Vlandians can upgrade troops quicker,the Khuzaits are faster on horseback and the Empire is better and Constuction and siege constuction. I feel that most all factions has a good trait for there play style all but one....Sturgia has a 20 percent less speed penalty to snow which if you think about it is pretty good for there area. it helps them speed around there very vast expance of the north to get from settlement to settlement. It also helps for when the snow moves south in winter but....thats it 20 percent less speed penalty for snow. Why do I feel that it is not a good trait? well there trait only works for half of the map for maybe 1 and a half months out of the year. Plus the Battanians get a similar one that is insanly better being "Forests give 30% less speed penalty to parties" Why is that so good? Well theres forests Everywhere Even in the Aserais Desert lands theres a forested region Even in the steppes of the Khuzaits theres forest's theres forests everywhere!.
What do you Guys think? Should the Northern boyz get a better trait or nah? and if you think of one list it down below
For me I think it be cool that they do 50% or 25% more damage with melee and throwing weapons.
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