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How do I fix these mod errors? I'm playing on the most recent STABLE branch and just DL'd these mods 5 mins ago, unsure WTF is happening here

submitted by /u/RotInPixels [link] [comments]

Looking for some advice going forward

I am new to the Mount and Blade series and have been enjoying Bannerlord since I picked it up a couple weeks ago. I watched a couple starter guide videos and then jumped in and I am sitting at around 10 hours now and am pretty content with where I am at. I’m currently level 6 prioritizing putting points into 1H, Riding, Bow, and Steward. I have purchased my first companion who has 160 skill in 1H and have assigned him as my Quartermaster and I have an Army of around 23 men ranging from Cavalry, Ranged, and an array of infantrymen (Legionnaires, Veterans, Metavilion or however you spell it, etc.) I have completed that first main quest and received the next one to raid the camp where my brother or sister is being held with Radagos. I have about 15k saved up and am looking to buy a workshop as my next step towards progressing in the game. Here are some questions I have:

  • I understand that it’s important to buy a workshop in a prosperous city that has a large militia and garrison and that has multiple villages that produce the same goods for that capital. The issue I’m running into is that I can’t seem to find a city to buy a shop in that has a good balance of everything I mentioned. What should I prioritize in when it comes to buying my first workshop?

  • Is there a particular area of the map that contains a higher majority of raiders / bandits that will drop better loot? Currently all my weapons and armor upgrades have been purchased from trade, not picked up from post battle loot. I have been running into looters and mountain / forest bandits as well as the Steppe bandits and I am able to easily win those battles and raid those camps but the gear I get is only good for selling still.

  • Should I start entering tournaments now or should I level up and acquire some better gear first?

  • Any other tips and advice on what steps I should be taking next to progress my campaign would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Tecks15
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