I am interested on using sarranid troops because I would like the challange of using inferior troops. I don't understand where can I get the sand to feed them though? I have tried all major sarranid cities, thanks. Submitted May 25, 2018 at 10:46AM by Just-Call-Me-Frank

Nova Aetas, Mining and Me

Hello all, back again with the mod. I've accidentally dropped 1 gold into the smelting list without realising just how damn rare, or unlucky I am, it is and 200 days down the line my entire plan is being held up by it. That being said is it possible to remove the gold from cart or cancel the process and start over? I've looked on forums and the wikia but I'm afraid of what the answer might be. Submitted May 24, 2018 at 01:30PM by Versz_Marr

[Modding Question] Multiple weapons on one troop?

Hello! I'm currently "balancing" the Elite troops of Silverstag, basically upgrading them to be more fitting of the Elite status. I'm also using Morgh's Editor (great tool!). The gist is that I want to equip elite spear-bearing troops with a sword. The problem is that when I edit items into the equipment of a troop, it seems like it treats it as an item pool, instead of items that should be equipped on the troop. So in-game, I see troops with spears OR swords, instead of spears AND swords. Is there any way to remedy this? Am I doing something wrong? I really want to increase the hilarious survivability of spear troops. Thanks in advance! Submitted May 23, 2018 at 11:43AM by RLTYProds

Will light cavalry be worth it?

Basically, will there be any incentive to use light cavalry when the heavy variant is available? I know that you’ll need to buy the horses and probably the horse armour for each unit, but when money becomes a non-issue, will there be a reason not to just spam Vlandian Knights or Imperial Cataphracts? Because from what I’ve seen from the gameplay footage, the only thing heavy cavalry doesn’t do better than light cavalry is chasing down other light cavalry. Submitted May 23, 2018 at 10:13AM by WarmSlush

Casualty reports option ticks off on its own

I'm playing Floris Evolved (for the first time) and I noticed the casualties weren't showing up. Odd, I thought I had it on. Surprisingly, it was ticked off. I turned it back on and the battle continued on smoothly with my reports, however, after each report, the option is disabled. It's really annoying to turn it back on during each battle, so anyone got a fix? Thanks. Submitted May 23, 2018 at 09:25AM by Mister_Deathborne

What tips would you give for a "new" PoP playthrough?

I say new because I've level 13 with 50-60 men and I have 25k so I'm not struggling but I'd like to be making much more. The Arena seems to be the easiest way to make quick money if you're patient enough but it's too repetitive and I want to train my troops as much as I can. Tips on which faction to side with, which area is the most profitable and how I can take advantage of it, which place I should think of trying to take control over one day, etc would be appreciated. Thanks. Submitted May 23, 2018 at 04:06AM by AudioCinematic

One of the bows in Warsword conquest is broken or oddly balanced and I am trying to fix it. I need some help though.

The Dragon Bow in warsword conquest has what appears to be zero accuracy. No other bow has this. On max power draw and max bow proficiency, the accuracy only then becomes okay. I have tried fixing it in Morgh's and Item editor but item editor just could not open item_kinds1 and morgh's is showing ALL bows as zero accuracy. I then tried editing the accuracy value in item_kinds itself but I don't know which value adjusts accuracy. I tried comparing other bows to the dragon bow to see which stat looks different and even on them I don't see a 99 for accuracy. Submitted May 23, 2018 at 04:07AM by Fumblerful-

Training Fields

What do training fields do? Do they just increase your stats at a higher rate than in battle? I don’t understand why I would want to use them instead of fighting... Submitted May 22, 2018 at 01:16PM by PatheticMango

Question about L'angle

So I heard something about the state paying the troops you hire instead of you, is that true? So I can spend all the money on food and equipment for my companions and me without getting into debt? If yes, are the fortresses and cities I conquer also paid by the state? Submitted May 22, 2018 at 07:48AM by speedr4cist

Is there any point to min/max in this game?

I have a new character on POP, and I'm just wondering whether or not it's advantageous to only focus on a specific combat build? For example, whats the difference between focusing on just archery and one-handed... Vs just leveling everything up? Obviously, as you level up, it gets harder to earn skill points, but is there any harm in just leveling up everything in combat? Submitted May 22, 2018 at 07:46AM by Therekrerf

my woman doesnt know how to fight

So I married some woman that is rhodokian blood (because im rhodok myself) I asked her to join my party but she says that no no I dont know how to hold a sword. Says I should've married another woman but I had no choice because the wedding was already up and it cost me 10k of my precious money. Can I train her or sumthin?? Submitted May 22, 2018 at 12:27AM by Ghosty1245

Tips for a Newcomer

Okay so... I have to say, I absolutely love this game. I saw it a long time ago, before I was earning money, and always wanted it. Now I have it, although I have encountered a problem I like to think of myself as the decent sort, the one who wouldn't go burning villages to support himself and his soldiers, but at the moment I seem to be in a bit of a stalemate. I'm a female character and I know that makes things harder, but what exactly can I do to progress? I want to become a vassal so I get some land, but literally nobody is interested in me. I guess I could go up against some lords but...that seems really risky to me So if there's anything that can help me, preferably aside from raiding villages, I'd really love to know Submitted May 22, 2018 at 03:55AM by MusterStelYrGril

Which mod had the most in-depth economy system?

I know M&B is mostly about war and fighting, but I"m like to see the full effect of good/bad economy had on ones kingdom. So, that it gives the king more challenges in managing a kingdom and not just being good at war only. Submitted May 21, 2018 at 01:39PM by randomperson_xxx

Silverstag Vaegirs and Veterans

So I know that these bois are all about their archers and no-shield high tier units. But I was so used to the Vaegir footmen/infantry to have a shield before that upgrade that I find the Silverstag units to be just painful. I can barely win against Sea Rider parties that are half mine Maybe Im exagerating but you get the point. Also how does one get veterans in this mod? Submitted May 21, 2018 at 12:58PM by Herkras

An actual case of Realism vs Gameplay

What if instead of being able to press a button to get your bastard sword and shield out and put back your bow and arrows in light speed, what if there were animations for putting your weapons back in place and then pulling out your desired weapon, which would take quite a while, and to counter it you would have to quickly drop your weapon and pull out your other weapon which results in the time for switching weapons cutting in half (sheathe + unsheathe = total time, dropping the weapon means unsheathe = total time) I'd like to know your opinions on this simple thing that I don't recall hearing when people talk about gameplay vs realism, it would make fighting more balanced as people can't simply pull out a shield from their bosoms and then a 2-hander once they are right up in the enemy's archer faces. (And imagine if knives and daggers had really short unsheathe time, meaning I can ditch my sword and stab m'enemy's face in no time, he won't see that one ...

Can I Get Mods on a Mac?

I’ve been thinking about buying mount and blade for my 2016 Mac laptop, and was wondering if I would still be able to mod it if I did Submitted May 21, 2018 at 08:33AM by pop999333222111

Khergit Horse Archer branch utter waste?

Let me tell beforehand that I almost always play Native with Diplo mode only. I've been playing this game for so long, for at least couple thousands of hours, yet there is a thing I simply can't understand at all. What were they thinking when they were designing Khergit Horse Archer branch? Like seriously, is this a joke? Lancers are already much better than Khergit Veteran Horse Archers in almost every way. They got better horses, better armor, better proficieny, better level and stats. As if all these were not enough, Veteran Horse Archers don't even spawn with bows all the time. To be precise; "About 63.2% of Khergit Veteran Horse Archers have a bow and arrows. About 32.8% of them will have javelins and a melee weapon and a shield, which means they do not have a bow and arrows. About 4% will not have javelins or a bow and arrows." (direct quote from the wiki) Just why would the fucking trash Veteran Horse Archer require more upgrades? How can it be a tier h...

Your PoP stories!

Please tell me your favorite PoP stories/playthroughs! I love that mod and I like reading how other plays it and what happens in their campaigns! Submitted May 20, 2018 at 10:03AM by killingblade544

King Harlaus is an ass.

here I am, playing Warband Native, my relation with Swadia is 67, my relation with King is 70. we are at war with Rodocks and thus I take around 6 castles from them but King refuse to give them to me, later I take the city of Yalen on my own, King wont give city to me, I renounce relation with Harlaus, join Rodocks, take all castles back I sieged as Swadia, now the proud owner of 12 towns/city's/castles. Submitted May 20, 2018 at 10:44AM by Xavilius

Medieval Conquests and Nova Aetas changes

I haven't been keeping up with these two mods and warband in general so I was wondering what has changed with these mods in the last year. Also, how does the MC economy work vs how does the NA economy work and how do lordships and titles work in both mods? Submitted May 20, 2018 at 06:49AM by john_baelish

Good less known mods?

I see a lot of this asked and it's always the same mods, and for good reason but I just think some might get passed over because of it. Submitted May 20, 2018 at 02:44AM by Sparkplug99

Just finished Perisno

I just conquered the entire map in the name of the bakhal giants, using only sut and bakhal troops(except for that one time I used dwarven mercenaries against Maccan). We took back the land that was rightfully ours, perisno belongs to the giants! My character started off as bakhal foot soldier in the army of Vandr Jorlienkr, then became a vassal of Grand chieftain Azhar, then became an independent war chief with Grund as my capital, from there I went on to conquer the whole continent. What an epic mod, I loved everything about it, from the diverse units and factions, to the epic seiges, the music, the zann invasion, just everything about it. I hope the mod is finished some day, because I'd love to check out the full version. Submitted May 19, 2018 at 11:54AM by Randydandy69

Terrible Tactics: Mountain Blade Wirbend

Oh ye(et) of little faith. Introductions first, my name is ChaunceyBoy, aka PthulhuCeople on PSN, aka GreenskinTrash on Twitter, aka Chauncey IRL, aka your new step uncle. I’m here to talk to you about my third favorite game: Mount and Blade: Warband. Warband is basically the best game on PC ever created and God’s gift to humanity. To generally explain the concept, Mount and Blade is an open world RPG where you travel across the kingdom of Calradia, fighting, trading, or committing petty banditry in order to buy butter. Generally the Conan approach is most common. I’ll start with some tips about the vanilla game so you all won’t suck duck dick. Google it. Step One: Fuck Bitches, Get Money. If you’re looking for quick cash you basically have to forget you have any morals or conscience. Slaughtering anyone weaker than yourself is basically a necessity. Start by going to the nearest village and basically buying the peasants to fight for you as slaves. Eventually they’ll become more pow...

Purchased game on Steam - native is activated, but floris evolved is in trial mode?

Hi, Just purchased this game and downloaded the Floris Evolved mod from nexus. Launching the game through the provided .exe with that mod tells me I need to activate the game - which apparently can't be done because modern keys are not supported anymore. The native version is activated just fine. Does anyone have any idea how to get around this so I can play Floris Evolved? Thanks! Submitted May 19, 2018 at 07:21AM by CaptainCrabcake

How do you say "Ni"

On MountandSiege I'm hearing people say "ni"; it is vital that I know how to speak this sacred word. Is it part of the most recent Neogk update? Submitted May 18, 2018 at 11:49AM by A_Really_Big_Cat

Armagan Yavuz is harming the development of Bannerlord

So I was rereading some dev blogs, news articles and rewatching videos. I happen to find this PC gamer article that caught my eye And this quote is important; It explains why Bannerlord has been so long in the making. “We are trying to make the best game we possibly can,” says Ali Erkin, TaleWorlds’ managing director, “and this unfortunately has meant going back to the design board in certain cases, rethinking certain features, or rewriting a piece of code that doesn’t perform as well as it should.” By way of an example, Erkin reveals that the character development system has been reworked three times from scratch. “When all is done and we see a system working really well, we feel that it was worth the extra time and effort,” Erkin continues. “While we missed our 2016 target, we are confident we’ll be able to get the game out in some form this year.” And this worries me, because Armagan based off t...

[AWOIAF] Start help

So, I decided to give AWOIAF a whirl this summer and downloaded it. I started a game (using a character imported from my newly finished PoP run because I’m lazy) and I’m... impressed but puzzled. What should I do to start? Should I focus on getting gear? Companions? Work as a soldier? Trade? Just wondering if there’s any starting advice that I should know. Additionally, do the starting races change much? And should I have picked ASOIAF names or HBO names (I have a VERY passing familiarity with the books, read the first three wars ago, and haven’t seen the show). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks y’all! Submitted May 16, 2018 at 03:44AM by Halbeorn

Thanks Harlaus

Just got Floris, figured I'd try freelancing for the good king to get that classic A Knight's Tale experience. Start the game, swadia's at war with the nords, rhodoks, and khergits and within a week rhodoks capture uxhal. Good King Harlaus doesn't care though, he needs to show those nords what fer. "What fer"-meaning taking 200 troops to go fight a 600 strong nord war party, which surprisingly leads to mine and Harlaus' captures. I escape, and begin my quest to reunite with my leige within 20 days so I don't get branded a bitch deserter. Mamma ain't raise no bitch deserters. Unfortunately for me, Harlaus was taken captive at curin, It's been 15 days and no one's decided to help him. In the meantime, the rhodoks also took praven. All hail Good King Harlaus, rightful ruler of calradia, Butterlord Crusader. Deus Vult. Submitted May 16, 2018 at 12:59AM by XDark_XSteel

Late-game problem

Hi guys. Been playing floris mod and I am somewhere aroubd day 300. I have two castles and one village, loads of dyeworks and acres. However I feel like I am stuck i a repetitive, constand wars that actually lead nowhere. Its always midless fighting with other lords, capaturing a castle and losing another... I need some advice how to make it interesting and how to progress in my stage? Should I start my own kingdom somehow or help a pretender? Thanks! Submitted May 15, 2018 at 09:04AM by Rimhawk

Does persuasion do anything when levelling companions?

Right so I've been playing m&b for almost two years and taken over the world a couple of times so I'm pretty familiar with the game (I play on console don't kill me I can't afford a PC). I've got around 5 companions all with skills that help me out besides one who is too low of a level to really add anything useful so I normally just jack up their persuasion skill even though it's a personal skill Because of this I always use them to relay messages to other kingdoms/tell other lords to gather near me when I'm marshal So I'm just wondering, does the persuasion skill affect this? Do more lords turn up if I use them to rally lords to me/are kings more likely to make peace if I send them as an emissary? Submitted May 15, 2018 at 08:30AM by josef-k-cider

[AWOIAF] Struggling to marry

I don't know if it matters that im playing this mod but ill link it in title anyway. My problem is that I am trying to marry Janei Lannister but the father won't let me see her because I have already been seeing her. I have a 96 relationship with the father and a 76 relationship with Janei, I have over 1100 renown and even dueled joffrey because he was trying to marry her. Everytime I ask Kevan Lannister if i can see her he says no because I saw her behind his back. If anyone can help me figure out this please do, even if it involves cheating, I don't mind. I just want to marry my beloved girlfriend. Submitted May 15, 2018 at 05:16AM by LegoSlaughter

Strength vs. Agility

Even when I think I have things figured out, I like to challenge my own assumptions by submitting them to others for debate. So after many, many hours of playing Mount and Blade, I've come to the conclusion that strength is better than agility; a lot better. So much better that I would even say you should never raise agility at all except to meet a requirement; namely, riding chargers. This is especially pronounced when building companions. Any advantage that agility gives you (mainly movement speed) is not utilized by the AI very well or at all. This is pretty much confirmed if you have a mod that tracks companion kills. You can clearly see that strength-based companions get more kills than agility-based. Also that strength-based get more kills than an even split. The inherent bonuses you get from strength are so much better. And the skills that it unlocks are also better. It's very unbalanced. Does anyone disagree? Submitted May 14, 2018 at 02:14PM by vurbil https:/...

Mod Night - March OF Rome

News from the top, Legionaries. Trajan's message was misinterpreted as the barbarians marching ON Rome, but in reality we were supposed to be invading them. Let's go Romanize those Britons and Dacians! Welcome to the ninth Mod Night! Mod Night is a community event where we visit less popular/empty multiplayer mods that you wouldn't otherwise have a chance to try out. This month we'll be returning to March of Rome , a mod showcasing the Roman conquests under Clodius and Trajan. You can find the download for the module here! (You will have to redownload if you played at the first mod night; the module has been updated since.) This is the first module we have repeated for the event. Due to the limited selection of multiplayer mods, more of our past events will most likely follow. This does not mean we will only be doing repeats, as in fact next month's will be an entirely new module! If there any other of our past mods you'd like to revisit, let us know i...

Why do you prefer Prophecy of Pendor over Floris, Ice and Fire, or another mod?

I've been playing PoP lately, and while I like the equipment and secrets, I find troops, IMO the most important element, to be pretty vanilla. Here are the issues I have with PoP troops: Factions are less specialized. All races seem to have infantry, foot and mounted archers, and cavalry. Even the nords have cavalry this time around. Maybe if they had deeper troop trees like Floris, the differences between factions would be more pronounced? No troops have maxed skills, which leads to little/no difference between the upper troop levels. Why would I upgrade my Black Archers to Silvermist (let alone spend a qualis gem!) when it doesn't make them better archers? They get no power draw increase, and while their bows get a slight damage buff, they also drop in accuracy and speed. Even Fierdsvain Berserkers that have given up shields, throwing weapons, plate armor, and everything else they can in exchange for slightly higher damage, don't have 10 power strike. Troops be...

what i want to see in warband most of all

Is that the battlefield overview map becomes way better. in fact, the ideal use of it would being akin to the overview map of the latest total war games. On top of that, being able to drag out your units like in total war so you can choose their file and rank at will instead of struggling with all the different f key combinations just seems way more intuitive and beginner friendly. That is what i hope to see in 2030. What do you guys think? Submitted May 13, 2018 at 09:09AM by ZoeMeatAgain

[Warband] Has anyone else played this mod? It makes sieges fun, imo.

It's called Native Scenes Replacement Pack , more specifically its Town Pack . It replaces the towns with bigger and more detailed versions for both walking around in and in sieging. This actually makes walking around and laying sieges in towns more interesting and fun. As far as I know, it lacks one more Sarranid town (Barriye) but other than that, it is very playable and compatible with mods (ones that don't have special modifications in town least afaik). Here's a video showing my siege of Tihr. Notice the destructible gate . After playing through this level, I just had to advertise this mod which is surprisingly too obscure for its quality. Apologies for the video quality and lack of audio. After Effects didn't render the audio for some reason and I was lacking hard drive space so I had to downscale and shorten the footage a lot. After breaking the gate, you go around the whole of the town and eventually reaching the Town...

Strategic/Management mod suggestions

Greetings, friends. I am looking for a mod that has most kingdom management, town building/management, strategic features and events. I do not care about the rpg aspect. The mods I've currently tried are ACOK, PoP, VC and anno domini. Is Nova Aetas my best bet? I'm sorta overwhelmed by the amount of mods currently out there and I can hardly find time to try them all, that's why I'm seeking a suggestion. Thank you in advance. Submitted May 12, 2018 at 07:12AM by Domasboja

[POP] Looting/Raiding is a waste of time. Any way to tweak this?

Looting/raiding villages is a complete waste of time in POP. In the time it takes to loot a village you could of killed a few bandit parties or found a tournament and walked away with vastly better rewards and absolutely no detriments. Raiding a village should be much more profitable in order to justify the negative aspects of it. There's a reason why it was so frequently done in real life after all. As it stands it doesn't make any sense that anyone at all is raiding villages since being an honorable lord is vastly more lucrative in both short term and long term. It's not only immersion breaking but it doesn't allow for any variance through multiple playthroughs. Due to POP having higher troop wages raiding villages needs to be heavily adjusted in order to make it a viable way to play the game. Otherwise the only way to play POP is an honorable law abiding lord every single playthrough. Is there any way to adjust the amount of money you get from pillaging to actually...

Armagan post on the Taleworld's forum

I read a post someone put on the Taleworld's forum talking about a lecture/talk Armagan did at their school. He said that Armagan discussed such things as having naval combat be the first DLC that he wants to release as well as co-op being a possible dlc option, he talked about delays the team had and how they had something like 28 of 112 scenes completed. I'm forgetting a lot of things, but that's why I'm bringing it up. I really want to read that post again. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and can link me to it? Thanks! Submitted May 11, 2018 at 09:36PM by Ditheron

What are your thoughts on ranged units not anticipating movement?

It's always felt weird to me to see ranged troops shoot at the position their target was when the arrow was let go, rather than at the position where they should be given their current direction and speed. I get that it allows the PC to be more powerful by abusing it, and that otherwise it may be harder to go solo without a good shield. And it's not impossible that it was meant to avoid ranged units being too powerful. But still, it feels weird. When there's a guy running from the battleground, moving in a direction parallel to my archers line, and not of one my 20+ Marksmen manage to hit him, leaving a trail of arrows behind him, it feels like a Looney Tunes cartoon. What I'd like to see, either in a mod or in BL, would be archer units being able to anticipate more enemy's movement as they gain in tiers. While it'd make sense to me than a braindead skirmisher could hardly shoot a bow without sticking an arrow in their neighbour's butt, I believe higher t...

An allied Lord tasked me with capturing an enemy Lord.

An allied Lord tasked me with capturing an enemy Lord. I see an enemy Lord imprisoned in an allied city. I proceed to kill allied troops in order to get him out of said allied city. After said prison break, I immediately imprison him again. After imprisoning him, I return to allied Lord and complete quest. Thus is the cycle of life. Submitted May 10, 2018 at 06:25AM by Uberfailure

[PoP] First World Problems

Buy a 340,000 denar suit of armor from Quifgen. +7 head, +70 body, +30 leg.   Give it to Alexios to have him make it Lordly since it was only reinforced.   Pay another ~200,000 denars to cut the time from 80 to 53 days.   53 days later get Lordly armor.   Required: 30 Strength   Don't have 30 Strength.   Two factions declare war on me in the same day.   Fuck. Guess I won't hire any mercenaries... Submitted May 09, 2018 at 03:26PM by captaincrunch00

ZODIAC MF on Mount and Blade Warband


Warsword Conquest help.

So, I found this mod. I love the concept of it. Warhammer Fantasy? Mount and Blade? Well yell heah! But, I can NOT, for the ever-loving life of me, find a DEFINITIVE guide of units, whats strengths and weaknesses each faction has, etcetera, etcetera. Would anybody be willing to help a geek out? Jumping into the game with little knowledge of what each faction is best/worst at sucks, because now I'm just blindly playing Warhammer. Obvious Chaos has some A1 cavalry and infantry, Beastmen and Greenskins are on par(???), and Skaven are best at ranged, I think? But what about all these other factions? Someone help a brother out, please? Submitted May 09, 2018 at 11:48AM by Volkhardt

Granting vassals fiefs in a growing empire

Brothers in arms, what’s the best strategy for granting fiefs when you’re expanding? I’m playing ACOK 6.0 and have most of Essos. I may have this all wrong, but so far I’ve been granting fiefs mainly so that lords roam around his lands as a deterrent to enemies wandering in. Now I have my eastern, northern and southern flanks safe and a large westward push in front of me into Westeros. I can of course grant new lands to my old vassals but will they stay in their old lands or the new lands? I don’t want to give someone fiefs and have them left undefended by a lord who’s on another continent. I could possibly take a new town on the border of my empire then ask to trade it with a vassal for their old place, thus reinstating them where I need them, right? There’s just no guarantee they’ll agree to that. I just don’t need anyone patrolling around the safest deepest parts of my territory, it’s a waste of their army. Is my reasoning for giving fiefs away sound, and any advice on what to ...

[Vikings Conquest] Why do random lords hate me, despite me never having been within a 20 kilometer radius of them in my entire life?

I had a flourishing trade router from Dorestad, Dunwic, Ribe, and Northvegr. Suddenly, a man from the Tribe of Osraige approached me and I noticed he had -1 Relation with me. So I went around from place to place, and noticed that literally half of the Lords that I greet (I have the dialogue of "Hello, my name is ____" and then they just... dislike me? Is it because I'm rich? Handsome? A Communist? Submitted May 08, 2018 at 03:05PM by Uberfailure

How can we fix the toxicity in multiplayer in Bannerlord?

When I join a warband multiplayer server, I usually encounter at least one of these issues: -Racists, anti semitics and trolls in the chat. -grumpy people yelling at their own teammates, usually accompanied with swears and slurs. Sometimes in battle servers you can see them killing teammates -Good players that like to bully the lower skilled players and constantly harassing them in chat for not being able to play on their skill level -People that vote kick archers and cavalry players for killing them too many times. As for right now, there are some ways to accomodate these problems in warband. -Using the mute button to ignore the trolls and angry people. This should work for the most part, however, this will be a problem later when: -Vote kicking. Most of the time people abuse this feature to kick people just because they are either: (playing a class they don't like) (having a username they don't like) And since you can't see people that you muted, its going to ...

I was really bored so I did a tier listing of the Warband faction unit archetypes.

Might as well share it where I can get flamed be constructively criticized by crazy people. Khergit: (the purple guys) Infantry: F. Their only guaranteed infantry unit is their base recruit, who is garbage. Cavalry: B. The definition of glass cannon, they cannot hold up against Swadian or Sarranid heavy cavalry in general melee but if you can get them to repeatedly charge, their lances do work. Archers: C. They have no guaranteed foot archers. That being said... SPECIAL: Cavalry Archers: D for AI, S for player who can properly micro them. Cavalry archers are stupidly good if you can use them, as they were in antiquity. Nords: (the blue guys) Infantry: S. Their infantry line is second to none. Get an army of Huscarls and you will win any even numbered fight against AI. Cavalry: N/A. The only cavalry you will see in a Nord army is Lords and the occasional mounted mercenary. Archers: B. They're decent, but they're basically there to soften up the enemy for your i...

Sexism or dumb ass AI?

I am the Marshall of the Sarrinid Sultanate, under Arwa the Pearled one. I ovethrew Sultan Hakim because I was doing literally all the work for the Sarrinids, EVERYTHING! I essentially farmed exp and fought the stupid petty wars that happen without player interference until I was a high enough level, with a large elite army. I kicked it into high gear around this time and annexed the Khanate almost single handedly. I got nothing but a little tiny, petty, burnt down village in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. I'm livid at this point, so I get in touch with Arwa, denounce my oath to my liege, and convince my band of white-knight Emir buddies to jump ship, and after like two weeks of playing (IRL), I overthrow Hakim. Now I'm a Marshall. Army of 200+ elite soldiers, 7 high level companions, and we can siege nearly any castle, any city, and win any battle. Arwa, being my best girlfriend, throws 9/10 cities my way. I hardly ever interact with the other Emirs because, simply put, I d...

Quick question folks

Hey, I just woke up from an 8 year coma, has anyone beaten Bannerlord yet? I imagine there are some good mods out there, like a Prophecy of Pendor 2. It would simply ruin my day to hear that there were any complications whatsoever on release of Bannerlord, which i assume came hastily after Warband. tell me what you guys think of bannerlord down below Submitted May 08, 2018 at 02:31AM by picklemoose

Do you guys feel like the path finding skill is cheating?

I haven’t played a campaign in a while because I can’t resist upgrading the pathfinding skill highly first. It gives you so much power. You’re untouchable in a small party, even bandits can’t get you. Then when you gain bulk, having high speed means the end of literally anything you want. You can sprint past small groups < 30 while you’re sitting at a fat 100 man stack. I just feel like it’s a quick and boost that’s too easy. Submitted May 07, 2018 at 02:21PM by WeAreElectricity

Tournament Rant

now, i like a good tournament as much as the next guy, but when you're charging at a dude on a 1500 pound hunk of muscle, lance drawn and he parries it with a wooden fucking sword you're going to be a little miffed, this is even more accentuated when fighting a dude on horseback who has a sword of some description, while you have a lance, the only way to deal fucking damage is to kill the horse and then hope he doesn't PARRY YOUR FUCKING LANCE if you cant tell i was just triple suplexed by 12 guys and all i had was a lance and shield ;( edit- slight misspell Submitted May 07, 2018 at 02:20PM by Macksimoose

Can't believe I've played for so long without knowing there was a way to hire all troops/prisoners at once

I always knew about the ctrl + left click thing, but that only worked if there were multiple units of a kind. I've always dreamed of an "hire all" button to make hiring and taking prisoners less boring but it seemed like there just wasn't a way to do it. The other day while playing PoP, I randomly managed to do exactly that without even knowing how I had done it. After some research I finally found the way on a perisno mod video's description. I don't know if it works for all mods, but it does work on prophesy of pendor 3.9.1 so I'm more than happy with that. Sharing this here in case you didn't know like me, hope it will make your gameplays a little better :) 1) Taking all prisoners that your party can accommodate - select [top] prisoner stack, hold LEFT CTRL and A, click "capture" (CTRL+A is a common hotkey combination used to "select all). 2) Taking all members that your party can accommodate - select [top] soldier stack, hold LE...

A question on realm consolidation

As a vassal of the Kingdom of the Rhodoks, I am the lord of Yalen and Uxkhal. If I were looking to rebel soon, would it be advantageous to trade one for a city near the other? And if so, is being in the center of the map or a corner more advantageous? Submitted May 07, 2018 at 12:33PM by samthomasisanasshole

University Visit Update: Still No Release Date :(

Heya folks, I'm the guy who posted about a Taleworlds dev visiting his uni. Well guess what? Not one, but TWO devs visited yesterday. Gökçen Karaağaç, a level developer, apparently was in Istanbul and also attended. There were about 40-50 people attending, I'd guess. I took some photos , but my phone's camera is pretty bad (or I just suck at taking photos), so the text of the slides isn't very clear. The lads who organized the event also put a photo on their Instagram account. They actually took more photos. One may even include ME with the devs, so be on the lookout! Apparently they'll upload it to a Google Drive, so I'll update this topic when they share it. Gökçen is the one on the left, while Burak is on the right in the photos. As for the content, there isn't much new as far as I can tell. This was organized by the Computer Engineering Club, so the beginning of the talk was more technical. Burak talked about AI and AI techniques in general in the fi...

I had a dream about Bannerlord.

apparently a girl dumped me in my dream and when I went home I realised bannerlord came out. I was playing it for a few weeks in a row, grew hair on my back (wtf) and then I woke up. Realisation that it was just a dream and bannerlord still isn't released was the most painful thing today Submitted May 05, 2018 at 07:01AM by skeletonmate

WOIAF Mod Valyrian Weapon Master List (incomplete)

It occurred to me while testing some things playing the WOIAF mod that having multiple valyrian weapons might behoove me. The white walkers show up at the 600+ day mark and are invincible to all damage, excluding valyrian weapons, fire arrows and obsidian crap, so either have an army exclusively made of fire arrow shooters or an army of supped up companions wielding valyrian steel. The catch is that they are basically just overpowered bandits, as I was hoping they’d function like Perisno’s Great Weeb Invasion. After lazily dredging the internet, I’ve come up with a subpar list for how to acquire the valyrian weapons ingame. You might have to do some 5D Chess to get them.   (NOTE: this was done on version 3.0. There’re two versions of gameplay, a Book game and a TV game, and there are minor differences between the two, but unless specified I don’t know if there’s a difference, as this list was primarily made with the Book version in mind. All of these can be seen in the items not...