So I made my own kingdom and immediately made Jeremus my vassal. A few hours later I wanted to kick another lord out of my faction because he hated me, but I accidentally indicted Jeremus instead, who joined the Sarranids to become Emir Jeremus. I immediately went to try and find him to see if I could convince him to rejoin my kingdom, so I went to Shariz to see if he'd spawned there. Once I was just outside Shariz Jeremus came straight out of it and ran into me, and then he told me to surrender to him. I was like "pffffft I can take Jeremus on" and accepted his fight. I charged straight at him, but I completely forgot I'd equipped him with a lance. He did about 400 couched damage to me and thus the shameful message appeared that I had in fact been knocked unconscious by JEREMUS.
Submitted October 17, 2017 at 05:12PM by LouisB2004
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