I have finally swapped from console to PC and I want you guys to suggest some mods to download. I want the best experience that bannerLord can offer. My spec's are decent but not crazy good, I have a RTX 4060, Intel core i7, 32G of Ram. I'm pretty confident that'll be enough but just wanted to post them here for good measure. Give me some good one's. submitted by /u/HitoCunt [link] [comments]
Back when Bannerlord was announced, I vaguely remember that, in the announcement thread, people were discussing the choice of the title "Bannerlord." Does anyone else remember that? It was a useless topic to discuss, but I kept coming back because I was so hyped about the game and was hoping for more information about it. Submitted December 23, 2018 at 06:27AM by Genghis-Swan http://bit.ly/2PXSwvf
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