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Derthert will not die

He is age 79 and he will not die. I am just waiting for him to die to hopefully become new lord. submitted by /u/Vast-Application5848 [link] [comments]

Faction Advantages and Disadvantages

Hail and well met, travelers!

I don't know if this topic has been mentioned in the past, forgive me if it has, but reading the latest Bannerlord blog post on the wolfskins made me wonder why we never saw a mod (to my knowledge) that provides special bonuses to joining a particular faction. In Bannerlord the wolfskins apparently live "like wolves", not sleeping beneath a roof and living off of only what the forests provide. So why wouldn't the player subject to the same rules? As an example, in gameplay resting in forts or cities, buying food, and/or using overly heavy armor would be forbidden, but in return your party travel speed wouldn't be restricted in forests, you gain meat and berries in the wild for free, and for combat maybe the strength of your units would be doubled.

In terms of warband itself, mamlukes were based on slave warriors that were used by various middle eastern nations, so maybe by joining the Sarranids you unlock a special unit only by converting captured troops. Vaegirs might fight better in the cold but get a penalty on other terrain, and sell the luxurious furs of their homeland for double whatever the normal price is at any town. Perhaps Khergits get a massive speed boost on flat terrain and loot in half the time, and get bonuses for having an all cavalry army while suffering trade penalties and unrest in lands conquered that aren't on the steppe.

Point is, joining a faction should have consequences beyond just having access to lands and lords as I think it will help immerse the player in the culture they're playing as and encourage playing in line with what that faction is supposed to represent. Most important of all if done right it will be hella fun to pick and choose between bonuses and give an actual reason to try other factions for reasons outside appearance.

Now for my question, is this moddable? I've only dabbled in editing items and faces, making some custom armors from other pieces in blender and repainting them, adding a companion, that kind of thing. Never actually went in deep on python to learn modding, so I have no idea. Can it be done? What are your thoughts on this? And what are some faction bonuses and penalties that you would like to see in warband and/or bannerlord?

TL;DR - joining a faction should provide gameplay bonuses and penalties that represent the typical stereotypes of that faction. Yes or no? If yes, how would you like to see this implemented?

Submitted October 20, 2017 at 02:44PM by GuyWhoDoesntKnowJack


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