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Showing posts from September, 2021

Looking for advice on troops for a infantry only army (

Like the title said I’m looking at building a foot soldier only army and don’t know what are the best troops for what roles……….but those Fian Champions go hard af but lack the vibe I want and that is a solid melee unit(s) and some archers to rain hell down submitted by /u/Short_Shoe_122 [link] [comments]

going honeymoon with my wife(i know there was sturgian dying in the screen but ignore them)

submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Ad_296 [link] [comments]

Does anyone know why the game randomly crashes for me when I play mods?

All the mods should be up to date, it seems to stop crashing for a while after validating the game files (I think, haven't done it enough times to say that its the temporary solution 100 percent) but its starting to get really annoying, heres a list of my mod list. Women in Calradia. Swadian armory Adonnays troop changer Calradian reforms the armory Calradia girls troop tree And slow looters. The women in calradia is atop the very mod list while all of these mods are under the already present native modules such as native, sandbox, custom battle and story mode etc. submitted by /u/Le_Weiser_Wachteer [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/josiahju [link] [comments]

Lack of variety

Anyone else miffed by the fact that armors and weapons don't really have much variety ? Every city has almost the same collection of weapons and maybe some variation with 1-2 faction specific armors. They should really add more and have them show up at random rather than being slowly unlocked as you progress. submitted by /u/arjunusmaximus [link] [comments]

Weird glitch in smithy and character screen since new update. Any idea what’s causing it?

submitted by /u/muntrammdryn [link] [comments]

How do you deal with enemy kingdom after taking all their fiefs?

So I started a war with Vlandians and took their stuff one by one. That costed me 15 clan deaths including 3 family members btw (death rates are somehow messed up in my game). Now they just rape villages here and there, and my vassals are dumb enough to be absolutely ineffective in defending the territory. King DeepRects' clan itself has like 15 active parties (which is not fair, as my t6 clan can field only 4 parties). They recruited absolutely all minor factions despite being broke and homeless. When I win a battle vs minor faction squad they just spawn in again decked out with high-end troops. If a MF member dies, their clan instantly gets a brand new dude with good skill level. If I recruit a minor faction, it works for a month or so, then they leave (sometimes right during the fight set up and suddenly I have 50% less troops). And running around to make a deal with MF takes too much time and just not fun. Having won several hundreds battles without losing a single one, took...

Isn't She Beautiful

submitted by /u/ElucidSouls [link] [comments]

Well, I finally made it I guess. What now?

submitted by /u/ProfMajkowski [link] [comments]

Field foliage not rendering correctly.

There are certain maps that have foliage over the top of a wheat field that loads in looking very potato. I run the game on max graphics and have had no issues so far. It’s only the particular foliage that is over the wheat fields that are in some villages/siege maps. All other foliage is fine. I have updated drivers and verified game files with no fix. submitted by /u/Lord_117 [link] [comments]

I didn't take a picture when forging it, so I resorted to this. Whaddaya think of the sword?

submitted by /u/Selfish_Princess [link] [comments]

My queenly battle outfit and court outfit. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Selfish_Princess [link] [comments]

Looking for users to test my mod!

Hello everyone. I am conducting a study for my university thesis and I need Bannerlord players to participate in a user test. Tests usually take between 30 to 45 minutes and consist of a sequence of simple tasks and answering a quick questionnaire. Once you submit your questionnaire I'll send you a 5€ gift card on steam. requirements: Has to have Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord installed Has to have discord and be willing to share screen during the duration of the test No video or audio will be taken during the test. All data we collect is that of the questionnaire which includes no personal information. The mod we will be testing is the Cunning Lords Mod: If you are interested, please enter this discord channel so we can arrange the test: Priority will be given based on arrival on the server. Thank you for your help! submitted by /u/MrQuimQ [link] [comm...

Weird display misalignment

Hello fellow adventurers, does anybody know why i get this weird display bug whenever i hover my mouse over a village, a town or pretty much anything in my inventory ? As you can see, the text is misaligned and it gets difficult to read any information about items and fiefs. ​ It's not game breaking but it gets quickly boring having to decypher everything all the time. ​ Thank you for your answers ! See Tevea submitted by /u/Harkon594 [link] [comments]

What do these mean ?

submitted by /u/Themustymemes [link] [comments]

Propping up a losing kingdom

Joined Caladog and the Battanians for role play reasons, didn’t pay much attention to the political state of things. While they hadn’t been losing land, they hadn’t won a single war, and now I’ve been a landless vassal trading like a crazy man to stay afloat. I need more troops to carry battles, to get more troops I need more money, to get more money I need land, to get land I need more troops, etc. Any way to make either absolute crap loads of cash or recommendations on how to grind influence until I can get a siege through? I’ve got a couple workshops but I’m making all of 120 gold from two of them, feels kinda bad. Submitted September 30, 2021 at 03:58AM by MalekithofAngmar

Anyone know what this means? My game keeps crashing and I don’t know why

submitted by /u/Themustymemes [link] [comments]

Main quest of bannerlord to defeat the 3 enemies instantly fail because of "time out" even tho I just got the quest.

so I'm playing as the recently elected leader of the southern empire and I recently got to become the emperor of the southern empire after raghea had a timely death and I got in with overwhelming suport.after that I rode to the northern empire since we where at war and such and I decided to finally choose the create my own Imperial faction option on the conversation with istiana. after that It is said I sucessfully complete the quest and after I get out of the city sturgia, vladia and the aserai declare war on me instantly... (wich sucks because I'm already on a crappy war with the kuzhait.) however as soon as they declare war and the quest shows up the quest instantly fails because it was "timed out" even tho I just got it ! so any of you guys know how I can fix this or at the very least foward to the devs ? it really sucks to have to redo all of your progress just after I get a leadership position. picture showing the problem here is the pic proving it... ple...

Anyone know how to fix this?

submitted by /u/leo3876 [link] [comments]

MB Bannerlord 2 doesnt start

After reserting my pc 3 month ago i installed steam and MB. Yesterday i updadet it to the newest patch and it doesnt start (not even launcher) regardless of chosen patch. the directory is correct so i am a little lost on it. Has someone had a similar issue? submitted by /u/Kevkevoniichan [link] [comments]

Trying to figure out a mod problem - Warband

Long boring background story short: Something is weird with my modules folder. When I fire up Warband, I'm offered Native, Pendor 3.9.5, and Diplomacy to play. My modules folder only has Native and Pendor 3.9.2. ??? Diplomacy and Pendor both work , but I have no idea where they're pathing to, or what's going on. It looks like Warband is looking at a different folder for its mods almost? I'm totally confused if anyone knows what's going on, or where to manually find the mod path that M&B uses Edit: Uninstalled and reinstalled, mods are still there. I'm thinking steam has something to do with them Submitted September 29, 2021 at 08:17AM by Selkie_Love

AA12 Shotgun MOD

submitted by /u/BestMods168 [link] [comments]

Vortex Launching bug

So I've been experiencing a weird bug when trying to launch mods with vortex. I updated my bannerlord to the 1.6.2 hotfix yesterday so I had to go in vortex and reinstall and update the mods, but for whatever reason if i try to launch the game through vortex it registers as version 1.6.1 so some of the updated mods dont work. However if i try to open it in steam it says its version 1.6.2 and non of the mods are there. Ive looked through my SSD and theres only one game installed so I'm just confused why its loading two versions of the game. If anyone has an idea that would be a great help. Thank you! submitted by /u/Hybrid_Viper [link] [comments]

Is there some way for me to influence a general's battle tactics without controlling the whole army myself? Just had a dumb defeat which could have been easily avoided.

I just entered a battle alongside my fellow Sturgians, 700 vs 700 of the Khuzait. We had an overwhelming amount of elite infantry and a decent amount of archers, less cavalry. The enemy had the usual Khuzait mixup with a lot of archers and cavalry, but lacking infantry. I had control of about 1/8th of the army so I F6'd my boys for coherency. ​ I would think the strategy should be to quickly close the distance via shieldwall and leverage our superior infantry while our cavalry attempts to keep their cavalry off our archers who stays close behind the line. But what does my dumbfuck general do? He keeps our men in shieldwall for 10+ minutes while we get shot to bits watching our cavalry get slaughtered. Then when the enemy charges he keeps us in shieldwall so that our already damaged infantry has no offensive power while they get overwhelmed and our archers get trampled. In short we lost by a large margin. Is there some way for me to motivate our troops to charge as a whole when t...

AA12 Shotgun MOD

submitted by /u/BestMods168 [link] [comments]

Hero death rate in 1.6.2

I started my first war in a new playthrough with vlandia and lost 6 people from my clan in a first series of battles, including high-end scout, engineer, quartermeister, and decked out million-worth equipment waifu. The death rate seems like 50%. While vlandians, having about 100 lord knock outs during that episode, lost only 2 or 3. I mean, wtf? I'm OK with being punished for reckless usage of heroes from time to time, but this is just over the top. I set them all to ranged squat sitting in the back, and they still die almost in every battle. Marry another waifu maybe isn't that bad after all, but training scout or Q-meistr from the ground up again seems just too much. Is it a bug or extremely bad luck? submitted by /u/cheerkin [link] [comments]

No relationship gain/loss from from kingdom decisions as Ruler.

I have two campaigns that I have played recently. One as the elected ruler of Southern Empire and the other as the elected ruler of Battania. In both campaigns whenever I make a kingdom decision (who gets a fief or policy etc) I am supposed to gain or loose relationship with certain clans, but I gain or loose neither. ​ Is this a bug that more of you experience? Or could it be because both those saves are from older versions that I have carried over to the newer patches but that particular bug still lingers? submitted by /u/cjzeddy [link] [comments]

Retaking a Lost Settlement Your Clan Controlled

Is there anyway to guarantee that YOU keep it, instead of it going to some other random clan that's guaranteed to mismanage it? I finally lost one of my more remote towns after endless wars for about 40 years (because lol what's peace? who needs to marry, or try to convert lords, or anything? Better have literally everyone declare war on you every three days!) I had beaten them back but the garrison and militia slowly dwindled. Anyway, I was on my way to it, and lost it. I immediately retook it. And now it's going to someone else. It's stupid; it'd be nice if fiefs went back to the previous owner unless they gained something since or voluntarily give it up to vote. Though I guess it's also more money in my pocket, since most of them are a money sink. Just nice to have places to go to to try to refill my retinue during all of the constant wars. Can't even bother trying to keep a proper ratio that I enjoy anymore, just gotta fill it in with whoever I can ...

Bug: Main quest of bannerlord to defeat the 3 enemies instantly fail because of "time out" even tho I just got the quest.

submitted by /u/Nelden1998 [link] [comments]

Warbands village quests suck and are bugged

For example when you start a new game and go to a village and ask the elder if he needs any help he will say that bandits are robbing the village and he needs a militia to help defend the village...wich why cant we just maybe just donate some of our troops and be done with it? and EVERY village has this fucking boring long ass quest till you start and finish it or fail it. and after that every elder will have no job for wtf were the devs doing? town guild masters have different jobs same as lords on some occasions but the villages seemed to have been left half finished. at least bannerlord fixed this problem. Submitted September 29, 2021 at 02:57AM by DUCATISLO

Bannerlord update issues

Has anyone else had performance issues with the new update. This game used to be beautiful and run flawlessly. Now (and im assuming it is the update as I haven't changed anything) now the lowest performance setting is still tanking my cpu, by like 1500 mb. Just seeing if anyone else had this issue or if there is an internal setting or something I don't know about ruining my sheeeet. Submitted September 29, 2021 at 02:23AM by ThePurifyingFire


submitted by /u/CMDR_ETNC [link] [comments]

Cant Have new Castles / Towns Help!!

Hey guys, ive been playing for a while up to a point where i have my own kingdom and tons of clans and towns and castles, but the thing is that everytime i conquer a castle or town, i cant have them, even if i want to try to give it to a new owner, it never allows me to have a new one, this has been happening for a while now and is starting to bum me out, every clan has towns/castles and they are all pretty happy btw. submitted by /u/Bacuco [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/Slingshot28 [link] [comments]

Workshop Basics/Help

Hello, I was wondering how workshops work in Bannerlord 2. I tried looking online but it looks like it wants me to know how the basics work already. I have bought a Smithy in Sibir and was wondering what do I do with it. How do I make income? Etc, any help, short or long is appreciated. submitted by /u/XXXBigChungus [link] [comments]

Cant have new castles/towns - Bannerlord Help

Hey guys, ive been playing for a while up to a point where i have my own kingdom and tons of clans and towns and castles, but the thing is that everytime i conquer a castle or town, i cant have them, even if i want to try to give it to a new owner, it never allows me to have a new one, this has been happening for a while now and is starting to bum me out, every clan has towns/castles and they are all pretty happy btw. Submitted September 29, 2021 at 02:01AM by Bacuco

Hotfix (e1.6.2) & Beta Hotfix (e1.6.3 - 28/09/21)

submitted by /u/Velkow [link] [comments]

My Little Warband scaling

So, I've started using the My Little Warband mod for Bannerlord, and I just want to make sure i'm doing scaling correctly. Are the troop trees directly related to what tier of gear they have? tier 1(recruit) should only have tier 1 gear, right? Then tier 2 should have tier 2 gear, right? ​ Is that how the scaling works? Any suggestions? I want to use MLW, but I don't want my tier 3 troops being gods amongst men because I'm scaling them wrong. Submitted September 28, 2021 at 07:37AM by xPosterity

Hotfix (e1.6.2) & Beta Hotfix (e1.6.3 - 28/09/21)

submitted by /u/Velkow [link] [comments]

Empire unification

I managed to "unify" the empire on paper as the quest said, but on map the empire is still not unified as Western empire and Northern empire still has its settlements. Do I have to be the emperor of a faction to actually unite the empire? submitted by /u/ThugBoi [link] [comments]

Is this warband feature in Bannerlord?

submitted by /u/AbrohamLincon [link] [comments]

are there any insta building mods?

i just got my first castle in MB2 and the building of projects is taking forever. i put 20k in for nothing. i cant seem to boost construction either so a mod to boost that as well? my loyalty is negative in the castle so nothing is getting done. i have good relations with the two villages. not sure what the problem is there. but yeah, cant find mod for building faster. Submitted September 28, 2021 at 08:41AM by rmitre97

Allied lords dying too often in battle?

Am I imagining things, or are allied lords dying much more often in battle since the most recent patches to the game? It’s purely anecdotal but it feels like the last 5 or so hours of playtime in my campaign has seen more allied lords dying in battle alongside me than the previous 60 hours. submitted by /u/TheTalleyrand [link] [comments]

Disrupt Supply Line need to be fix!

Always fail this quest . The caravan doesn't even wait in town and i always get the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD cities .. The only solution i have is to base at the center of the map for me to have any chance to clear this mission , even if i aim the End route city... THEY ARE JUST TOO FAST! , even with 5.9 speed , running from Revyl to Razih is IMPOSSIBLE! Is there anyone out there able to complete Istiana's Plan? submitted by /u/bewak86 [link] [comments]

Average khuzait main

submitted by /u/cringe-angel [link] [comments]

Average khuzait main

submitted by /u/cringe-angel [link] [comments]

I guess the Battanians had a pretty bad day

submitted by /u/Frink-out [link] [comments]

I struggle to find reasons to play anyone but Vlandia?

Maybe it changed in the 2 months or so since I played but Sturgia sucks, The Empire factions usually wind up dying off slowly, but I like their aesthetic in general. Khuzaits are just kinda bleh to me despite being near overpowered, Aserai aren't explicitly bad but their cities are stupidly far into their territory, and Battanians are just kinda ugly. Vlandia is large, has a nice spread of cities, their major clans are far from frontlines, their units are all pretty solid, what more could you want? I WANT to play Sturgia but they always just get annihilated to the point they only have 2 cities left by the time I can even vassalize with anyone, plus their archers are/were hilariously bad and that's a shot in the foot in general. submitted by /u/ShugokiSmash99 [link] [comments]

With fire and sword or Warband?

So I already own with fire and sword but there seems to be a lot of disapppointment around it and it isnt mentioned much here it looks like. Should I just bite the bullet and buy warband or is this worth playing? Submitted September 28, 2021 at 02:29AM by No_Volume_9944

The Great Betrayer

submitted by /u/josiahju [link] [comments]

Can someone help me talk to my companions?

​ I've researched how to give my companions roles, and supposedly the clan screen to do so is bugged. The work around is to talk to them directly, and I should be able to do so by going to the party screen and clicking their name, however, as the image shows having clicked their name there is no option to talk. Am I missing something obvious? submitted by /u/thelividmonkey [link] [comments]

Difficulty changes in 1.6.2?

I am running a few mods like improved garrison and auto trader but i’ve noticed that I am barely winning on very easy against armies of my same size when my party consists of atleast 80% legionaries. Is anyone else experiencing this? submitted by /u/Brotato124 [link] [comments]

Can't do scouting mission in Warband [PS4]

A Jarl sent me to scout 3 places, I looked up how to scout, and it said to just wait around the place until the mission updates, but it never happened. I stood next to the castle for 6 days and nothing happened. Could someone explain why this isn't working? Submitted September 27, 2021 at 10:04AM by PopcornP-KbJs

EmpirePowers: A Text-Based Historical Grand Strategy Roleplaying Game

r/EmpirePowers It's like playing a multiplayer grand strategy game on Reddit with dozens of others at the same time. Starting in 1500, players can take control of a country, where you lead it, guiding its foreign policy, internal affairs, and military matters. All while other players do the same as you with different countries, interacting with each other to impact the world. We’ve got over 500 claims for players to claim, whether that be the smallest abbey in the HRE to the ascendant Ottoman Empire. You can see all the claims on the map here , which is the most accurate map of Europe and the surrounding areas in January of 1500 that exists currently (to our knowledge). The game is aiming to start roughly around the beginning of November, and the first round of claims will be in the 2nd Week of October, with subsequent rounds coming afterwards. If this interests you, I’d recommend checking out the discord and reading up on some of the specifics on the wiki so you can get more...

I am color blind, like to trade but can't see color-coding of prices, and the mod that fixes this is not working for me

If anyone with modding experience or who also uses the colorblind mod has a moment could you help with this? I currently can't really tell relative trade prices apart because of my colorblindness. See my comment here: Submitted September 27, 2021 at 10:11AM by skymodder

Shall I declare my independent kingdom yet?

Hi, my name is Troy McLure and you may know me from posts such as my fresh kingdom gets squashed (old kingdom) and Clan Tier 3. Now what? ​ Following my clan tier 3 posts I managed to conquer three rebellious cities. Unfortunately, they are all over the place: Epicrotea, Myzea, and Sargot (conquered in that order). I have a wife, two kids, my niece recently turned 18. It is the year 1088. All three cities have garrisons of about 400 men of all levels but mostly in the upper end. They consist of Battanian Fian Champions, Imperial Legions and Elite Cataphracts, and Vlandian Sharpshooters. My personal retinue is currently 139 in size, same type of troops of different levels. ​ The game at this point is becoming kind of stale. I could wait for another city to rebel but only heavens know where that might be. I have taken an eye to the Vlandian territory but that means I have to attack one of their groups and either pull it through to the end or get destroyed, for I am still clan...

Istiana's/Arazgos' plan and the conspiracy quests are RIDICULOUS

I don't want to be too negative but I have to get this off my chest. I'm new to Bannerlord (and Mount and Blade) and have been enjoying the game and its mechanics a lot. The quests and storyline on the other hand... not so much. The ticking time bomb that is Istiana's plan, and the same missions you have to do over and over and over again to no avail, have pretty much ruined the immersion of the game for me. Some context (skip this if you want): I'm a vassal of the Aserai/Unqid, and for some reason the sultan was nice enough to grant me a castle without me doing anything. Problem is, it's a castle on the border with the Southern Empire. Every month and a half or so (in game) either us or them declare war, and so we've been fighting the same pointless war 5 times now (we usually win and get a few denars, but nothing really changes). Because my castle is on the border, I'm the first one to deal with huge armies besieging my castle and raiding my villages, wh...

Mod Monday

Welcome to Mod Monday! In the comments of this post, a list of mods that have been created or updated in the past week can be found. This list is currently restricted to just those posted on Nexus Mods, but we plan to expand this to include other websites (such as ModDB) and the Steam workshop as well. This week there are 15 new mods that have been published and 81 mods have been updated. If you have created or updated a mod, note that you do not need to ask us to include it in the list, it is automatically compiled. If you published your mod on Nexus in the past week and can't find it here however, contact /u/MitchPTI and he'll have a look into why that might be. submitted by /u/MB2BannerBot [link] [comments]

When you understand that maybe you should return in your formation...

submitted by /u/Tiziano75775 [link] [comments]

Bugs in sieges?

My troops don't use the siege equipment and if they use them only like 2 soldiers at a time use them and then they get slaugthered once they reach the wall because nobody is there to reinforce them. Are there mods to fix this? submitted by /u/desscho [link] [comments]

Execution of enemy lords - can we do it sometimes? I conquered all Battania and some their lords remained.

I know that if we execute enemy lords it results in some bad results as we loose some reputation or however we can call it. But I finished war with Battania. They don't have any fiefs - just one clan with 3 persons and this is clan of "ruler" (what ruler? he doesn't have anything to rule!) and another one - with only one person who doesn't want to join me :( Because of this I have to maintain crazy peace to avoid attacks on my villages etc. They don't have any chance in war - but my clans just sometimes are too late to defend villages and I'm good king - I don't want to see my peasants killed. Can I just execute them? I don't want to get bad treats and lower my chance to hire other clans. But I don't have any other solution against these last Battanian bastards. submitted by /u/warrior2019 [link] [comments]

Caladog's clan is dead but it still owns its fiefs.

Caladog died and I was voted the new ruler. He was the last living member of his clan, apparently, because they are all dead. His only living family is his daughter, my wife. His clan's banners are still on the towns, castle, and bound villages his clan owned but they are grayed out. They have no governors. They aren't listed as belonging to a rebel or rogue clan. The encyclopedia says they are owned by Caladog's clan and part of Battania but they aren't listed in the holdings of Battania under the kingdom page. Do I just need to wait? Or something else? submitted by /u/Ragnarondo [link] [comments]

A Burning Castle

submitted by /u/josiahju [link] [comments]

Vassals not recruiting.

Is anybody else having problems with their vassals not recruiting troops. I am a relatively new king. Whenever I attempt to gather an army my lords are always under the 40% mark. The only ones that are available are my personal clan members and mercenaries. I have about 5 clans under me, each with their own fiefs. Most have 1 castle, 1 clan has a town. ​ Any help would be appreciated. It truly wrecks the game for me. submitted by /u/Nagato04 [link] [comments]

Execution of Perin, illegitimate ruler of Vlandia, by Marriage to the Princess.

submitted by /u/Selfish_Princess [link] [comments]

Queen Yui of the Fen Yrisa, heiress to the great inheritance of Axelvuldra, conqueror of Calradia.

submitted by /u/Selfish_Princess [link] [comments]

The Civil war is over. The Kingdom of Axelvuldra is declared as hegemon of all of Calradia, under the protection of the former Kingdom of Battania and the provinces of the former Empire, proper provinces of the new Kingdom and the Principality of Sturgia, autonomous region under its sovereignty.

submitted by /u/Selfish_Princess [link] [comments]

i think my wife is mad at me

​ submitted by /u/sjeggy6 [link] [comments]

In the Bannerlord Campaign how am i supposed to catch up to the lords. They are teleporting all over the map.

I am playing the campaign but i cannot catch up to the lords to do the first part of the quest. I figured out to ask the castles the peoples name but then it says "X" was at this city a day ago. I go there it says "X somehow passed you without you seeing and is now back where you came from" It is getting super aggravating. Submitted September 26, 2021 at 04:44AM by partisan98

Arena shenanigans

I am slightly concerned for the arena... matchmaking? with the AI. I just had to fight my pregnant wife in the final round. Obviously, I clobbered the shit out of her but still... submitted by /u/Shas20 [link] [comments]

Help Save my campaign!

I modded the game weeks ago and ive started getting this message and im stuck, Method: virtual System.Void SandBox.BattleAgentLogic::OnAgentBuild(TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Agent agent, TaleWorlds.Core.Banner banner) Frame: OnAgentBuild at offset 140 in file:line:column :0:0 Can someone plox save me Submitted September 26, 2021 at 03:00AM by hello-is-it-me-your

What happens to factions between Bannerlord and Warband

Hello guys ! I've been trying to find info on what happens to the different factions between Bannerlord and Warband but I didn't find anything. Does any of you know why Battania disappears and what becomes of it's people for example, or where do the Rhodoks and Vaegir of Warband come from ? Thanks in advance for your answers ! submitted by /u/Confident_Ad_5012 [link] [comments]

Why raiderchad is supreme

submitted by /u/BraveHeroo [link] [comments]

Party Controls not Working

submitted by /u/SnoochieBuchie [link] [comments]

Here's a List of tips and tricks for Bannerlord

​ Also this is list is based around if your companions die or not, if they do it changes the ranking submitted by /u/SpartanGamingYouTube [link] [comments]

Faction not being eliminated on reload?

With Fire & Sword here. In the last stage of any of the story line quests, one has to eliminate all the other factions. (I’m playing the Muscovite quest if that matters.) I have already eliminated the Cossack Hetmanate, but by mistake I hit “quit without saving” and it brought me to just seconds before their elimination. Now they persist with no fiefs and no armies. I’ve been running around former Cossack lands and don’t even see any patrol or foragers. During this time I’ve already started a war against Crimea, taken a castle, and still the Cossack faction persists. On the faction page, it simply says that the Cossack Hetmanate “controls none”, where usually here the faction’s fiefs will be listed. Asking any Muscovite lord about the war only tells me “we have 20 armies and they have none, we’re on the verge of victory”. Having no other choice, I declared war on the Polish Commonwealth instead. Strangely, immediately as I did so, the Poles and Cossacks have made peace. I can ...

friendly reminder: if you start thinking game is kinda getting stale

download the realistic horse charge mod and unstoppable charge: - - i never had this much fun i this game. riding through over 500 pesky t2 infs with my 100 cav and crushing them. having all the gandalf charge vibes and shit finally cav is useful lol submitted by /u/3iksx [link] [comments]

1.6.2. Companion Roles (Scout, Surgeon etc.) do not stick.

Subj. After recent update I cannot get the roles to stick: I assign them in the Clan\Party Tab, but as soon as I leave - all are refreshed to 'none', my scout slacks, surgeon wanks and so on. =\ NO caravans whatsoever on the map (so it's not on the list of known issues, I guess...) Anybody else got this? Solution? submitted by /u/Fornicator_Maximus [link] [comments]

Steward perks are overpowered

A main chunk of mount and blade in my eyes is levelling your troops, and managing your troops, so when you are able to just buy gear from shops and max level all of your troops instantly it kinda breaks the game. It wouldnt be a problem if it was further along the steward perk tree but its in the early middle part of it. And its not like leveling steward perks are hard or anything, Just have multiple food items for your troops and youll be gaining steward points extremely fast. submitted by /u/BigStinkyChungusFart [link] [comments]

Issue with mods. More in comment

submitted by /u/Barfolomew_Sandurz [link] [comments]

Death of an Emperor

submitted by /u/josiahju [link] [comments]

Challenging lord to duel over lady

I'm currently on my first playthrough as a Swadian lord and am trying to marry Lady Anna, but her Guardian (Count Klargus in this case) says ''Count Stamar has been paying court to her'' and that ''he is a finer catch to her'' but I read something about challenging Count Stamar to a Duel, but how and when exactly? Submitted September 25, 2021 at 07:34AM by TheFlyingDutchman001

Companions and thrown weapons

I am wondering if giving your heroes/companions only thrown weapons is viable. Will they throw all and then go into melee with fists or are they smart enough to use the last jarid/spear as melee weapon? Submitted September 25, 2021 at 04:13AM by Taipann

Warband Mod Suggestions

For any nerdy programmers, I've got a big idea for a Warband mod which I like to call: ''Castle Overhaul'' which adds the following futures; ​ Constructing fortresses; It'd be cool if you were able to construct small wood fortresses for ~10000 Denars. There should of course be a fair amount of distance between any other Castles. The Constructible fortresses should also be able to be named by the Player. Castle commanders; Another future would be that the player is able to assign Knights, Sergeants or companions to command their Castle who can also conduct patrols around the Castle. The castle commanders can also have skills and that kind of neat stuff. You can also task your Commanders to train the Garrison Patrols; Castle commanders should be located within the Lord's hall where you can speak to them. You can order them to assign a portion of the garrison to patrol the Castle and/or it's villages. The patrol will automatically attack any bandits...

Bannerlord: anybody knows if mod "Keep Own Fief" works?

I downloaded this mod manually. Put mod with files to "modules" catalogue. Turned on mod in starting menu. Got information when game was launched that mod was loaded (green letters). Before got also request for confirmation if I want to activate mod. I downloaded mod when was during siege (because later I found that first time I cannot give castle to myslelf - own kingdom). And - nothing. Won battle, conquered castle - nothing appeared. No new menu, no new option. I don't understand what should be done more. Will be grateful for any help! Submitted September 25, 2021 at 05:58AM by warrior2019

I took a lot of tips to heart

I was given a lot of tips and went to try them....everytime I do I get attacked at the very starts by either sea raiders or Deserters and can't do anything about. I even got hit by a party of 66 bandits.....this game definitely takes some time getting used too and a lot of work to figure out what to do and not to do. Submitted September 25, 2021 at 02:30AM by Traditional_Ad_6616

My Nilfgaard Empire must fight for its existence against Garios and the Western Empire

submitted by /u/Live-Project-2927 [link] [comments]

Cannot keep castle after conquest (cannot take it for me in elections) - mod is only solution?

Own Kingdom I conquered few towns and castles - always had option to keep town/ castle for myself (if not in first round - I got such option in second round if used option to propose castle/ town for somebody else). After I conquered 10 castle (having already 6 towns) I didn't appear among possible candidates - nor in first round when we choose owner of castle/ town after conquest nor when we use option to give castle/ town to somebody else. I guess that it's because clans in my kingdom didn't have any fiefs and I took not long ago new clan to my kingdom (now have 4). It's not a very big problem - it was only one castle. But I want to keep all of castle on my own. What can be done in such case? As far as I read comments in Internet the only solution is this mod: Anybody used it? Is it stable? Is it OK? I can use it and don't have to be nervous about any crashes? Or maybe anybody h...

Question: In what FUCKING WORLD, does this make sense?

submitted by /u/IguyNintend0o [link] [comments]

(Help) I am newer to this game, tried out a queen run. It is going downhill real quick.

Alright, so my computer is broken, so I started playing my Xbox and I saw MB free, looked interested and was hooked on and have been playing it none stop since February, I tried to play as queen, it was going well. I had 52 right to rule, fairly high renown and a moderate honor rating. I've been trying to play this blind but now I am at war with all factions (despite having good relations with them all) and each time I've tried to make peace despite owning at least 2 cities per faction they keep denying it. Right now I am in a game of tug of war with one faction taking a city or castle, then I take it back. Any suggestions on how to fix this dumpster fire? (Also sorry if I miss anything in the post or organized it poorly, never used reddit lol) Submitted September 24, 2021 at 09:45PM by beemovie155

Any Parabellum like mods or a website to dowland Parabellun mod?

I played parabellum not a realy long time ago (like 9 months i guess) but now the site i used is not working i know its banned cus stealing from other people. but i hear people managed to dowland it if anyone knows a website to dowland or Parabellum like mods please help Submitted September 24, 2021 at 11:08AM by Pixelard

Hotfix (e1.6.2 - 24/09/21)

submitted by /u/Velkow [link] [comments]

Why is the AI so bad? Can't seem to finish a war with Battania which I outnumber 6:1

I'm the king of Vlandia, almost destroyed Battania (they have 3 castles left) and constantly at war with at least 2 kingdoms. I can never make peace with one and focus on the other because one of my dumb vassals refuses and wants to keep losing on two fronts and it costs me close to 1000 influence to convince them to make peace. If I do waste my influence to make peace, then some other kingdom declares war. On top of that I can't ever finish the war with Battania, even though we have 12k strength vs 2k and constantly at least 20+ lords as prisoners. My vassals either create a huge army and chase around a 50 soldier lord while all the other Battanain lords raid our villages, or they attack a castle until our armies get destroyed and captured. I constantly see my vassals getting captured when we outnumber them 6:1 in terms of total strength. I'm constantly forced to run around and capture all the lords on my own (while they keep escaping prison; who coded this shit so bad?)...

Oh dear Ira Literally paid 70k for Ira to Rhagaea then I went to Onira to meet her, and Monchug was on the way to siege Onira so I joined the defense, oh boy when I pressed TAB in the middle of the fight. Loving Ironman mode so far. submitted by /u/dawicrow [link] [comments]

Europe mod available for play?

Hi people, Does anyone know if there is any kind of mod for Bannerlord 2 which focuses on Europe? It would be so nice to hear that there is already one available to play, but if not maybe the release date? Thanks, salute submitted by /u/Forsaken_Language_66 [link] [comments]