I am not part of a Kingdom, the enemy is auto Sallying out at me, and I’m fighting Rhegea she is in her last city. My army make up was. 40 archers - Fians, Fian Champions, and Battanian Heroes. 60 Infantry - Heroic line breakers, Heavy Axeman, and Heavy Spearman. 104 Calvary - Mostly Imperial equites with a few exceptions. 2 heavily armored companions, one who acts as the commander of my archers and the other my hero troop for Calvary. I started off my waging 2 quick charge and retreat battles to destroy any enemy range and Calvary forces. In total I kept my losses between those battles down to 15ish Calvary. In the next fight I set my archers to scatter, engage. My infantry to shield wall, engage. Then I told my Calvary to follow me, I got within throwing axe range before ordering them to charge. Once we came out the other side I had them follow me again, rinse and repeat. All this while they are getting attacked by my other force. Bonus question what do the hero troops even...