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Vlandian Villages

For me they sound more French than English villages, can you guys tell me if I am thinking right or I am wrong. submitted by /u/Waste_Sheepherder226 [link] [comments]

Small army open field, Help,

Hoping to win this 2 to 1 victory but ive been getting my butt kicked and maybe that should be happening but I'm hoping to pull it off. Any strategies I can use to get this done? Even if I can't win this hoping to learn some pretty nice small army vs big army tactics from you guys. Appreciate it

They have 566 troops I have 266

Enemy = southern empire, consisting of about 130 archers, 80 calv, and rest infantry. A big chunk of their infantry is those damn imperial menavliaton they hit hard af and can tank

Battlefield: unfortunately it's mainly an open field, not much high ground or tight spaces to squeeze them in. Some forest areas but that's it.

My squad: mixed: 113 sturgian infantry, 80 archers (mainly Battanian Fian), 44 calv, 25 horse archers

submitted by /u/y0ung_TcHalla
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