I like equipping myself and the companions for mounted combat, but I can't quite make head and tails of the which loadout to choose. The main problem for me is that changing every companions equipment frequently is both the best performing, and by far most annoying, solution, plus it would require A LOT of inventory space. Main-character For the main character, I prefer shield + light lance + bow, as I like couched attacks, switching to a 1h weapon for close-quarters. Sadly, during random encounters (ambush when entering city, biligerent drunks), this leaves me with an inefficient weapon. While not a real problem, except for very early in the game, it creates a choice between "not fun" combat situations and very frequent "not fun" item switching. With heavy armor and charger mount, 1H/2H weapons become a viable, albeit subjectively less fun, option. However, when playing at full difficulty, survivability suffers a lot. Companions Mostly this comes down ...