I have a few ideas about mods that I'd love to see come to Bannerlord that would likely make use of all of it's systems and more open moddability. I'd like to list off all these ideas and get community input on whether they'd like to see them done, whether they'll be possible, or anything else you'd like to say about them! A Western Mod Notable features would be the expansion of towns via upgrades as we've seen in some of the Warband campaign demos, which would allow access to such things as a saloon, a small fort for the US Army, etc. Some features on the side could be customizable revolvers, repeaters, shotguns, and rifles, if possible, various modifications that change the amount of bullets the guns can hold, the type of stock the weapon uses (ivory, various different woods), the type of metal the gun uses, etc. Factions would likely include the Native Americans, the US Army, the Lawmen, the Vigilantes, the Mexican Army and the Outlaws (which would b...