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Showing posts from 2024

Looking for advice on troops for a infantry only army (

Like the title said I’m looking at building a foot soldier only army and don’t know what are the best troops for what roles……….but those Fian Champions go hard af but lack the vibe I want and that is a solid melee unit(s) and some archers to rain hell down submitted by /u/Short_Shoe_122 [link] [comments]

All nobility has been eliminated; the Calradian Republic returns after a millennium of Imperial tyranny

submitted by /u/20JPorter [link] [comments]

What do my companions do when I put them over a part of my army?

I just got enough troops to plan my battle more in depth at the start. The game doesn’t tell me what putting my one companion over a section of my army does, or what it means to have them as a hero troop over the army I’m commanding. I end up giving the entire force orders to advance anyway. Should I only highlight and control the army number my main character is in? Will my companion(s) control the other parts of my army for me if I assign them as the commander? submitted by /u/Top_Turnover_100 [link] [comments]

To Dragon Banner or Not?

What actually happens when the timer for the banner runs out? Anything at all? I’ve got like 70 days left, and own half of Vlandia as a Sturgian noble. Can I give it to the Sturgians then bail, or try to go along with them for now? submitted by /u/Temporary_Target4156 [link] [comments]

Its amazing what happens when you elect a queen this upcoming fight with the khuzaits is gonna be nuts submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Cry4399 [link] [comments]

It was at this moment that he knew...

submitted by /u/Anxious_Map8502 [link] [comments]

I wish we could marry companions because wow she's cute

submitted by /u/Urch_b_Smirch [link] [comments]

How to weaken a kingdom?

Somehow I have become king of Battania and have done that Dragon flag mistake. Now I am in constant war with Southern and Western Empire. Nearly woped out Southern Empire but Western is too powerful. If I take a castle from them they will again seige it back . Is there other way to weaken Western Empire? If I raid a village my companions will become 😢. Please tell other way to weaken Western Empire. submitted by /u/Ok-Law2608 [link] [comments]

Quality time with Wun Wun

yeah I have finally tried out ROT Wun Wun n his bois General Radahn lookin ahh The bow didn't even break for some reason :D We make it into the final of some tournament just some playful hitting all around(im fine that just ketchup) submitted by /u/thenormalhuman1703 [link] [comments]

A slightly more complex guide of how not to post your screenshots:

if the image you're about to post looks like one of the below, you are a most likely a bozo have a high probability of stinking and/or smelling (like me) will be banned - no instruments required. (thank you josh) the background is somehow actually more legible. 1/10 Looks clean, tidy, great carpet. Although some clothes on the ground. still legible, and the speaker looks cool. 3.5/10 nice boxers, bozo. -100/10 submitted by /u/Nitraus [link] [comments]

Dear god please help

I just started a kingdom. Yay. But I literally CANNOT CONVINCE ANYONE TO JOIN ME. I’ve been all over the map trying to find one person to even consider it but to no avail. Do any of you have any tips on getting started? On just building an army and following? Help would be greatly appreciated submitted by /u/HeloWurld0722 [link] [comments]

Immersion Breaking

It really breaks the immersion when an NPC doesn't realize the your character is the emperor of their kingdom and your character just responds like a peasant. submitted by /u/EasternThanks3311 [link] [comments]

Today is a big day.

I have finally swapped from console to PC and I want you guys to suggest some mods to download. I want the best experience that bannerLord can offer. My spec's are decent but not crazy good, I have a RTX 4060, Intel core i7, 32G of Ram. I'm pretty confident that'll be enough but just wanted to post them here for good measure. Give me some good one's. submitted by /u/HitoCunt [link] [comments]


Started a battle and this happened… no clue Any fix tried reloading but keeps popping up I’m on console submitted by /u/Available-Grocery186 [link] [comments]

Voting new leader of faction?

The faction I'm a vassal of is voting for the new leader. My clan has 100% of the support. Thing is, how does this happen? I have hero deaths turned off so I don't think the old leader died, and my clan isnt the biggest or most influential. I don't hold the most feifs. I just build up a 1500 strong army and take two or three towns and as many castles as I can before I can't afford the cohesion and disban the army. Also, what can I expect being the leader of a faction? This isn't how I expected this to go. I expected to build up an army and take a couple feifs as an independant kingdom and spread out from there. submitted by /u/nala2624 [link] [comments]

RTS Camera Command System Issue with BLSE Launcher on Xbox (PC)

Hello everyone, I have a problem with the BLSE launcher when I use the RTS Camera mod, which consists of two files. When I add the second file, the RTS Camera Command System, the launcher stops working, and I have to restore the Harmony files and place them back into the Gaming.Desktop.x64_Shipping_Client folder while removing the mod folders to make it work again. I don’t understand why the Command System causes this error. For context, I’m playing via the Xbox Launcher (PC), and as far as I understand, the mods I install need to have a folder named Gaming.Desktop.x64_Shipping_Client inside them. If that folder is missing, I usually take the existing folder (commonly named Win64_Shipping_Client ), rename it to Gaming.Desktop.x64_Shipping_Client , and this method usually works. However, it doesn’t seem to work with this mod. Does anyone know why? Is it an issue with Xbox? I hope I was clear. I’m leaving the link to the mod.

How do I stop a stronger empire from wiping me out?

Tilte. Sort of a beginner question but im really struggling because everytime I create a kingdom I get war declared on me almost immediately by the western empire which is VASTLY stronger than me right now. The problem is I genuinely don’t know how to get more powerful without declaring myself a kingdom. I only have 2 parties of about 100 and I still don’t even know how to get my Ai party to not just go away and do his own thing. Help? submitted by /u/tommytom007 [link] [comments]

Trying to import items from one Warband module to another.

Attempting to add items from one mod to another for my personal use (not interested in publishing or whatever). I've got some basic competency in Morghs and itemeditor, mainly I know how to change item's properties and add new ones using existing meshes within the module, but no idea what to do beyond that. I've downloaded OpenBRF but for the life of me I can't understand literally anything about how it works. Any guides I've found either assume a far greater understanding of how this stuff works than I do and are absolute gibberish to me, or link to pages that don't exist anymore. If it matters I'm trying to move some stuff from Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition into 1860's Old America , although if I can figure out how to do this I have lots of ideas on how to play with different mods I use. Any help would be appreciated, although please start at step 1- I'm not as tech literate as you probably think I am. All I want to do right now is move item A from...

Cheers 🍻

For the Vlandian haters :) submitted by /u/Miss_the_rage_I_did [link] [comments]

Pain, I really hate this.

submitted by /u/Royal_Pyrple [link] [comments]

Cinematic death

Is it common for NPCs to die like this? submitted by /u/SWORDHARRIS79 [link] [comments]

This game needs updates

I play on console I love this game but it needs updates adding new content and features. I do have a pc but I cannot run bannerlord and I don’t have enough money to upgrade it. Modding will probably never reach consoles ever so they need to add new content. I see what modders do and it is crazy what they get done. I wish for new content it would be so cool submitted by /u/FortniteManJohnWick [link] [comments]

Leveling up some Volunteers

Just a fun little ambush to break in the new recruits. submitted by /u/hugosamro [link] [comments]

Why is this caravan costing me so much??

submitted by /u/Key_Ad7740 [link] [comments]

Looks like the average Vlandian

submitted by /u/Odd-Albatross421 [link] [comments]

Novel Based on BannerLord

Hi All, I have been writing a series based on the game Bannerlord. I have already completed my first volume and have started publishing the new volume on Royal Road. If you have liked the game, I am sure you will also enjoy the book. I think you should read a few chapters to have an idea about the story. submitted by /u/lavitastrange [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/Consistent_Tooth3340 [link] [comments]

Boromir who?

Ouch had to sit half the battle out submitted by /u/RyanCanadian [link] [comments]

When does everyone normally get Married? I try to do it straight away and this time I got it in under 30 days

So after losing two 100 hours play thought because of pc game pass, I have finally brought on steam and can actually do a full play thought this time, hella excited submitted by /u/Professional_Tax34 [link] [comments]

Smithies and armors

I know this sounds stupid but do smithies actually make armor or does it just increase availability in the town ? I’ve only ever seen them make tools, same for the wood workshop submitted by /u/Leoke717 [link] [comments]


its like all green idk submitted by /u/FlakyAd6279 [link] [comments]


I don’t think he hates me that much 😂 submitted by /u/__TomKing__ [link] [comments]

Rate the fits

Battanian crowns sadly aren't equipable in civilian attire submitted by /u/LavishnessUseful1392 [link] [comments]

Blank moneylenders screen (all mods)

Seen the problem posted in a few places, but only one answer. Moneylenders a blank green screen. I can click buttons, but cant see. Ive tried changing screen res and mode, changed dx and tried running with/without WSE2. Problem persists in all mods that use moneylenders. Any ideas? Cheers submitted by /u/_RandomOne [link] [comments]

Marry 2nd oldest daughter?

Unfortunately Svana was married by time my brother came of age, so now I'm trying to marry him to Apolanea but the head of her clan is only offering 49 year old Siga. What are my options? I'm on ps5 so mods aren't an option and from what I've seen there's no cheat for this in menu submitted by /u/C-Snake4 [link] [comments]


Long range, one javelin, maximum accuracy. submitted by /u/Ready2Poop [link] [comments]

Any graphical tips/mods that help the game run smoothly?

Lost my gaming pc years ago. I wanted to get back into Mount and Blade: Bannerlord (2). Of course my crap laptop can run the game but barley around 15-20fps. Realistically I'd love an additional 30fps boost but wont complain if I can at least get to 30. Any mods or graphical tweaks I'm not aware of that could help? Thanks! forgoot to mention the first game runs like butter. Discord: buckenbooz submitted by /u/BUckENbooz91 [link] [comments]

Brother’s wife had twins and then died in childbirth.

I had a pretty wild occurrence. I knew my brother was going to have a child because I reloaded a save file after losing an important siege battle. (I’m currently Clan L2, mercenary for Sturgians; yes, it’s as rough as you would guess and not going well.) Before I reloaded the save file, my brother had a single child with the empire noblewoman Vamina. She survived, no issue. When I reloaded, making negligible small changes to what I had previously done, I saw the event message that she bore two children (!) and then died in childbirth (!!). They were married for only a year and a half. What are the odds of twin birth and then childbirth-related death? Seems wild to me. Anyways, enjoy this strange thing. submitted by /u/mitchlittlebear [link] [comments]

Crashing. So much crashing. Crash so hard son. Crash Davis would be proud. Crash me outside, how bout that.

I may have to cash in my chips, leave my dearest Svana, and head to the retreat. Ever since update I can load the game, start the game, then I get GPU crash, or sometimes just can't save before I get far. I may mess with it a bit more tomorrow, but I'm wearing thin on effort, may move over to manor lords of I can't figure out anything here....below is what I tried, the big things at least. Any stuff or tips are appreciated, a few hundred hours in and I'm not quite bored yet, incredible game. Delete all mods, crash/save fail. Delete everything and download the game fresh, crash/save fail. Rollback version to 11, crash/save fail. Delete shader filea and verify file integrity, crash/save fail. Roll back to 10, crash/save fail. Put my kid to bed, crash/save fail. I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction. submitted by /u/ISayMemeWrong [link] [comments]

Worth getting another caravan?

2 of my caravans got captured and the heros that were being raided got captured but they quickly escaped. But i dont know should i spend another 30k for just 2 caravans. Is it really worth getting new caravans if they were raided? submitted by /u/ArtichokeAlarmed6158 [link] [comments]

Rate the drip

submitted by /u/NZDollar [link] [comments]

Diplomacy Mod: Can you satiate rebel factions?

TL;DR: If a rebel faction call for your abdication, can they be pacified by raising relation status? Or am I going to have to deal with them via the sword, boot, or just wait for their hissy fit to end? In my current playthrough, I have a decent amount of the map covered with a growing amount of clans under my wings. One of the newest clans is a clan I stole from the Northern Empire right before I wiped them out. I granted them Saneopa as a reward for betraying their old Lord, it they also didn't have the highest relation with me. They've now aimed to abdicate me. They won't win, but I spent a lot of money getting them in my kingdom, and they literally threw this baby bitch hissy fit RIGHT in the middle of a siege for a castle I was going to grant to them. Is it worth giving them this castle to build relationship status up to pacify them, or once they've called for abdication can they not resind it? submitted by /u/TheSunniestBro [link] [comments]

Is Cinematic style videos of this game doomed to not be popular?

Hey everyone, I’ve poured my heart, sweat, and countless hours into creating a video that focuses on cinematic storytelling in gaming, but unfortunately, it hasn’t gained any traction. This isn't a plea for views or sympathy—I’m just genuinely curious. Is anyone here interested in cinematic storytelling content? Or is this niche simply not resonating with people right now? I love creating these videos and would like to keep pursuing my passion for storytelling, even if it doesn’t bring a huge response. But honestly, it's disheartening when your efforts seem to vanish into nothing... Should I stick with this passion despite the lack of response? Or is it time to rethink the type of content I create? Any advice, feedback, or even a simple discussion would mean the world to me. Feel free to downvote if this isn't appropriate here. Just trying to gauge if there’s a place for this type of content. Thanks for taking the time to read! submitted by /u/PromotionBubbly ...

No diddy

submitted by /u/TokeyoXush420 [link] [comments]

When and How creat kingdom (story mode)

Basically I want to make my own kingdom and leave the southern empire with the dragon banner to be attacked by everyone. How long do I need to wait before I can leave and create my kingdom? I’ve already given the southern empire the dragon banner and own about 70% of the Aseria’s lands. I’ve tried multiple times to leave but every time I do it from the kingdom tab it just leaves without my fiefs. submitted by /u/EggoedAggro [link] [comments]

Psychological warfare

I would be scared for my life if I see this coming at me. submitted by /u/my_opinion127 [link] [comments]

You can't hear an image! Me: submitted by /u/Visible_Tax7920 [link] [comments]

Two complete vanilla campaigns in and I still can't conquer Calradia without my wife dying along the way.

submitted by /u/TheyCallMeOso [link] [comments]

A simple guide to posting screenshots on r/Bannerlord: if your screenshot is anything but a front on cropped picture of your screen, i will ban you for a day. no more unreadable pictures submitted by /u/Nitraus [link] [comments]

Can’t interact with AI in world

My game is broken I can’t interact with other parties and even common looters. My party still appears blue even though I have no army. I don’t know if this is a bug or a setting. Sorry this is probably an easy fix but I’m a noob. Thank you! submitted by /u/HeloWurld0722 [link] [comments]

Looters after seeing a fully-armored royal knight charge at them

submitted by /u/No_Annual1128 [link] [comments]

Nothing like beating your pregnant wife in the arena. Feels good.

submitted by /u/Akthe47 [link] [comments]

1400ish Day Save stuck in a crash loop!

Hey everyone, does anyone know how I can get out of this loop? My previous saves are all so dauntingly far back. I'm playing modded, and things had been fine until the other day. I reverted back to the previous game version upon the last small patch just in case that was causing the issue. The game was running fine for 8+ hours after reverting. I've tried running it without mods, fresh install, etc. to no avail. I'm at war with Vlandia and it seems as some kind of event somewhere on the map finishes the game crashes within a few seconds of unpausing after loading the save. The crash report shows no involved modules, so I'm not sure which of my mods might be the culprit (if it is a mod?) I appreciate any suggestions to help me save my many hours of progress. submitted by /u/sm1v [link] [comments]

Thoughts on RBM (Realistic Battle Mod): Is it worth giving a try?

I've been watching a campaign diary playthrough of a dude who is using this mod and hs praised it for making spears work way better in formations. I'm intrigued by the changes the mod makes, but I hear so many different opinions on it. Some people saying it ruins the economy because of the price changes (tbf base game economy is already pretty bad from what I've seen), or that arrows are useless and used only for "chip damage", or that enemies become incredibly tanky. I want to give it a shot, but I don't want to mess up my current run or anything. To anyone who has used it, what are your thoughts on it as a whole? Is it a net positive of changes, a net negative, or just different? I'm fairly new to the game, still on my first playthrough I started about 120 hours ago of total playtime. submitted by /u/TheSunniestBro [link] [comments]

Some pictures i got while in the Khuzait front

submitted by /u/Ornery-Bandicoot6670 [link] [comments]

Battanian Tavern Music

I knew I recognized this one dulcimer tune in Battania. It's definitely "The Rocky Road to Dublin". submitted by /u/Ishootdogs [link] [comments]

most kills ive ever got

submitted by /u/CompetitiveFox3036 [link] [comments]

!!! Bannerlord 2 Online mod!!!

Hey, if you were looking for a mod, I've played Bannerlord Online mod for the past few months.It's very good, it as a great clan system where you can ally or declare war on another clan and fight them as you do in single player, it can get nuts, you take and lose items when you win or lose to a player like in the normal game. The creative team behind the company works really hard, monthly updates and major updates each quarter adding more content. Has lots of different servers, NA, EU,China, Oceania. I play on the Oceania server. I play on Oceania and have had some fun nights, recently we had 16 of us fighting up a squad of 11 players over multiple battles. Worth checking out for all Mount and Blade players, they have auction house stores for trading and crafting stations to get the best gear and also Daily tournaments, sometimes they max out 32 players 1 winner every day. Feel free to message me if you need any help bevdog123 on discord. ...

I think it's time to secede

submitted by /u/Jacerom [link] [comments]

need help setting up mod list and load times

Hello, I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if anybody could help me with the attached mod list. Launch game everything is perfect, but when i start a new campaign or sandbox, it takes about an 10 minutes to even open the character creation, is there any fix or anything i can do? 3 2 1 submitted by /u/BigChampionship6721 [link] [comments]

Taylor the swift?

Who knew she was a bannerlord character submitted by /u/TerrancePain [link] [comments]

This crap irks me (Rant bout tributes)

Why does it say that I have to pay tribute to the enemy for peace, when I’ve been absolutely stomping them in the war. Every battle in an open field I’ve decimated their lords and armies. But still says I gotta pay for peace. submitted by /u/EauClaireGuy [link] [comments]

Newbie questions

Joined a kingdom as a mercenary, I think the king said something about rewarding me 250 every time I do a service for the kingdom, something like that. Did nothing and got nothing for a while, but then I participated in a siege defense and we won and I see my income has 3900 daily from mercenary contract now, how does that work? How long does it last and/or what do I need to do to upkeep it? After that defense battle I bought a brewery with all the money I got from it. It has a warehouse, can I put the raw materials in for them to use (if I find them for cheap) like in warband? Or what is the function of it? Anything I need to know or do for a business in this game? How do you increase how many companions you can have? I know some horses can help a little increasing campaign map speed, but do Sumpter horses and other pack animals reduce speed? Thanks for answering any of the above that you know! submitted by /u/waveyboya [link] [comments]

A Bodyguard’s Tale

submitted by /u/Bannerbord [link] [comments]

Which is your favorite hideout?

Mine has to be the Sea Riders', feels like a true hideout of some viking rogue band in a half recked tower by the sea, the "drakkar" standing in the little dock... I find it so cool! submitted by /u/horrortxe [link] [comments]

How to get better at this game

Ive never been good at Mount and Blade, I have hundreds of hours in warband but I've never had the combat down even against AI. Now I'm finally playing bannerlord and I'm really getting my shins kicked in. In both melee combat and the overall battle strategy it just feels hopeless but I don't want to give up. How did you guys manage to figure out the function menu? I never even tried in warband but it seems so fleshed out in bannerlord, despite that it doesn't seem to make any sense. I see so many videos of people quickly setting up positions meanwhile by the time I figure out the button combos to get a single formation ready the battles over. Secondly, despite all the time I've invested, I can't seem to swing my weapon consistently. I've tried to set it to inverse over default, but I would say my character only attacks in the direction I want 50% of the time, even less if it's a repeat swing, like trying to over head swing over and over again in...

Longest play through?

What is the longest playthrough you’ve done without getting bored? I’m curious to see how long people stick around in their campaigns. I found it difficult at first because the game loop gets boring fast but on 1 play through I’ve been able to stick around long enough for multiple generations to come and go, with the year currently being 1207 (almost to Warband date lol). View Poll submitted by /u/Frenkln27 [link] [comments]

What do yall like better for battania drip🔥

submitted by /u/Interesting-Toe6559 [link] [comments]

What are the chances

submitted by /u/Littleman463 [link] [comments]

How do I beat kuzhaits

So I fucked up really big and decided to fight the kuzhait faction because I hade 100 khan guards. Welp I got cooked I barely beat an army of 200 and most of my men are dead so how do I fight these fuckers? submitted by /u/Ok-Food7882 [link] [comments]

can I have some tips on how to manage feifs (my first ever play through)

This is my first ever time playing these types of games I always play Skyrim fallout cod forza and seen bannerlord on game pass so I figured I’d give it a go and I really enjoy the gameplay so I just need a few tips on how to manage my fiefs… ive got lagerta, hertogea castle and epicrotea… I’ve gotten governors for each of them and my food is 0…. For hertogea my garrison(200 troops) is saying all wounded. Is that linked to the food shortage? My villages around hertogea keeps getting raided? I’ve picked battania cos it’s based on the Celts and I’m welsh so it goes well for me personally…. Unfortunately I’m on Xbox so I can’t use any mods or commands, I’d appreciate any help I can get, apologies for the shit spelling it’s 5am and I’m half asleep Thanks submitted by /u/bigmike2mike [link] [comments]

Multiplayer Campaign?

I saw a video titled "Multiplayer Campaign Coop" or something similar. However, the video is 3 years old, and I wanted to ask if there is a mod where I can play on the campaign map with friends, form alliances with them, and strive for world domination together. Is there such a mod that is still up to date? submitted by /u/SuitableAdvice6150 [link] [comments]

Aserai caught me slipping

First time playing banner lord difficulty (except player perma death) My army 57 fian champions, 30 something mixed tier cavalry, and 3 companions. They had 400+cav alone Was praying for a canyon map, but it of course gave me a desert open field. Fians killed over 200 of these desert fucks. Gonna go to prison for a while submitted by /u/Worth-Consequence247 [link] [comments]

"An archer without arrows is never without options"

submitted by /u/TheyCallMeOso [link] [comments]

I think I installed too many mods

submitted by /u/forceofnature11 [link] [comments]

What would make late game better?

We all love this game, and many of us feel like late game is lacking. What do you think could be done to improve it? I think it would be cool for a new formitable faction to appear when you control 3/4 of the map. I’d also kill for a better inventory system. submitted by /u/Andrewpruka [link] [comments]

Small army open field, Help,

Hoping to win this 2 to 1 victory but ive been getting my butt kicked and maybe that should be happening but I'm hoping to pull it off. Any strategies I can use to get this done? Even if I can't win this hoping to learn some pretty nice small army vs big army tactics from you guys. Appreciate it They have 566 troops I have 266 Enemy = southern empire, consisting of about 130 archers, 80 calv, and rest infantry. A big chunk of their infantry is those damn imperial menavliaton they hit hard af and can tank Battlefield: unfortunately it's mainly an open field, not much high ground or tight spaces to squeeze them in. Some forest areas but that's it. My squad: mixed: 113 sturgian infantry, 80 archers (mainly Battanian Fian), 44 calv, 25 horse archers submitted by /u/y0ung_TcHalla [link] [comments]

Solution for starving city

TL: DR Sell foodstuffs to the market, it will take an in-game day to take effect. I was having an issue with maintaining a garrison at my first city without causing starvation. When looking around on the Internet I found most people did not have solutions other than moding. As I'm on console this isn't an option. After trying some things out I found that the modifiers to your town's food stores (Cheese +1, Grain +20 etc.) are directly tied to the amount of food in the market. If your town is starving you can pump the market full of food, however, it will take an in-game day to take effect. Also, it will drive the price of those goods down which likely will cause caravans to buy more of them, but if you maintain high amounts of foodstuffs for long enough then your town's food stores will increase to an acceptable margin. It may be a viable strategy to buy foodstuffs from towns you intend to go to war with soon to reduce their food stores (this wouldn't affect siege...

I just wanna take some pictures

I love the photo options in this game submitted by /u/SuperNoob763026 [link] [comments]


I’m a mercenary for battania, married corein, and I’m almost to tier 2 where I can be a vassal. Is it better to marry siblings off to the other lords of battania or to other kingdoms? If I do the battania lords will it make getting help and control easier? If I get the support of the other lords is it possible to replace the king? submitted by /u/REDROBBIN15 [link] [comments]

Looking for strategies that uses large number of archers

So been playing for less than a week and at the point where I don't have a settlement yet and running around 120ish troops. Still not use to all the commands this game has. Been trying find a way where I can use tanky infranty to hold the enemy lines at bay while I have a load of archers in the back as dps. If you played total warhammer with the high elves, it's very common strategy to use. It's been somewhat successful except at end of a fight against larger armies with 100+ more troops. I'll end up with most if not all my infantry almost or completely dead but most if not all my archers alive. Don't know if there's a strategy I can try that might help with not so much of my infantry being wiped out. submitted by /u/GrizzlyBjorn96 [link] [comments]

Sweet Victory

When you survive a 450 vs 1500 siege defense. 30 minutes of brutal slashing and finally tasting victory is why I love this game. submitted by /u/Isaigreenleaf [link] [comments]

Help me plz

Hey so I’ve been playing banner lord on my laptop using the Xbox pc game pass, and I’ve been getting really into it, already played 130hours, when I load up using different wifi (I travel for work a lot) it’s asks me what cloud data to sync (I think because I have it downloaded on a hard dive) so I choose and continue, but this time they wifi I was using was not working properly and when it came up, I couldn’t see a recent cloud save, so I restarted it using my phone hotspot instead and now nothing comes up, it’s says I have no saved games and I’m absolutely gutted, 100+ hours gone, so I’ve tried everything I can to get it back and am still having no luck, anyone had the same problem? I even got my flat mate back home to go on the Xbox and see, does anyone know how to connect to Xbox cloud and choose your saves??? I’m so gutted and don’t know what to do, I was going to start a new one eventually, but I’ve only conquered half the map and my kids just turned old enough to become, I’m so...

Let’s talk about our favorite subject! EXECUTION

So like who really cares if I execute 1 2 skip a lot of lords. I mean I’m not gonna pledge my allegiance to anyone and I’ll just make my companions into my lords so like who care? Seriously guys what’s the worst that can happen if I just so happen to accidentally take out a couple of lords or kings or that little bastard caladog. Hell I’m just starting out as a merc but I’m trynna get rid of the competition you feel me? And plus if all goes to hell and everyone hates me I’ll just get rid of the dudes who hate me who’s gonna stop me? submitted by /u/Ok-Food7882 [link] [comments]

Dll unblocker error issue (need help)

Hey, does anyone know what's up with this? I've tried troubleshooting for almost 2 hours now and scoured the internet for someone else having this exact issue. So, I've just given up, asking you guys for help if any of you know what's going on. Thank you submitted by /u/Relative-Crow1541 [link] [comments]

tell me if calradia has a chance

submitted by /u/Business-Crow9271 [link] [comments]

Level cap and extraneous skills

I've been looking this up, but haven't found an answer. How much do different skills factor into total leveling? I've been using my main character to smelt and refine to help a smith companion, but is that wasted levels? Are points in a skill you don't plan to focus on wasted, or does it matter? Basically, does a point in smithing take away a potential point in something else? That's what I'm trying to figure out. submitted by /u/slumpyslenkins [link] [comments]

Welp I messed up

So I kinda forgot to press save as and I lost like 5 hours of work because I was playing on a different campaign and it overdid the saves that I had so I’m probably just gonna start a new game and do better this time submitted by /u/Ok-Food7882 [link] [comments]

Can you view finish-game stats in sandbox mode?

On this sub I saw those cool stat charts when you finish the campaign. Is there a way to view it when you didnt finish the main quest line? ngl I spent a month conquering whole calradia and I was wondering what the stats will be, when I captured the very last town - nothing. submitted by /u/DifferentAd5384 [link] [comments]

Nighttime Sieges

HOOOOOOLLLLYYY I forgot which town this is but this siege at night is crazyyy submitted by /u/13Born [link] [comments]

Curved Swords

submitted by /u/Bannerbord [link] [comments]