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Showing posts from October, 2021

Looking for advice on troops for a infantry only army (

Like the title said I’m looking at building a foot soldier only army and don’t know what are the best troops for what roles……….but those Fian Champions go hard af but lack the vibe I want and that is a solid melee unit(s) and some archers to rain hell down submitted by /u/Short_Shoe_122 [link] [comments]

Vassals not filling their parties?

Mid-game (my kingdom has 4 towns, 10 castles, & 2 vassals) and 1 of my vassals has 3 family members with parties, but they never fill their party enough to be able to call to my army. When I go to create an army, they’re always below the 40% threshold to be able to summon. This clan has 3 castles, and I tried gifting the leader like 50k gold to see if he was just too poor to maintain enough soldiers in his party, but nothing works. Anybody run into this before, or have any thoughts on how to fix? I’m getting near the point of taking away his fiefs and kicking him out of the kingdom. submitted by /u/Jon_Haley [link] [comments]

Anyone playing on a Mac?

I don’t have a gaming PC as I’m a casual console enjoyer, so I’ve been confined to Warband which is great and all but I’d love to try Bannerlord. I’ve recently purchased the 2020 M1 Macbook Air (8gb RAM) and was wondering if the game works well on it, including mod’s availability and functionality. Cheers Submitted October 31, 2021 at 08:49AM by ChefGD

Any good/needed mods?

Hi, I've been playing banner lord for a while but I haven't use d's mods yet and i want to try some out. Are there any cool mods or mods that improve the game? Submitted October 31, 2021 at 08:41AM by britishboy14

How to financially recover from a character death?

Like the title says, my first character died and I'm playing as his wife. The moment he died, I lost all my productive enterprises, and went from getting around 1500 denars a day to losing from 3000 to 5000 denars. I've been trying to reduce my garrison numbers since thats the biggest drain, but I've removed at least 200 and still I've seen barely any change. Now my faction is fighting the Khuzaits, and I don't want to compromize my border defenses further. What can I do to fix this? submitted by /u/BetterDeadthanRed81 [link] [comments]

Couldn't verify some or all of the code included in this module.

Since the update to beta version 1.6.5 most of my mods in the launcher are tagged with a red exclamation mark saying: "Couldn't verify some or all of the code included in this module. TaleWorlds is not responsible for consequences arising from running unverified/unofficial code." I updated and reinstalled the mods, varified game files but still most but not all mods have this tag. Starting the game and loading a safe works fine, only problem is the tagged mods are not loaded ingame. Does anyone experienced the same and have a solution to this problem? submitted by /u/Over_Upstairs_2699 [link] [comments]

Messed up smithing UI

I came back to bannerlord after not playing for about a month and a half. When I do come back, I am greeted with this mess in the smithing menu. Not sure why it is like this, but it is like this in every city. Does anyone know what might be causing it or have any help? Thanks. submitted by /u/PencilRex [link] [comments]

Ideas for future content

Hi folks. I've played quite a bit of bannerlord and I'm curious about what people think should be added and why. Personally, I'd like outposts/camps for clans that aren't affiliated with any of the larger factions. The placement could be limited by your relation by notables nearby and they can be completely wiped out. In a raid sort of like what happens to villages. Just worse. I'd love for someone to try and improve on my idea and even share their own submitted by /u/DeeplyProfound_ [link] [comments]

Protecting Khans Interests In Desert

submitted by /u/tr_gardropfuat [link] [comments]

Declaring Peace bug

So I'm currently a vassal in aserai and we are in war with the southern and northern empire for a long long time, I can't propose peace because the button doesn't work, but I can declare war to other clans. I think that sometimes the system tries to declare peace cause I hear the notification but the side icon appears and disappears at light speed and when I go to the kingdom tab it's like nothing happened. Any help? submitted by /u/gapr97 [link] [comments]

Declaring Peace bug

So I'm currently a vassal in aserai and we are in war with the southern and northern empire for a long long time, I can't propose peace because the button doesn't work, but I can declare war to other clans. I think that sometimes the system tries to declare peace cause I hear the notification but the side icon appears and disappears at light speed and when I go to the kingdom tab it's like nothing happened. Any help? submitted by /u/gapr97 [link] [comments]

Protecting Khans Interests In Desert

submitted by /u/tr_gardropfuat [link] [comments]

guide: how to spec companions youself

hi! i found a reliable method to get companions with unspent focus and attribute points. this method is not suitable for ironman. -find a "x wants to find his daughter" -check the encyplopedia for female companions of the faction that you are doing the quest for. if the village is battanian the daughter will always be battainian check if she has a "the wanderer" or a "the black" suffix -check if the game generated a new wanderer that didnt exist at step 2 -complete the quest. doesnt matter if you convince her or kill her friend. hit tab to return to campaign map. -immediatly select "take a walk through the lands" and ride up to her to hire her -check if her points are unspent note that she might have her points spent. if she does, reload the game and accept the quest again to get the game to create another wanderer. if the game generates a wanderer with the same name as a previous failed one, dont bother to go through all of the steps....

War never changes

submitted by /u/the_b_in_subtle12 [link] [comments]


How show everything names etc on map without having to press alt? So we can see where things are. Have to find 'headman' Graphics kinda choppy, suppose to be like that? Doesnt look like they have premade or preset chars yet? What to do in game it doesnt say Want to kill things submitted by /u/Smart_GameVideos4159 [link] [comments]


How show everything names etc on map without having to press alt? So we can see where things are. Have to find 'headman' Graphics kinda choppy, suppose to be like that? Doesnt look like they have premade or preset chars yet? What to do in game it doesnt say Want to kill things submitted by /u/Smart_GameVideos4159 [link] [comments]

Tricks & Tips

As everyone, I'd love to raise my trade to 300 to buy settlements. Any ways to get there other than going from town to town to buy and sell ? Or is that grindin' the only way ? submitted by /u/Sagarrius [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/ericsask [link] [comments]

Bannerlord Archer Tips

After about 600 hours in Bannerlord, here are some tips and strategies I've picked up for archers - playing an archer, archer tactics, and strategy considerations. Hope these help someone! Playing an Archer Here are some notes to help you pincushion enemies on the battle map: Are you a horse archer, foot archer, or crossbowman? Each has strengths and weaknesses. Horse archers are highly mobile, but vulnerable because you're a big target, and you generally won't be as accurate because you're shooting from a moving platform. Foot archers are footmen and therefore slower and less mobile, but you can take the longbow for range and you'll fire quickly. Crossbowmen can't reload from horseback until you're high level, and you don't get as much reload time reduction as you level, but you're going to do a lot of damage with every shot and you can hold aim indefinitely. Horse archers should stay moving at all times. Speed is your friend and your main...

More politics?

First off, this is by far one of my favorite top 3 games oat. The mix of combat, management, and lineage is amazing. I do however, wish there was a way to incorporate politics and even agreements with other factions. Spies and assassinations too. What you guys think? P.S. These are just ideas, maybe they could be addition play options? submitted by /u/rivalen217 [link] [comments]

New To M&B Bannerload - Where To Begin?

Hey everyone, Ive never played M&B and decided to pick up Bannerlord after watching a couple streams. I'm still a little lost for what is going on in the game. Seems like start small and continue to build character and warriors. Any advice where to begin? Any guides to follow? Should I have bundled Warband or is that dead? Submitted October 30, 2021 at 07:54AM by mbd216

Looks better than I thought after what I did to him to be honest. 💖✔

submitted by /u/WilfredWalters44 [link] [comments]

Sure, I'd love to duel...

I wanted to flare this a guide, but didn't want to rile any mods in case they don't agree. I don't really duel bandits...but if I did, yeeting them in the face with a javelin that does 123 points of damage and ends the duel in one shot might be the way I'd go about it. They also do wonderful things to espionage-prone Contenders. Because I suck at 1 v 1, but my harpoon...well, it's got some real skills.:) submitted by /u/Intergalacticdespot [link] [comments]

Is crafting 2h swords the "smithing exploit"?

Ive heard of the smithing exploit but not sure what it is. I figured since the game has been out for like 2 years now they must have fixed it. I crafted a 2h for myself today, shocked to find out i could sell it for 14k. Then another for 20k. I don't want to cheese the game so I'm wondering if that's normal? I want the immersive experience so if this is the exploit, i'll stop doing it... I'm level 9, just committed to a kingdom, clan tier 2. Don't have a good grasp on the values of items yet. submitted by /u/DCEblack [link] [comments]

Today was a sad day in Calradia ..

submitted by /u/Fragile_Potato_Bag [link] [comments]

khuzait horse archers wildin

​ submitted by /u/Xueyouu [link] [comments]

Using scripts for an unlimited army in warband

So hello all of you. I have been playing around with scripts in order to have more fun in Prophesy of Pendor and thus had an unlimited party limit and unlimited morale. Problem here is that the morale part is bound to leadership and changes back to vanilla the I conquer a castle I don't usually work with scripts so I thought maybe someone else had an idea. Any help would be appreciated! I followed this guide here: Submitted October 30, 2021 at 05:41AM by Feuerpanzer123

Split troops command

Is there any button that split the chosen troops into two? Sometimes I need to split my cavalry units into two but I can’t find any button to make it. My only solution for this is chancing numbers of the cavaliers before battles but it is so frustrating. submitted by /u/westerlingtr [link] [comments]

Quantity Over Quality

submitted by /u/tr_gardropfuat [link] [comments]

Quantity Over Quality

submitted by /u/tr_gardropfuat [link] [comments]

Guide: How to prevent bankruptcy in Bannerlord.

submitted by /u/Cristobalxds [link] [comments]

Today We Feast

submitted by /u/Jtlane16 [link] [comments]

What do I do as king (Of Battania)?

So I have been a vassal in Battania for a while now, and Caladog got killed in battle, and I was voted to be king and won in a landslide, I didn't even have to use any saved up influence. So I guess my main question now is how do I be a good king? Ive never been in the king position before in Bannerlord and Idk what my first course of action should be tbh. submitted by /u/HalPal78 [link] [comments]

Cavalry Tactics for Bannerlord

Haven't seen one of these in a while, so here goes. I've got about 600 hours into Bannerlord so far, and here's what I've figured out about cavalry: Fighting Tactics There are some things you can do to live longer as a horseman. Do NOT charge the center. This seems obvious, but it can be hard to keep in mind mid-battle. Do not charge the center of an enemy line, ever. All it takes is one guy with a spear to stop your horse, or a lucky hit from a sword, and you're down. The odds of that happening go up a LOT when you're surrounded. DO charge the flanks. The idea is to charge the flanks, targeting one enemy that you can keep your eye on, and lance/shoot/slice them as you make a pass. Don't stop, don't get bogged down. Kill one guy, ride out, come around for another pass. DO charge the rear of an engaged unit. The idea is to wait until the enemy is distracted by an infantryman in their face, then come up behind them and stab/shoot/slice them in ...

Is Bannerlord worth returning to?

I stopped playing Bannerlord around a year or so ago. There were a few bugs or aspects of the game that personally annoyed me, and I was wondering if these things were remedied yet: Sturgians seemed underpowered, especially against the Vlandians that they start the game at war with. The only steady income was from Tournaments; Workshops were unprofitable and unreliable, Caravans were incredibly expensive. Banners were off-center, and there were very few colors to choose from. There would be an annoying pop-up whenever you had mods installed… which given that this is a Mount and Blade game, we’ll probably always have mods. Apparently selling Javelins breaks the economy, but I wouldn’t know, because leveling Smithing took forever due to the Stamina system. For some reason my PC would be loud and be warmer than usual when running Bannerlord. It’s not a low-tier rig, either; this never would happen with other games. Not even MMOs. Are any of these things fixed? Is the...

How to get companion with high steward?

I remember there used to be spicevendor companions with high steward but I am not seeing any on this build. I tried leveling up a leader/tactician but I think they must spawn capped out. I could use my wife but I need her to breed my heirs. submitted by /u/RapidSage [link] [comments]

Hear me out

Bannerlord but with a fully-realized Nemesis system à la Middle Earth: Shadow of War. More personality traits and whatnot, and the ability to forge truly meaningful friendships and rivalries. Add the ability for NPCs to either ride to your aid/ambush you/betray you at the eleventh hour based on relationship and I’d go absolutely nuts. Maybe this has been mentioned before or maybe folks disagree, but I think this would be a pretty cash money (if unlikely) feature. Submitted October 29, 2021 at 10:12AM by EnjoyerxEnjoyer

Does anybody know how to counter this dastardly tactic?

submitted by /u/bgior [link] [comments]

Tips on getting city?

I've been given three castles in quite quickly. Should j give these back so I will get a city or do I have a good chance of getting a city too Submitted October 29, 2021 at 09:54AM by RapidSage

Looter Morale Fix

Hello, ​ I came back recently to Bannerlord and i m looking for a mod that fix the morale of the looter troops. I think one exist but i can't remember the name. The idea is to stop the looters from fleeing after defeating some of them, basically i dont want my troups or me to run after them for the exp but fight to the death. ​ Do you know this mod ? ​ Thanks submitted by /u/AdTechnical9546 [link] [comments]

How to get steel (2021)?

I've tried looking online but most things I find are over a year old. I know there's been some big patches since then so idk how much has changed. They just say buy steel swords and smelt them but so far none of them has offered steel. I know there's some sort of cheese method for smithing but I don't want to do that. My smithing is only 19 so I can't turn iron into steel yet. So what do I do? Submitted October 29, 2021 at 07:03AM by DCEblack

Warband: Gekokujo mod tips?

I've been trying out the Gekokujo mod since I heard it was one of the easiest and fun mods for Warband. At the moment, I'm having quite the opposite experience lol. Basically, here are my issues: I started out near Tsu and these bandits called "Monk Rebels" are constantly harassing me. There's literally small armies of them everywhere and they have these huge ass polearms AND guns. I can usually outrun them but there's so many that I get surrounded from all directions on the map. How do I deal with these guys? Or is this a really hard starting location? I saw some advice saying to enlist in a lord's army for a bit and then get some cash. I got some gear after becoming an Oda Master Gunner, but the guildmaster at Kiyo-something asks that I do a few quests before I can get an enterprise. No biggie, except the quests I got were to go kill Monk Rebels lol. Can't complete those. Just a bit lost in general... what exactly should I be doing?? Regular Wa...


I'm at war with Raganvad and his Sturgians. I'm trying to make peace, and can't figure out how. I've tried talking to at least 7 of his minions running around, and even Raganavad himself! He says it's up to his Council. Who are they and how can I make peace with them? submitted by /u/KoalaTamer21 [link] [comments]

Does Bannerlord have any good mods yet?

Hi, Been out of the loop for a while. Has Bannerlord had any developments in the modding scene? I'm a bit confused on where to look. I used to use the Caravanserai for Warband content, but The Emporium seems to be mostly quiet or minor util/fix mods. From the looks of things, there's no "major" mods that have really made it to working stage yet? ​ I'm mainly looking for things like `Warsword Conquest`, `Blood and Steel` or `PoP`, but haven't had much luck. Submitted October 29, 2021 at 01:38AM by CheekiBreekiIvDamke

Daughter Marriage

Anyone know if it's possible to get your daughter married but have her husband join your clan? I have 3 daughters and 1 son and don't want to lose them. Thanks. submitted by /u/BlueMachinations [link] [comments]

It was at this time, he knew. He fucked up.

submitted by /u/Crow6991 [link] [comments]

PLEASE put a multiplayer campaign in the game

Please. If you added a multiplayer campaign mode where I could play with my friends in a private lobby I'd stop going to school and I would stop cooking for myself, I would only order in food and that would hugely help the economy as trade would be going around, I would only play the game, even if the mode is a DLC and it's a 1000 bucks I'd buy it. To put a spin on a quote from Jeff Winger: " Please make a multiplayer campaign mode. Please. Pretty please. I'm so hyped. I have always dreamed of playing multiplayer campaign in a Mount and Blade game, and Bannerlord is so good looking. Please do me the favor of adding multiplayer campaign. " You know those shitty tiktoks where people complete like 100 tasks to get what they want? And then at the last 5 tasks it's horrible things like steal a car or whatever, I'd participate in that for Bannerlord multiplayer campaign, I'd actually do the tasks or film the shitty tiktok it doesn't matter. I...

Profitable trade routes?

What are some good trade routes you’ve discovered? My current circuit could probably use some work, but it runs along eastern Calradia. First, I stock up on furs and fish in Sturgia and go south from Tyal into the empire lands, where I buy silk. In Onira and Danustica you can sell the fish for a pretty decent profit. The silk and furs sell very well in Husn Fulq and Razih. Then, loop back through the Khuzait lands with horses, date fruits/olives, and pottery/jewelry and sell back in Sturgia. submitted by /u/terminal-chillness [link] [comments]

Winning with solo clan

I haven't seen people post this before, so thought I'd share. I'm on my second game, first one I realized I'd changed to my own kingdom too early, so I started over. This one I went pretty slow, stayed off with the Vlandians and was granted two cities and a few castles before I decided I wanted to play with another kingdom, so I gave up my fiefs and went to join the Khuzaits. I did well and was elected leader after the current one died. Pushed into western and Southern empire land and granted everything to myself and then broke off with about 5 cities. I had seen everyone posting about lords leaving with fiefs and actually couldn't find anyone to join me anyway, so I decided to solo clan it. At first I had my companions leading parties, but now I have three grown kids with good stats, so I can raise an army of over 1200 without minor clans. I do hire them when I can, but they are hard to find and leave often. Currently I have 17 cities and 19 castles with strength...

This guys war paint is completely terrifying

submitted by /u/beaverveavs [link] [comments]

Armor and Numbers

Currently, the way the game attempts to handle combat is frustrating. This goes in three directions: Armor is useless, according to the game. I cringe every time I see a fu****g peasant defeat a knight in plate armor with a knife or hammer. 3 militias (about a month of training) are numerous enough to defeat any fully grown and equipped professional soldiers (knights started training at 6 yo). Sorry, this is not how this works. Any knight SLAUGHTERS unarmored peasants and militias, that is why the were such a terror as rulers. The game should / needs to implement a damage reduction and mitigation mechanic, making weak attacks pointless against heavy armor. Shields have no downsides and are the most vital upgrade to any troop. They add a ridiculous amount of hp, they allow each and every unit to block any attack at least once and there is no "punishment" for keeping block up the entire time. ​ Archery. How do I put this in nice words .... You dont need to be tier 4...

Taking over a kingdom

So I recently watched a video ( ) and it said you can take over a faction by "accidentally" killing it's leader in a battle. I tried killing Mochung for 2 hours now, but he never dies. I did about 15 battles, he survived every one of them. I was using a noble bow, but maybe that's not strong enough? Is this actually possible, or was it patched? submitted by /u/IceMachineBeast [link] [comments]

Mods advices

I'm looking for light mods that add a bit of depth to the game. In particular I wonder if there is a cultural penalty for recruiting troops frome settlements from another cultures that you don't own. After a few years every armies feels like Imperial ones, with a few cultural specific ones sprinkle here and there. Also I'm really bothered by being a 30+ warlord, with 2 cities and 5 castle under my name but I can't afford the same equipment as my Fian Champion or my Oathsworn. Are there mods that either change the way units progression work, or that allow you to start as normally equiped person (depending on the ascendency you choose) ?? Thanks a lot ! submitted by /u/Fdurke [link] [comments]

should i be afraid of her?

submitted by /u/gamerguy1068 [link] [comments]

Taking over a faction

So I recently watched a video ( ) and it said you can take over a faction by "accidentally" killing it's leader in a battle. I tried killing Mochung for 2 hours now, but he never dies. I did about 15 battles, he survived every one of them. I was using a noble bow, but maybe that's not strong enough? Is this actually possible, or was it patched? submitted by /u/IceMachineBeast [link] [comments]

How do you earn money around the 60 soldiers mark without cannibalizing your income?

So currently I have around 60 soldiers (55 actually since i recently was in a battle with the Vlandians) and my only workshop is generating jack, 40 dinars. Since i'm a Vassal for the Sturgians I don't want to risk getting rid of my fealty to return to a merc, as I think this would have some consequences? Can anyone give me a cheap way to keep my army afloat and not cannibalize my income? submitted by /u/makslaskabata2 [link] [comments]

Temporary fix to equip horses to companions with low riding skill (1.6.4+)

This is a temporary work-around while we wait for a hotfix. This makes the change Taleworlds intended to make and removes the riding requirement for Saddle Horses. Navigate to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\SandBoxCore\ModuleData\spitems" and make a copy of "horses_and_others.xml". Keep the copy just in case you need to revert back to the patch default settings. Open "horses_and_others.xml" with your favorite XML editor or notepad if you don't have another option. Press ctrl+f to search for "saddle horse" and press enter. It should move the document to the Saddle Horse settings and highlight "Saddle Horse" for you to see where to find the settings on the page. Look down about seven lines for "difficulty="10"" and change the 10 to a 0. The line should be directly under "weight="390"". Save "horses_and_others.xml". Next t...

Leveling up weak companions fighting skills. Brother is unable to lead a caravan or participate in a tournament .

I'm trying to level up my brother by game but the only way to really do it seems to be to get a small party and go hunt down looters. This can be a pain since his athletics and fighting skills are so low its hard to make sure he is getting as many kills as possible. I‍ would like to be able to assign him to a caravan or fight in a tourney so he can level up without the risk of dying in a real battle. Does anyone know of any mods or a workaround or a good strategy for leveling up weak companions fighting skills? submitted by /u/montanababy62 [link] [comments]

Help! How to rally an army? Bannerlord 2.

Okay, I just decided to make my own Kingdom for the first time. I had 124 troops in my army and have 8 caravans, 5 workshops and the total of 4 army's in my clan. Needless to say I have the men to do it. But I'm trying to get my first settlement, a castle to be more specific. How can I rally my 3 other clan armies to fight with me in this siege. I'm not an official kingdom yet. It's the next thing after I take a city. submitted by /u/Environmental-Eye658 [link] [comments]

Lord of the Rings Mod - All planned Factions for Kingdoms of Arda

submitted by /u/Magical_Gollum [link] [comments]

Kingdoms of Arda News! (Lord of the Rings Mod) - All planned Factions

submitted by /u/Magical_Gollum [link] [comments]

How to make more money from caravans and worshops?

I purchased both of these workshops like a year ago and still, they are hardly profittable. Both of the cities are suplied with grain and have prosperity 4000+ and my caravan is the same case (the leader has 140 trading skill and the caravan makes like 70 gold a day max.) Any advice? submitted by /u/TOPIK570 [link] [comments]

I took Ortysia for myself but how can I increase the loyalty ? Nothing seem to work and I don't want them to rebel because I got troops in the garrison I'd lose.. Help ?

submitted by /u/Sagarrius [link] [comments]

How to make more money? I purchased both of these workshops like a year ago and still, they are hardly profittable. Both of the cities are suplied with grain and have prosperity 4000+ and my caravan is the same case (the leader has 140 trading skill and the caravan makes like 70 gold a day max.)

submitted by /u/TOPIK570 [link] [comments]

Uhm thank you for the update bannerlord...

submitted by /u/goldensingha [link] [comments]

Bannerlord mods make satisfying gameplay

submitted by /u/Mojo2013 [link] [comments]

Seige Defence in the Bailey

If you have quality tier troops, and seeing how enemy AI works; has anyone tried to mount a concentrated defence in the bailey of the castle from the start rather than spread out on the walls? The enemy would more or less charge in single file and even if the archers got on the walls, there would be less spots for cover. submitted by /u/Feeling-Ad-2490 [link] [comments]

Troop Stats Mod?

Troops stats make no sense, or very little. Are there any mods I should be using that addresses that or should I learn to live with it? I don't think it's bad, but not terrible. submitted by /u/theRealPeTeTe809 [link] [comments]

A new Update come in, me fanatically presing F5 (all my respects for the modders btw :) )

submitted by /u/AlphaTNK [link] [comments]

Where do the rare mounts come from?

In my current playthrough (1.6.4 beta then 1.6.4 proper), a pleasant surprise is that I started to collect rare mounts. One thing I did differently this time is to level the scout all the way. At the level 175, there's this perk beast whisperer, which claims to have 5% daily chance of finding mount. Either that, or I got the rare mounts from battle loots (no loots related mods installed). Not quite sure. Can anyone confirm it? rare mounts submitted by /u/edwardvv [link] [comments]

my wife the daughter of lucon can't speak proper english

submitted by /u/gamerguy1068 [link] [comments]

(Bug?) weird invisible squares are showing up in my game

submitted by /u/LordAndyofBoganville [link] [comments]

How is the game in its current state?

I played this game a bit when it first came out in early access, and the game was barley functional. Half of the perks didn't work, it took forever to get influence, and half of the armor had names like "battanian_light_armor_1". How does the game now compare to when it first released, and would you recommend playing in its current state. submitted by /u/Frostybros [link] [comments]

Why is my game crashing

Hi guys I have been trying to play bannerlord but every time I do it immediately crashes and only tells me nothing about why it is crashing. I have some mods downloaded but even without them active it still crashes so not the mods fault I have updated the game so its not that and I'm kinda getting desperate. Any help is appreciated so much thanks submitted by /u/beaverveavs [link] [comments]

Not Sure What's Causing Constant Crashing

Here is the crash report that keeps popping up. ​ ​ "Bannerlord has encountered a problem and will close itself. This is a community Crash Report. Please save it and use it for reporting the error. Do not provide screenshots, provide the report! Most likely this error was caused by a custom installed module. ​ If you were in the middle of something, the progress might be lost. ​ Standard (this is under exception tab, only tab that has info pertaining to the crash, as far as I can tell. the next tab under "affected programs" or whatever it's called is entirely blank though) - Exception Exception information Type: System.NullReferenceException Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Source: TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem CallStack: at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.TroopRoster.ClampXp(Int32 index) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.TroopRoster.AddToCountsAtIndex(Int32 index, Int32 countChange, Int32 woundedCountChange, Int32 xpChange, Boolean ...