Make a elite cataphract force of 50 than charge them to their horse division. Elite cataphracts are superior in all ways. Then, charge the horses on to the pikeman and archers then charge the soldiers and arrows. Dont forget that these has to be mostly legionaries. I hope my tips help. submitted by /u/Visible_Tax7920 [link] [comments]
Howdy all, I'm trying to play Bannerlord and continue my campaign after being off for a few months, and I am getting the error "Module Mismatch" followed by a description of how I must launch the game in the prior version (1.7.0) in order to continue my campaign.
I own the game on Epic. Is there any known way where I can change my save's version to one where I can continue again? I am able to access all the files and am comfortable with editing them if necessary. Thank you.
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