Haven't seen one of these in a while, so here goes. I've got about 600 hours into Bannerlord so far, and here's what I've figured out about cavalry: Fighting Tactics There are some things you can do to live longer as a horseman. Do NOT charge the center. This seems obvious, but it can be hard to keep in mind mid-battle. Do not charge the center of an enemy line, ever. All it takes is one guy with a spear to stop your horse, or a lucky hit from a sword, and you're down. The odds of that happening go up a LOT when you're surrounded. DO charge the flanks. The idea is to charge the flanks, targeting one enemy that you can keep your eye on, and lance/shoot/slice them as you make a pass. Don't stop, don't get bogged down. Kill one guy, ride out, come around for another pass. DO charge the rear of an engaged unit. The idea is to wait until the enemy is distracted by an infantryman in their face, then come up behind them and stab/shoot/slice them in ...