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Mixing Cultures?

What culture is the child of Parents with 2 different cultures submitted by /u/Due-Yam1628 [link] [comments]

How the M&B Bannerlord factions became the Warband factions

This is just what I've gathered by the map relations, obvious faction similarities, and faction placements. If there's any holes in this please let me know, I'm trying to get a better understanding of how the factions changed, so this is what i think i know, please let me know if anything is wrong.

The first obvious thing is that the empire is non existent in Warband, so they we're conquered and fizzled out.

The kingdom of Nords would have come from the Sturgians expanding west across northern Battania and Vlandia, and probably taking some cultural influence from the sea raiders. Either this or the west that they had conquered was then conquered by the sea raiders. I only say this because I remember someone in Warband saying that the Nords came from the sea raiders somehow.

The Vaegers would likely be a cultural mix of mostly Sturgia and a dash of Battania, Since they seem to occupy much of what was Sturgia and about half of what was Battania. Looking at the Vaegers, they look a lot more like sturgians than battanians, but their skilled archers would suggest at least some influence from battania. Also, since battania was likely completely conquered by Vlandia and Sturgia, the last remnants of them could be the forest bandits in warband, since they are the most similar.

Swadia is an easy one. They obviously come from Vlandia, who would have expanded east, through southern Battania and part of the western empire. They would lose their northern territory to the Sturgians, and their southern to the Rhodok rebellion.

Rhodoks = Vlandian rebels.

The Aserai expanded north, conquering parts of both the southern and western empire, becoming the Sarranid Sulnate. Maybe they took part of the Khuzait Khanate, but who knows.

The Khergits would come from the Khuzait, who expanded very far west, Annihilating the northern empire and whatevers left of the southern empire.

I'm sure there's something i may have missed or not considered, but this is what i think happened. Can someone confirm or correct this?

submitted by /u/DovahNerevarine
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